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Author:Rev. Mark Chen
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Congregation:First Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore
Title:The Gospel Reign of Christ and Christians
Text:Revelation 20.1-10 (View)
Occasion:Regular Sunday
Topic:End Times

Order Of Worship (Liturgy)

Trinity Hymnal Revised 1990, The Psalter 1912

TH 309 - Rejoice, the Lord Is King 
TH 369 - Shout, for the Blessed Jesus Reigns
Psalter 29 - Immortality and Resurrection
Psalter 49 - The Triumphs of the Gospel 
* As a matter of courtesy please advise Rev. Mark Chen, if you plan to use this sermon in a worship service.   Thank-you.

The Gospel Reign of Christ and Christians

Revelation 20:1-10

We’re always reminded that to have hope, we must look forward to heaven. There, no more tears! Here, tribulation! So love not the world - it’s passing away! But hope in heaven. Now, is that it? Is there nothing else that gives us hope? Hope to withstand the beast, false prophet, and harlot? Is all we’re to do, only to look forward to heaven? No. Today’s chapter gives another hope and motivation. Yes, while we struggle, our present reality is also victorious! Like Ecclesiastes - life under the sun is messy, but we can eat, drink, and be merry. These are God’s gifts. Similarly despite tribulation on earth, we’re actually victorious. Although Satan attacks us, we’re not pushovers. We’re kings and priests! That’s how the Bible describes us! Yes, we’re tempted, we don’t need to give in. In fact, we conquer with the gospel. We’re not only on the defensive, we must be on the offensive.

To understand Chapter 20, we need to understand the structure of Revelation. As I keep saying, it’s not chronological but thematic. At the start, Christ addressed his suffering churches. Some compromised and lost their first love, others were lukewarm or almost dead. And he told them to repent. You see, oppression by wicked systems and ways of life made them crumble. They weren’t behaving like kings! But Christ assured them, he’d rescue them and judge the wicked. 3 sets of visions were given to describe this recurring drama. There’s tribulation throughout history, also called the 42 months. This is followed by final judgment. But believers are sealed by God! He takes us to heaven. Then Revelation zooms in to describe 4 realities. Firstly, why do we have tribulation? Because a cosmic battle rages behind the scenes. Satan attacks us through beastly nations and philosophies. Secondly, Christ’s coming is described. He destroys the world system, also called Babylon and brings us to his marriage feast. Thirdly, before that final judgment, during these 42 months, also called 1000 years, the church reigns despite her struggles. Yes, until that final battle of Armageddon or Gog and Magog, we’re victorious. And finally, we see the great final scene in heaven.

Dearly beloved, what’s the main idea in today’s sermon? In our struggle, we’re actually victorious. Don’t forget that. This was an important message to the 7 churches. And we’ll see this in 3 points. Firstly, realize that the devil’s bound and the gospel’s free. Secondly, rejoice! The church reigns with Christ. Thirdly, remember the final battle - remixed for us.

Firstly, realize that the devil’s bound and the gospel’s free. In verse 1, we’re told, “And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.” This angel has a key and a great chain. Key for what? The bottomless pit. Chain for what? Verse 2 - to chain the dragon. The dragon’s chained. This chain was something believers then were used to - being imprisoned for their faith. It showed that now Satan was imprisoned! This angel is Satan’s jailer. In verse 2, he seized the dragon, old serpent, Devil, and Satan, and bound him 1000 years. Satan is referred to by 4 names. Why? To show how dangerous he is - dragon. To show how deceptive he is - serpent. To show how diabolic he is - Devil. To show how destructive he is - Satan who accuses us before God. But he’s not that powerful! An unnamed angel imprisons him. Remember the war in heaven? Michael and the angels cast him out onto the earth. And now he’s chained to the bottomless pit. Chapter 9 described the same event. John saw the Satanic star fall from heaven to the bottomless pit. He’s also named Abaddon or Apollyon. From there, he could send torment on the world. But at the same time, he’s chained, verse 3. He’s chained up for 1000 years. Now, what’s this? I don’t want to go into too many details, but simply to say this. 1000 years refers to the time before final judgment, a period also called the 42 months. In other words, we’re living in the 1000 years now. And it’s not literally 1000 years - just like the beast with 10 heads or the 7 spirits or the 144,000 believers are not literal numbers but symbolic. Is Satan literally a fire breathing dragon? No. How can you literally chain a spiritual being? And the angel’s key is not literal. Key symbolizes power. Jesus didn’t give his apostles literal keys to the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, the 1000 years are figurative. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills; does it mean he doesn’t own the cattle on the 1001st hill? So just as 42 months speaks about the time period before Christ’s coming, so does the 1000 years. But here, the focus is not on tribulation like with the 42 months; rather, it’s a millennium of glory.

