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Author:Rev. Mark Chen
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Congregation:First Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore
Title:The Power of Christ and the Patience of Christians in Kingdom Building
Text:Acts 1.1-26 (View)
Occasion:Regular Sunday
Topic:Mission Work

Order Of Worship (Liturgy)

Trinity Hymnal Revised 1990, The Psalter 1912

TH 193 - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
TH 585 - Take My Life and Let it Be
Psalter 1 - The Blessedness of the Godly
Psalter 48 - A Call to Praise
* As a matter of courtesy please advise Rev. Mark Chen, if you plan to use this sermon in a worship service.   Thank-you.

The Power of Christ and the Patience of Christians in Kingdom Building

Acts 1:1-26

This year is our 40th year of kingdom building. We’re a young church. But how will we press on to build God’s kingdom? And usually, there are 2 aspects - internal and external. Internally, we grow spiritually in knowledge and obedience. Externally, we grow organizationally and as people join the church. To achieve this, some focus on the operating system - if only we have right doctrine and fundamental practice, God will grow the church. Others focus on software. When we love each another and the lost or when we mature and grow in holiness, he’ll grow his kingdom. And for others it’s hardware. We need a youth program - to teach them, help parents, urge them to serve. Or we should hire an operations manager to free officers to minister. Congregation, all these are important - but unless the Lord builds the house, we labor in vain.

All that the church does must be powered by God. In life we rely on electric power - but we can do without it. Air-con breaks down? Paper fan! Blackout? Light candles! But you can’t truly pray, preach, pursue church programs, propagate the gospel, or progress in holiness without power from God. And God works in his time. Problem is this - we want progress now. And we can’t wait. But the early church knew how to wait. And when the Spirit came, they charged ahead. There are 3 lessons to learn from the early church. Firstly, Christ continues to work through his Spirit and his patient and empowered people. Secondly, the urgency we need to have in kingdom building. Thirdly, in kingdom building, we need to persevere in being prayerful and proactive.

Firstly, Christ continues to work in his church through his Spirit and his patient and empowered people. Verses 1-2 -“The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen.” In his Gospel or former treatise, Luke wrote what Jesus did and taught on earth. But it was just the beginning - “all that Jesus began both to do and teach.” So this second book - Acts - contains what Jesus continued to do.

Verse 3 says after his resurrection, he taught his disciples for 40 days. So while his atonement was finished, he still had work to do. He’d do it by his Holy Spirit working through his disciples. Verse 2 says that he through the Holy Ghost commanded his chosen apostles. He worked through the Spirit. And when Jesus ascended, his disciples would work. John 14:12 says,“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” These greater works had to be empowered by the Spirit. John 14:16 - “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.” So Jesus is at work in his church by his Spirit working in his working disciples. They’ll do greater works. And this happened. Jesus fed the 5000 - no conversion; but Peter preached and 3000 converted. Jesus’ teachings spread all over Judea. But Acts 17:6 says the apostles turned the world upside down. Who was working? Jesus through his Spirit and people.

Before he ascended, he gave them commandments - more specifically - one command. In verses 4-8, he told them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the Spirit’s empowering baptism, as promised by God. So it was also a command to be patient. They had to wait! But Jesus never said how long. So this triggered a question in the disciples - when will you restore the kingdom to Israel? If we’re going to do greater works when the Spirit comes, then, verse 6 - will you restore at this time the kingdom to Israel? Will Israel finally submit to Christ her king? Will all people be saved? When will that be? Jesus said - be patient. It’s not for you to know, verse 7. Only God knows. It’s up to him. Just wait for the Spirit. Don’t leave Jerusalem. Christians today still have many questions on when - on end times. Non-Reformed folk are very concerned with is the COVID vaccine the mark of the beast, when will the antichrist or rapture come? We Reformed folk are a bit different - but we also ask. When’s the fullness of the kingdom? When will God’s people be more spiritual? Will we continue another 40 years? When will revival come? When will our children surrender their hearts to Christ? Peter and John had the Spirit, but they were arrested and imprisoned. Paul was in prison for years. But they waited. They could wait.

