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2540 sermons as of February 13, 2025.
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Author: Rev. Mark Chen
Congregation: First Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore
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Mark Chen is one of the pastors at First Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore. He previously served in Presbyterian churches in Singapore and Australia. He was raised as a Methodist, converted as a Charismatic, embraced Fundamentalism, and matured into Reformed confessionalism.
4 Condemned, 3 Died, 2 SavedLuke 23.13-492024-03-29Gospel
A Compassionate Man and a Merciful GodGen 18.16-332023-07-23Gospel
A Conscience Void of OffenseActs 24.1-272023-02-12Mission Work
A Fiery and Deadly PoisonLD 43 Romans 13:8-10, Psalm 52:02021 9th Commandment (Lying)
A Good God Teaches Sinners His Way of SalvationPsa 25.8-152024-02-25Gospel
A Light to Every Sober Dark CloudEcc 4:1-162021Living in a sinful world
A Loving Creator Cares for His CreationLD 9 Psalm 104.1-342023-03-12God and our Creation
A Sober Dark Cloud to Every LightEcc 7:1-142021Living in a sinful world
A Spiritual Parent's Pride and JoyCol 1:1-82021Running the race
A Vow to Keep, a People to TeachActs 18.18-282022-11-13Mission Work
Anticipating a Trillion HallelujahsPsa 150:1-62022Praise
As a Sinner, I Am Miserable When God Is FairLD 4 Psalm 5:1-12, Romans 2:02021God's Justice
Bad Vines Can Be SalvagedCol 1:21-232021Running the race
Be Assured that Christ Is On His ThroneRev 4.1-112023-10-01End Times
Behind the Scenes of the Genesis CurseRev 12.1-172023-12-24End Times
Biblical CauterizationCol 3.5-112021-04-11Living in a sinful world
Biblical InfusionCol 3.12-172021-04-18Living in a sinful world
Blessed Are the Poor in SpiritMatt 5.1-122023-08-27Gospel
Blessed Are the Pure in MotiveProv 16.1-92024-06-02Unclassified
Blessed Are They Who Mourn for They Shall Be ComfortedJoel 1.13-202023-04-23God's Justice
Bold Proclamation Before a Mocking WorldActs 17.1-342022-10-30Mission Work
Building and Protecting Our HouseholdPsa 127:1-52022Role of the Father
Calming Dangerous Drama in ChurchActs 6.1-72022-04-10Mission Work
Capability and Intelligence Don’t Always SucceedEcc 9:11-182021Living in a sinful world
Christ and His Anointed PeopleLD 12 Matthew 16:13-28, Psalm 2:02021God The Son
Christ Confronts Our Carnal SecurityActs 19.21-412022-11-27Mission Work
Christ Is All We NeedCol 2:1-82021Unclassified
Christ Our Passover Is Sacrificed for UsLD 28 1 Corinthians 5.7-8, Exo2023-08-20Our Salvation
Christ Shifts the Mentality of the WeakActs 9.26-432022-06-26Mission Work
Christ, Not Religion, Brings True RighteousnessPhil 3.1-142022-11-27Gospel
Christ’s Divided Church Must Look Only to Him1 Cor 1.1-172024-08-04Unclassified
Church Government Comforts and WarnsActs 15.22-352022-09-18Mission Work
Consolation and Cheer in the MinistryActs 18.1-172022-11-06Mission Work
Converting the Chief of SinnersActs 9.1-92022-06-05Mission Work
Conviction of Sin and Guilt Results True RepentanceActs 2.14-412022-01-23Mission Work
Cultivating Heavenly AffectionsCol 3.1-42021-03-28Living in a sinful world
Dedicating a Child to Foolishness or Faithfulness?Prov 22.1-162024-06-30Unclassified
Delivered at Last to StandRev 15.1-82024-01-28End Times
Eternal Joy in God’s Tearless CityRev 21.1-82024-03-24End Times
Facing the Realities in Life with JoyEcc 9:1-102021Living in a sinful world
Fairer Worlds on HighRev 21.9-272024-03-31End Times
Faith - What Is It?Heb 11.1-72024-07-28Gospel
Finding Rest in Jesus and Marking Rest on His DayLD 38 Matthew 11.20-302023-11-19 4th Commandment (Resting)
Forever Living and Loving As KingsRev 22.1-52024-04-07End Times
From Desperation to SalvationMark 5.25-342022-09-25Gospel
Frustrated Parents and Their Angry ChildrenCol 3.20-212021-05-09Parenting