During this time, Satan’s chained. He’d deceive the nations no more. Before this, he could deceive them. But now the nations are unchained from Satan. Now, it’s not that he can’t do anything now. Earlier passages describe him calling out torments from the bottomless pit on the world. But he can’t deceive the world. Meaning what? Deceive them to do what? Verse 8 says when he’s released, he’d deceive all nations to war against Christ and his church in the final battle. So now he can’t. Yes, he attacks the church, but it’s not the final battle. This should’ve encouraged the 7 churches. What they faced was bad, but not as bad as it would be. So while they were persecuted, lost their jobs, pressured to agree with pagan culture, the church was not powerless. Satan was chained! And the nations unchained - he couldn’t deceive them.

The Gospel could go forth. That’s why when Jesus came, demons were cast out, Gentiles heard the gospel, the Samaritan woman believed. Jesus was a light to the nations. The Greeks sought him out in the temple! That’s why in Acts, the Jews, Romans, Greeks, an Ethiopian eunuch, and a Philippian jailer were converted. The Gospel has gone to the ends of the earth. Satan wouldn’t be able to deceive the four corners, but the Gospel would enlighten the four corners. Yes, it’s 42 months of tribulation, but it’s also 1000 years of Christ’s reign. Christians are persecuted, but the gospel is powerful to save souls. Why are you here? Why are you saved? Because the devil has no power to deceive, the gospel has penetrated your heart to see Christ. Why are you growing in Christ? In holiness? In love for the church and God’s kingdom? Satan’s chained, and we’re unchained. Jesus saw this in Luke 10. When the disciples returned from preaching, they were excited. Many believed! Jesus himself said he saw Satan falling from heaven like lightning. He wouldn’t be able to deceive the nations. Which means, we have power to preach and live the gospel. We saw this in chapter 11. During the 42 months, the 2 witnesses were preaching, and nothing could prevent them. Fire came from their mouths. What does this mean for us? Every time a person believes, receives Christ, confesses their faith - we know that Satan’s chained, and the nations are unchained. Does that excite us? It’s great to hear in China, despite communist oppression, the church flourished. To know that despite parental objections, many of you forsook your idols. Does it excite you? Maybe it doesn’t. Why? Are you lukewarm, loveless, dead? Have you compromised so much, you don’t really care?

Secondly, we must rejoice that the church reigns with Christ. Perhaps you’re not rejoicing because you’re not really reigning. You’re defeated. Christ and his gospel aren’t so important to you. But we read earlier in Colossians 3:1-2 - “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” We’re risen or resurrected with Christ - spiritually. Positionally, we’re at the right hand of God together with Christ, reigning. So we must have heavenly desires and affections, because that’s where we’ll be. In verses 4-5, John saw thrones. On them were seated those who were also judges. They were the souls of those killed for their faith. They were those who hadn’t worshiped the beast, nor taken his mark. They lived and reigned with Christ during this thousand years. This is the first resurrection. Now, who reigns with Christ during this present time? All believers who have died. They reign as kings in heaven. How do we know that?

Notice three clues. Firstly, this reign occurs where the thrones are. John uses the word “thrones” 43 times to describe thrones in heaven. Secondly, the saints are disembodied - no head. John saw souls - “and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus.” And thirdly, they’re also with Jesus in heaven. These are Christians who died upholding the faith. They were immediately translated to heaven. And they reign on those thrones. When? During the 1000 years. Now. They’re victorious. And this would’ve encouraged the 7 churches. Many of them were were afraid of dying. They found it hard to live for Christ. They became lukewarm, spiritually dead because of compromise. They were deceived by the world system. They struggled to be faithful. But this vision taught them - if they were faithful unto death, they’d reign. Many of their friends were beheaded - this was the most common execution - Paul died that way. But where are they now? Reigning. But also another group. John saw those who had died in faithfulness. They hadn’t given into the cultural pressures nor received the mark of the beast. They lived faithfully until they died. So reigning in heaven with Christ now is everyone who lives to the end of their lives faithful to Christ - whether they die by sword or on their beds. So all our loved ones in the Lord who’ve gone before us - they’re in heaven with Christ. Jesus told the over-comers in Laodicea he’d give them a place on his throne. He told the faithful in Smyrna - I’ll give you the crown of life. And they’ll return with him to judge the world. These believers experience vindication, dignity, security, and intimacy.

But who else reigns? Now, we learn in verse 5, that those who reign with Christ are part of the first resurrection. Now, resurrection doesn’t always refer to bodily resurrection. When we believe, we’re buried with Christ in his death, and we’re raised together with him to walk in newness of life, Romans 6:4. And as we’ve read in Colossians 3:1 - we’re already risen with Christ. Positionally, we’re in heaven, while not bodily. We’ve taken part of that first resurrection. That’s why verse 6 says we won’t have a part in the second death - the final judgment. But now, we reign as priests of God and Christ for 1000 years. The Bible calls us priests. But what does it mean for us to be priests? We can get close to God. Revelation 1:6 reminds us that Christ has made us kings and priests unto God. We can serve God. We can offer our lives a living sacrifice. So how are we reigning? If there’s dignity for Christians in heaven, why would we live like pagans now? Let’s set our affections on things above. How’re you living for Christ now? How’re you focusing on living and preaching the gospel? Or are you preoccupied with something else? You know, we’ve heard of that great influencer. Taylor by name. Taylor’s gone swiftly around the world - even to Asia - spreading the message. Many have flocked to hear. But how wonderful! Because of Taylor, souls have been invigorated. What a wonderful, glorious message it is. People were saved! What a wonderful influencer for the kingdom of God. I’m talking about Hudson Taylor. Which Taylor are you thinking about? What consumes your time? In what way are you spending time in prayer, being a witness to those around you, in fighting against sin, and growing in affection toward God? How’re you putting to death and putting off your sinful desires here? Fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry? You must shake it off. Shake it off! But no, for many of you, you just keep on cruising, can’t stop, won’t stop moving, it’s like you’ve got this music in your mind, saying it’s gonna be alright. No, it’s not. Remember, because of sin, God’s wrath comes on the children of disobedience.