Jesus has already assured us - he will build his kingdom and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. We shouldn’t be worried. Why? For one, the kingdom of God is already here - it’s not future - it’s now. Luke 17:20-21 - “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Yes, it’s not fully here and that’s why we pray fervently - “Thy kingdom come.” Jesus said the kingdom like a mustard seed will grow in time. And to grow, the disciples had to be patient. So dearly beloved, we shouldn’t be concerned with when, but how.

How it’ll grow is when God’s people are empowered by the Spirit, verse 8 - ye shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you’ll be my witnesses. How will God’s kingdom grow? His people more spiritual? When they are empowered to be witnesses! And the growth would be incredible. Their witness would extend from Jerusalem and Judea to Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth. And their resource was Holy Spirit power. And when we speak of being witnesses, we’re not simply speaking about preaching the gospel - but living it out - experiencing Christ’s power to be holy and fruitful. And Christ gave commandment. It’s a priority. It’s urgent.

So secondly, we consider the urgency needed for kingdom building. After Jesus gave the command, in verses 9-11 he ascended into heaven. “And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” The disciples were all looking up and the angels told them - wake up your idea. We see here a sense of urgency to do the work of the kingdom. Why? Because Christ is divine. Verse 9 says he was taken up in a cloud. This is symbolic and significant. At the Mount of Transfiguration, he was also covered in a cloud. His disciples fell down in fear. They knew their Bible. They knew what it meant. God was present! The cloud revealed and hid God. Like Isaiah who saw Christ on the throne in glory, but smoke filled the temple. Like the High Priest on the Day of Atonement, the smoke created a cloud to block the mercy seat - the throne of God - from him. Or like Moses, who went up to Sinai to meet God, it was covered with a cloud. Or how the Tabernacle was covered by a cloud that descended at its dedication, that the priests could not enter. This cloud that carried Jesus to heaven showed he was divine. This is why his commandment demands urgency.

It’s also urgent because Christ is returning. There before them were 2 angels - like during his resurrection. 2 to be credible witnesses. And they told the disciples that Jesus would return this same way. Not secretly glorious to his disciples as now, but next time same in glory but publicly to the whole world - “the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory” Luke 21:27, where “he cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him” Revelation 1:7. Our king will return. These 2 angels asked - “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?” Why are you looking up to heaven? Are you looking for signs? He’s coming back. He’s gone to prepare a place for you. He’s gone to a far off country. He’s left you talents. Don’t look up, go and do. Go and live the Christian life. Like laborers in the vineyard - doesn’t matter when you were saved - all will receive a reward. Just go and work. Like the parable of the talents - don’t bury them! Bear fruit! Live and work for God’s kingdom. Growing in holiness and service. It’s like the parable of the fig tree - if we don’t bear fruit, we’re cut down. Are we urgently bearing forth fruit in our lives? Serving with our gifts? Being witnesses? Christ is coming.

Dearly beloved, we’ve too much to do but our eyes are gazing somewhere else. Some to the sky - literally, staring off into space. Some dispensationally - an obsession over the mark of the beast, the antichrist, the blood moons, etc. Some inwardly at our own lives - our money, success, education, career. This same Jesus will come the same way - with clouds as a king, publicly, with fire in his eyes and a sword in his mouth, with rewards for all his servants. He’s prepared a place for us in heaven. What are we focusing here on earth? There’s work to be done between the time he ascended to the time of his coming. If you’re just gazing you’re not doing. Are you a witness or apathetic toward spiritual things? Are you living in sin and defeat? Are you serving one another? There must be urgency - Christ has given command. We need the Spirit. Next, we see how the disciples did this.

Thirdly, in kingdom building, we need to persevere in prayer and proactiveness. What happened after the angels gave their scathing wake up your idea remark? The disciples returned and waited patiently. Verses 12-13 - “unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day's journey. And when they were come in, they went up into an upper room, where abode…Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the less, Simon Zelotes, and Judas not Iscariot.” They walked 1 kilometer back to Jerusalem and went to an upper room. Literally - the upper room. That was the room Jesus preached the last sermon, served the last supper, washed feet, and entered the locked room after resurrecting. It was there too, that he promised the Spirit’s coming. It was their safe house - a room probably belonging to Mark’s mother.