Genuine Faith Works, So Does Lingering SinActs 4.32-5.112022-03-20Mission Work
Getting the Point of ChristActs 7.1-532022-05-01Mission Work
Giving, Receiving, and Proclaiming ForgivenessActs 9.10-252022-06-19Mission Work
God and Jesus Are Eternally OneLD 8 John 17.1-262023-03-05Trinity
God Became a Real Man with Flesh and SoulBC 18 Hebrews 10.1-142024-09-01The Incarnation
God Counts All Our TearsPsa 56:1-132022Comfort in a World of Pain
God Determines Our Times and SeasonsEcc 3:1-152021Living in a sinful world
God Gloriously Judges the Wicked In Response to the Cries of His Suffering SaintsRev 8.1-132023-11-19End Times
God Is No Respecter of PersonsActs 10.1-482022-07-10Mission Work
God Opens Doors to Opportunity and Trials for His GloryActs 16.6-402022-10-16Mission Work
God's Providential Help in Difficult MomentsActs 23.1-352023-02-05Mission Work
God's Provision of Ministry to the MinisterActs 28.1-162023-03-19Mission Work
God's Spirit is Powerful to Revive God's PeopleJoel 2.28–322023-05-21God's Justice
God's Work Continues Despite SetbacksActs 5.12-292022-03-27Mission Work
God's World and Word BooksBC 2 Psalm 19.1-142024-04-21General and Special Revelation
God’s Intimate and Loving Knowledge of His PeoplePsa 139:1-242022God's Mercy
God’s Gracious and Powerful Word to a Troubled PeopleRev 1.1-82023-07-02End Times
God’s Issue with Your Criminal HeartProv 4.23-272023-10-22Gospel
God’s Providence in the Affairs of MenLD 10 Esther 6.1-7.102023-03-19God's Providence
Good News for Bad PeopleJonah 3.1-102022-08-28Gospel
Grace Comes Full CircleActs 11.1-302022-07-17Mission Work
Growing in Faith Through a More Perfect KnowledgeActs 19.1-202022-11-20Mission Work
Hallowing God in Our Hearts in Difficult TimesLD 47 1 Peter 3:13-172021Prayer
Hear and Give Ear for the Day of the Lord Is NearJoel 1.1-152023-04-02God's Justice
Holiness and Help in Times of TrialsPsa 141:1-102020Faith Tested
How Must We Respond to the Word?Acts 5.29-422022-04-03Mission Work
How True and False Salvation Are RevealedLD 32 Hebrews 6.4-12, Luke 8.02021Our Salvation
Infusing New Life into the Old SpouseCol 3.18-192021-04-25Marriage
It Doesn't Matter How Wicked You Were2 Chr 33.1-202023-09-24Gospel
Jesus Came for Adulterous PeopleLD 41 John 8.1-112023-12-24 7th Commandment (Adultery)
Jesus Christ Is the Only SaviorLD 11 Hebrews 1.1-142023-04-02God The Son
Jesus' Message to His Faithful ChurchRev 3.7-132023-08-27End Times
Jesus' Message to His Idolatrous ChurchRev 2.18-292023-08-13End Times
Jesus' Message to His Suffering ChurchRev 2.8-112023-07-23End Times
Jesus' Message to His Tolerant ChurchRev 2.12-172023-08-06End Times
Judicial Hardening is a Judgment of God Through SatanRev 2023-11-26End Times
King Jesus’ Destruction and Redemption Give Us HopeJoel 3.1-212023-06-25God's Justice
Kings and Rulers Rise Up Against the LORD and ChristActs 12.1-252022-08-07Mission Work
Kiss the Rod and Spread the WordActs 28.17-312024-03-26Mission Work
Knowing the Power of His ResurrectionLD 17 Philippians 3.10-11, Luke 22023-05-21His Example
Listen, O Church of Christ!Psa 81:1-162022Obedience
Little Lambs that Spoil the Vine1 Cor 2.14 – 3.42024-08-25Unclassified
Live Life Boldly Before You Can’t Live LifeEcc 11:1-12:82021Living in a sinful world
Living in the Light of Christ's ResurrectionActs 6.8-152022-04-17Mission Work
Look to Christ, You SlothfulProv 6.6-112024-05-19Unclassified
Loving the Church’s ImpenitentLD 31 Luke 8:4-15, 1 Corinthian2021Church Discipline
Made Alive to Mortify and VivifyLD 33 Colossians 3.1-172023-10-08Obedience
Man Versus GodJonah 1.1-172024-04-28Gospel
No Perfect Justice Under the SunEcc 3:16-222021Living in a sinful world
Nourished and Refreshed by ChristLD 28 1 Corinthians 11:23-322021Lord's Supper
O Breath of Life, Come Sweeping Through UsActs 2.1-132022-01-16Mission Work
Obey Them that Rule Over YouLD 39 Hebrews 13.7,172023-12-03 5th Commandment (Obedience)