But as priests who reign now, we can have victory. As Christ spoke to the 7 churches, he speaks to you. Are you lukewarm, loveless, dying, compromising, and worldly? Why? The Devil’s chained? Why are you giving control over to him? Why are you allowing him to influence how you live your life here? If you’re risen with Christ, the first resurrection, set your affections on things above. The Lord Jesus calls you to repent and to reign. Why? Remember, the faithful will go to heaven. Those who truly believe and reject the world. In the 7 churches, there were fake Christians. And the time of the final judgment will come. We’ve seen it in the seals, trumpets, and bowls; we’ve seen it in the fall of Babylon, the battle of Armageddon. But John describes another vision. Why? So that we can remember.

That’s the last point. Remember, the final battle is coming. And we see the remix here. We’re told in verses 7-8, that at the end of the 1000 years, Satan will be released to deceive the nations to attack the church together. So while the gospel has gone to the four corners to the earth, Satan will also, to Gog and Magog. Verse 9 - they’d surround the church, but a fire from heaven would devour them. Again, this is the final battle. Satan gathers them for. It’s not any or another battle. It’s THE battle - Armageddon. But here, another name is used - Gog and Magog. And we see it described 3 ways. Firstly, geographically they’re made of people from the four corners of the earth. Those who don’t believe at the end of the church age. Secondly, literarily the name Gog and Magog is taken from Ezekiel 38 and 39 to describe a great army. Just like Armageddon is used because battles have always been fought there, Gog and Magog is used to describe a great army. Thirdly, numerically they are great - like the sand of the sea. The Bible is combining two pictures; Gog and Magog from Ezekiel and Joshua 11, the combined armies of Canaan were described like sand of the sea. Again, it’s a picture of the final judgment.

But we see is very interesting. Satan gathered them from Gog and Magog to battle Christ as Armageddon. Where’s the battle? There’s no battle. In every other remix, there’s no battle. There’s no last battle - not because you didn't miss it, it’s just not there. Because there can be no battle when the one opposed is God almighty. When God finally wills to destroy evil, there can be no battle. There’s no engagement or resistance. Fire comes and they’re destroyed. And verse 10 says, “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” Satan is thrown in together with the beast and false prophet into the lake of fire and brimstone. We see they’d be tormented forever and ever, day and night. Notice, there’s no intermission - it’s day and night. There’s also no conclusion - it’s forever and ever. They’re not powerful.

Dearly beloved, Satan can do many things - he can bring tribulation during this period of 42 months. But these are also the 1000 years. Christ is reigning. You and I are also reigning. By the fire of your mouth bringing the gospel, you reign. By you living the Christian life, with fire outpoured from the Holy Spirit, you reign. When you put to death your sinful lusts and appetites and thoughts and allegiances, burning them, you reign. Many of you are struggling. No surprise. It’s the 42 months. But why are you lukewarm, dead, worldly, compromising, loveless? There must be something. And you know what it is. You also know how to put it off, shake it off. Why build treasures here where moth and rust doth corrupt. Why be like that rich fool who builds barns for all his wealth and he was not rich toward God? Why do you go away sorrowing when Christ has told you to give up all these to follow him? There’s victory in him. To know that through his death, our old nature is crucified and put to death, so that evil desires may no longer reign in us. And to know that in our greatest sorrows and temptations, I may be comforted that my Lord Jesus endured all his sufferings to deliver me from the torment of hell. And this is why, in all things we’re more than conquerors through him who loved us. And why we’re convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present or to come, nor powers, height, depth, nor anything else shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Dearly beloved, reign well.

1. Realize! The Devil’s Bound, the Gospel’s Freed

A. The dragon chained

B. The nations unchained

2. Rejoice! The Church Reigns with Christ

A. Reigning kings in heaven

B. Reigning priests on earth

3. Remember! The Final Battle Remixed

A. Gog and Magog

B. Fire and brimstone

Conversation for Change:

  1. How are you reigning in terms of gospel witnessing to the unchained people around you?
  2. How is the gospel reigning in you while you’re on earth? Are you conquering or being conquered?
  3. How should the reminder of that final judgment and your rightful victory now cause you to repent of your compromise with the world?

* As a matter of courtesy please advise Rev. Mark Chen, if you plan to use this sermon in a worship service.   Thank-you.
(c) Copyright 2024, Rev. Mark Chen

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