And there, they waited. They abode. This was hard. Jesus didn’t tell them how long before the Spirit would come. They just dutifully returned to wait. Now, we know he came at Pentecost, 49 days after the Passover, or 50 if you include it. Jesus died on Passover, resurrected on the third day. Verse 3 says he was with them 40 days teaching them the Kingdom. That’s 43 days. So it was only 7 more days until the Spirit came. But they didn’t know that yet. It could be weeks, months, or years! They were initially impatient, wondering when Christ would restore the kingdom. But now they abode. Similarly, we don’t like to wait! We want growth now, spirituality now, salvation now, spiritual children now, organized programs now! And waiting was also dangerous. Jerusalem was a place of danger. The leaders were looking for them and another feast was coming.

But not only was it hard to wait - it would’ve been hard to wait with these people! They were a motley crew! Verses 13-14 say there were 3 groups of people. Mary and Jesus’ brothers were there. These brothers who were initially hostile to him and his ministry. His brothers said he was crazy in Mark 3:21. His brother mocked him in John 7:3. But now they believed. There were also women disciples. Never before, had men and women gathered together as equals! But now they were together to witness Christ, hear his commands, and be involved in kingdom building. The men had to overcome their prejudice. Then there were the disciples - this disagreeable bunch - they argued over prominence. So how did they wait? What lubricated their differences and brought them together in one accord? Prayer. Verse 14 - “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication.” And it was not just one prayer, it was continued prayer. And it wasn’t just continued prayer but prayer with one accord - there was agreement. And there was supplication - they asked for things; so this means prayer referred to elements other than supplication - like confession of sins! So the fact that they continued in prayer means they had many prayer meetings - every day for 7 days. Luke 18:1 - “that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” And they prayed because Jesus told them to pray for the Spirit. Luke 11:13 - “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” They were praying for things God already promised them. Since they were confident God would give, they prayed. We are to pray for things in his will. Since Jesus had promised, all the more we should pray.

And they prayed to be ready - just like Jesus at Gethsemane. When they received the Spirit, they’d be witnesses! And that’s scary! They weren’t ready! They didn’t watch and pray at Gethsemane. They fled when the soldiers came. They were praying because of where they’d be witnesses. In Jerusalem - where Jesus was killed! They’d go to the hostile Samaritans! The pagan nations! The Spirit was going to give them power. If they didn’t pray, they’d faint and give up! If we don’t align ourselves to God’s will and timing, we’ll get frustrated! Will we wait actively by persevering in aggressive prayer? That unites God’s people. And if we’re not united, what does that mean?

But not only did they wait and pray, they were proactively obeying Christ. They studied the Scriptures to prepare to be witnesses. In verse 15, Peter stood up and addressed the disciples. He told them what they should do before the Spirit came. Verses 16-17 - “Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus. For he was numbered with us, and had obtained part of this ministry.”Peter went to the Word and led them. He revealed that Jesus had to die. Only someone from inside - Judas - could guide the enemies to Jesus. And in verses 18-19 we learn what happened to him. After the betrayal, he committed suicide in a field. He hanged himself on a tree, the branch broke, he fell, and his guts spilled out. The tree, as it were, wouldn’t support him. The field was bought by the priests with the 30 pieces of silver and turned into a field of blood - or a cemetery. And this was a fulfillment of prophecy. Verse 20 - “For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein.”