Our Allegiance to King and CountryActs 21.30-22.302023-01-15Mission Work
Our Heavenly Father's Great LoveLD 46 1 John 3.1 -32024-02-18God's Covenant faithfulness
Our King Is a Great Conqueror and Glorious DelivererPsa 68:1-352022Christ's Kingship
Pray for and Live the GospelCol 4.2-62021-06-13Unclassified
Pressing On in Kingdom BuildingActs 2.42-472022-01-30Mission Work
Psalm 91 Part 1 - God’s Tender CarePsa 91:1-42021God's Mercy
Psalm 91 Part 2 - Our Knowing ConfidencePsa 91:5-82021God's Mercy
Psalm 91 Part 3 - Actively Resting in GodPsa 91:9-132021God's Mercy
Psalm 91 Part 4 - Actively Loving a Loving GodPsa 91:14-162021God's Mercy
Remember Christ Your Creator and RedeemerLD 38 Exodus 20:8-11, Hebrews 4:2021 4th Commandment (Resting)
Renewed In-Law RelationsGen 2.18-252021-05-16Marriage
Repent to Escape the Day of Dense Darkness and Heavy SmokeJoel 2.1-272023-05-07God's Justice
Resisting the Gospel, Resisting the ResistanceActs 4.1-312022-03-13Mission Work
Reverence God and Keep His CommandmentsEcc 12:9-142021Living in a sinful world
Saved to Do Good WorksLD 24 Titus 2:11-14, Titus 3:32021Good Works
Seeking Forgiveness and Feeling ForgivenLD 51 Psalm 32:1-112021Forgiveness of Sins
Serve God Acceptably with Reverence and Godly FearEcc 5:1-72021Living in a sinful world
Sinful Choices of Sinful MenGen 4.1-162023-04-23Gospel
Slaving Away for ChristCol 3.22-4.12021-06-06Our Calling
Stealing Steals God’s Best from YouLD 42 Joshua 7.1-262024-01-07 8th Commandment (Stealing)
Strong and Spirited Perseverance Until Christ ComesRev 22.6-212024-04-14End Times
Strong-Headed Insistence and Soft-Hearted ResponsesActs 21.17-312023-01-08Mission Work
Surrender in the Face of InjusticeActs 25.1-272023-02-26Mission Work
Surrendered to Do God’s WillActs 21.1-162022-12-11Mission Work
Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated, Lord, to TheeActs 20.1-382022-12-04Mission Work
Teach Us to Number our DaysPsa 90:1-172021God's Providence
Tenacious Faith in the Face of a Pugnacious WorldActs 14.1-282022-09-04Mission Work
That Sweet-Bitter Tension God's People Must Live ThroughRev 10.1-112023-12-03End Times
The (In)Comprehensibility of the Triune GodLD 8 Ezekiel 1:1-28, Psalm 19:02021Trinity
The Anatomy of RepentancePsa 51:1-192022Repentance
The Appetite Is Never FilledEcc 6:1-122021Living in a sinful world
The Christian’s Love for Christ and ChurchPsa 122:1-92022Communion of Saints
The Church Fights for the True and Eternal GospelActs 14.27-15.222022-09-11Mission Work
The Covenant Family Must Seek WisdomProv 4.1-92024-07-07Unclassified
The Dependable and the RestoredCol 4.7-182021-07-04Unclassified
The Despairing Saint Hopes in His Devoted SaviorPsa 42:1-112022Lament
The Destruction of the World SystemRev 16.1-212024-02-04End Times
The Exalted God-Man Makes Man ExaltedPsa 8:1-9, Hebrews 1:3-52022God and our Creation
The Fall of Man and His Expulsion from ParadiseBC 14 Genesis 3.1-242024-07-21God's Covenant faithfulness
The First of All CommandmentsLD 34 Mark 12.28-342023-10-15 1st Commandment (God alone)
The Forgiven Person Is a Forgiving PersonLD 51 Matthew 18.15-352024-03-31Forgiveness
The Frustration of Life on EarthEcc 1.1-182024-05-26Gospel
The Futility and Frustration of Life Under the SunEcc 1:1-182021Living in a sinful world
The God-Man's Great Grief at GethsemaneLD 15 Matthew 26.36-462023-05-07Christ's Suffering
The Good ShepherdPsa 23:1-62022God's Providence
The Gospel Comforts Insufficient PeopleActs 8.25-402022-05-22Mission Work
The Gospel Reign of Christ and ChristiansRev 20.1-102024-03-03End Times
The Great White Bema Judgment Throne of ChristRev 20.11-152024-03-10End Times
The Holy God Who ForgivesLD 44 Exodus 20:17, 1 John 1:52021Forgiveness
The Inconspicuous and the EmbattledCol 4.7-182021-07-11Unclassified
The Lip Guard – a Christian’s Necessary AccessoryLD 43 Psalm 141.1-4, James 3.12024-01-14 9th Commandment (Lying)