But there was a second prophecy. Verse 20 - “Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishoprick let another take.” This second prophecy in Psalm 109 was not yet fulfilled. Someone had to take his place - someone ordained, verse 22. So they were proactive to obey. They determined the replacement had to testify of Jesus’ work from the beginning - John’s baptism - to his ascension. And only 2 of 120 disciples qualified - Joseph and Matthias. So they cast lots. They prayed in verse 24 - “Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen.” In other words, they didn’t choose, but Christ chose; just as he chose the original disciples. Now he chose Matthias. They knew the kingdom required 12. When Israel came out of Egypt, they were baptized in the Red Sea. Jesus also came out of Egypt - out of Egypt have I called my son. He was baptized in the Jordan. They wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Jesus was tempted 40 days in the wilderness. They failed, Jesus succeeded. They went to the mountain to meet God where Moses was transfigured. Jesus went up a mountain to meet God where he was transfigured. Israel had 12 tribes. The church must have 12 apostles. They prayed and proactively applied the Scriptures as they waited.

Dearly beloved, what are some applications? It’s New Year. Yes, it’s an artificial divide. But it can be significant. As we end one year and start another, as we end one book and start another, what are we reminded about? Life on earth is messy. Fear God and keep his commandments. Christ is our God, he has given us commandment to focus on spiritual things - to be his people! He’ll return to see how we’ve been using our talents. What resolutions can we make to focus on spiritual things? What spiritual disciplines must you cultivate? Sins to forsake? Ministries to serve in? People to love? What urgency do you place on your spiritual life? The disciples did not go back to fish - their priority was prayer and the kingdom. Christ will come in the clouds one day. Where does your priority lie?

And are we patient? There are things we desire for the kingdom; we desire to be holy. God doesn’t always answer our prayers immediately. Are we good at waiting? Not always. Are we good at waiting together? Not always. We have Marthas who complain about the Marys. Enthusiastic Peters who are easily discouraged. We have sons of thunder who always want to call down fire. And Judases? Do we have them? Yes - the church has wheat and tares. We need cool headed Barnabases. This is why we need to pray. And perhaps we could think about coming back to church to pray.

How’re you praying? The Spirit’s here. So we don’t pray for his coming, but for his filling, his working in us to use us. We pray individually. But do we pray together? The early church did. Come to prayer meeting. When you get together, pray. You’ll be drawn closer to the church because you’re investing in spiritual things. You’ll be drawn closer to God’s people as you pray and confess sins together. When you pray, you will experience spiritual power, holiness, surrender. We need to pray more. And as Pastor said on Friday night, let those who lead, aim for a blessed time - to pray for important things that pertain to God’s kingdom, for our folks be refreshed and revived; that we’d repent and return.

Also, are you proactively obeying God, as you prayerfully wait? It’s a broad question. How can it be specific? Parents desire converted children - I hope - children who are spiritual. They won’t become spiritual and converted without Christian fellowship and instruction. They won’t love the church unless they are frequently with Christians. We may not be able to sing in church - per se - but you can sing among the 20. If you can’t sing, make a joyful noise. The AV team can cover up anything. Take advantage of the 5 person rule. Invite people to sing praise - not karaoke - at home. Show hospitality. Ask guests to bring a dish - Aussie style. Fellowship widely. Differences will be erased that way. Are you sons of thunder? You need to be around a peace maker. Are you Elijahs? You may need an Elisha. Are you a Barnabas? Find a Saul to help. With new visitors and old members, with the self-radicalized and the more doctrinally settled, we need to come together. No insular groups. No separatists in the church. This is how we wait, pray, and work together. This is how we are built up individually and corporately. Are you experiencing power and victory or just impatient and jaded? Are you excited but discouraged by coldness? Pray, fellowship, obey. This is how we wait. They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; walk, and not faint.

  1. Christ Continues to Work through His Spirit and His Patient Empowered People
    • Jesus works through his Spirit and people
    • His people need to wait
    • His people need power
  2. The Urgency We Need to Have in Kingdom Building
    • The work is urgent because Christ is divine
    • The work is urgent because Christ is returning
  3. We Need to Persevere in Prayer and Proactiveness
    • The disciples were patient
    • The disciples were prayerful
    • The disciples proactively fulfilled prophecy

* As a matter of courtesy please advise Rev. Mark Chen, if you plan to use this sermon in a worship service.   Thank-you.
(c) Copyright 2022, Rev. Mark Chen

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