The Man of God and His Lifestyle ChoicePsa 1:1-62022Life in Christ
The Merciful God Who HearsLD 45 Psalm 86:1-112021Prayer
The Mighty Voice of the Lord Comforts UsPsa 29:1-112022Comfort in a World of Pain
The Minister’s KPI Is Faithfulness1 Cor 3.18-4.52024-09-08Unclassified
The Ministry of Called, Commissioned, and Sent MenActs 13.1-122022-08-14Mission Work
The Natural Unforgiven World Versus the Spiritual Forgiven ChurchLD 20 & LD 21, 1 Corinthians 2.02023-06-25Forgiveness of Sins
The Necessary Concern We Must Have for Christian MaturityCol 1:9-142021Running the race
The Only True Comfort in the Only True ShepherdLD 1 Isaiah 40.1-112023-01-01Comfort in a World of Pain
The Power of Christ and the Patience of Christians in Kingdom BuildingActs 1.1-262022-01-02Mission Work
The Preacher’s PrioritiesCol 1:24-292021Preaching
The Promises from Christ’s ResurrectionLD 17 1 Corinthians 15:1-282021Death Defeated
The Provision of a Sacrificial SonBC 17 Genesis 3.14-21, 4.1-52024-08-11Christ's Suffering
The Real Baptismal FontLD 27 Zechariah 13.12023-08-13Baptism
The Remedy to Elitism Is the Simple Gospel1 Cor 2.1-162024-08-18Unclassified
The Rise, Fall, and Triumph of Christ's ChurchRev 11.1-192023-12-10End Times
The Root of MurderLD 40 Esther 3.1-62023-12-17 6th Commandment (Murder)
The Rule of Christ and Our Submission to HimActs 13.13-522022-08-21Mission Work
The Rule of the Dragon-SlayerLD 48 Isaiah 51.1-132024-02-11Christ's Kingship
The Sacrifice of All SacrificesLD 6 Hebrews 10.1-182023-02-12Forgiveness of Sins
The Sanity of Christian MadnessActs 26.1-322023-03-05Mission Work
The Scriptures Were Given to Us to Believe and ObeyBC 5 & BC 6, 2 Timothy 3.10-12024-05-12Written Word of God
The Son Doesn’t SetCol 1:15-202021Christ's Kingship
The Son of God Became Man So Men Can Be Sons of GodLD 5 Hebrews 2.5-182023-02-05The Incarnation
The Son of Man StandingActs 7.54-8.42022-05-08Mission Work
The Source and Strength of Our FaithLD 25 1 Corinthians 2:1-162021Faith
The Strong Were Weakened and the Weak Were StrengthenedActs 15.36-16.52022-09-25Mission Work
The Supreme Son of God Makes Us Sons of GodLD 13 Hebrews 1:1-2:132021God The Son
The Surprising Unity of God’s PeoplePsa 133:1-32022Communion of Saints
The Three Degree Extension of God’s Promise of SalvationLD 27 Genesis 17:1-14, Hebrews 112021Baptism
The Universal, Spiritual, and Joyful Kingdom of ChristLD 21 Psalm 87:1-72021Church Building
The Vanity and Joys of WealthEcc 5:8-202021Living in a sinful world
The Vision of the Son of Man Leads to Fearul and Fearless WorshipRev 1.9-202023-07-09End Times
The Wisdom of Complying with Unjust GovernmentEcc 8:1-172021Living in a sinful world
The Word of God Does Fall on Bad SoilLD 31 Matthew 13.1-23; Hebrews 62023-09-17Gospel
There Can Be None OtherLD 6 1 Timothy 2:5-62021God The Son
Trusting God for MoneyLD 50 Matthew 6.9-13, 2 Thessal2024-03-17Enjoying Life
Trusting God in the Storms of LifeActs 27.1-442023-03-12Mission Work
Two Harvests and a ReaperRev 14.14-202024-01-21End Times
Ways to Get Ahead in LifeEcc 7:15-292021Living in a sinful world
What Are Your Achievements Under the Sun?Ecc 2:1-262021Living in a sinful world
What Does God Require of You?LD 34 Exodus 20:1-21, Romans 1:02021God's Law is Good
What God Accepts and Requires in WorshipLD 35 John 4:1-302021Worship
What Spoils Good Fruit?Col 2:8-232021Running the race
When a Barely Self-Sufficient Life Is Touched by the GospelActs 3.1-262022-03-06Mission Work
When Hell Is Present in the ChurchActs 8.4-242022-05-15Mission Work
When We Do Not LoveLD 40 Genesis 4:1-162021 6th Commandment (Murder)
Wisdom Is Often Overpowered by FollyEcc 10:1-202021Living in a sinful world
Woke to the Devil's DeceptionRev 13.1-182023-12-31End Times
“I Have Kept All These Things from My Youth”?!LD 2 Mark 10.17-272023-01-08Depravity

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