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2540 sermons as of January 21, 2025.
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Author: Rev. W.B. Slomp
Congregation: Immanuel Canadian Reformed Church
  Edmonton, Alberta
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Rev. W.B. Slomp is the pastor emeritus of the Immanuel Canadian Reformed Church in Edmonton, Alberta.

The Prayer of a Righteous Man, like the Prayer of Elijah, Is Very Powerful and Effective.1 Kgs 17:12010-01-29Prayer
The Lord Miraculously Protects and Provides for Elijah and for All Who Trust in Him.1 Kgs 17:2-62010-03-21God's Providence
The Lord Sends Elijah to Zarephath As a Warning to His Covenant People1 Kgs 17:7-162010-04-18Obedience
The Showdown between the Faithful Prophet Elijah, and the Worldly King Ahab1 Kgs 18: 16b - 212010-07-25Our Calling
The Lord commands His prophets Elijah and Obadiah to proclaim the Truth in spite of the danger at the hands of Ahab and Jezebel1 Kgs 18:1-162010-06-20Obedience
Sin against the Holy SpiritPsa 51:112008Desolation/Despair
Blessed Is the Man Who Fears the LordPsa 112: 1a2011-01-02Fear
The Lord Will Help Us and Protect Us from All HarmPsa 1212010-12-31Comfort in a World of Pain
God is our refuge at all timesPsa Psalm 462020-06-07Comfort in a World of Pain
The Apparent Futility of Earthly LifeEcc 1:1-32008Comfort in a World of Pain
The Lord gives true pleasure only to those who please HimEcc 1:13; 2: 24-262008-02-10Enjoying Life
The Lord wants us to understand the seasons and the times.Ecc 3: 1 & 112008-02-07Unclassified
Two are better than oneEcc 4: 9-122008-03-02Communion of Saints
Guard your steps when you go to the House of GodEcc 5:1-72008-03-16Unclassified
The Lord teaches us to have a proper sense of righteousness and wisdomEcc 7:15-192008-04-13Unclassified
Live your life to the fullest with joy and discernmentEcc 11:9 -12:12008-05-04Enjoying Life
The Lord lovingly sustains the elderly, now and into eternityEcc 12: 1b-82008-05-18Unclassified
The Beauty of Marriage and SexSong 2:8-17; 4:8-15; 8:12008-02Marriage
The Curse Of Too Much FreedomHosea 4:15-162006-11-05Keeping Vows
The Lord Sends a Storm to Wake Jonah UpJonah 1: 4-162010-10-10Obedience
The Lord Expects Jonah to be His Humble Witness in this Wicked WorldJonah 1:1-32020-07-19Humility
The Lord Uses a Reluctant Jonah to Bring the Ninevites to RepentanceJonah 32010-10-24Repentance
Jonah’s Unrighteous Anger at the Lord’s Great MercyJonah 42010-11-21Mercy
Prayer is necessary to keep the lines of communication open between God and usMatt 6:5-182008-04-18Prayer
The Lord God Hears the Priestly Prayer of ZachariahLuke 1: 5-252009-12-06Faithfulness rewarded
Mary's Faithful Response to the Announcement of the Birth of the MessiahLuke 1: 26-382009-12-13Faith
With the Miraculous Pregnancies of Two Women, the Lord God Makes the Transition from the Old to the New.Luke 1: 39-452009-12-20Unclassified
Christ urges the Believer to prepare for His second coming by persevering in the Faith.Luke 18:8b Christ's return
The Miraculous Work of Being Born Again through the Holy Spirit.John 3: 3-52008-07-27The work of The Holy Spirit
How the Lord Jesus Leads the Samaritan Woman to the Living Water.John 4:1-262011-01-23All of scripture points to Jesus Christ
Christ Bears our Shame by Hanging Naked on the CrossJohn 19: 23-24April 2, 2010Christ's Suffering
Saving Faith Is a Most Marvellous Gift from GodRom 1:8-172009-08-16Faith
The Guidance of the Holy SpiritRom 8:142008-08-31The work of The Holy Spirit
The Fruit of the Spirit is KindnessGal 5:222008-12-7Unclassified
The Great Patience of God for Our SakesGal 5:22a2008-11-23Unclassified
Taste the Good Fruit of Peace Given to You by the Holy SpiritGal 5:22a2008-11-16The work of The Holy Spirit
Live the Joyful Life of a Sanctified ChristianGal 5:22a2008-11-02Enjoying Life
To Love One Another is the First and the Most Important Fruit of the Holy Spirit.Gal 5:22a2008-10-19Love
Bear Fruit and Be FaithfulGal 5:22b2009-01-18Faithfulness rewarded
The Sixth Virtue of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit Is GoodnessGal 5:22b2008-12-14Unclassified
We must walk by the Spirit and exercise self-controlGal 5:23-252009-02-08Self Control
The Building of God's House (Nation)Eph 2:19-22 Communion of Saints
The Impact of the Gospel on the Thessalonians1 The 1: 4 & 8a2008-09-28Church Building
The Requirements to Be a Good Servant of Christ Jesus.1 Tim 4:6-102008-07-06Servanthood
Make every effort to keep your eyes fixed on the Lord your GodHeb 12:14-15 Running the race
The Crown of Victory promised to those who Persevere under the Trials of Life.James 1:122007-08-12Faith Tested
Put God's Word into practiceJames 1:19-272007-08-19Humility
The Relationship between Faith and WorksJames 2:14-262007-08-26Faith
The Power of the TongueJames 3:1-122007-24Self Control
Your conduct as a witness in the world for Christ1 Pet 3:15-16a2008-09-21Mission Work
It is possible only through Christ to know your sins and misery.LD 2 2008Confessing Sins
Put on the Fragrance of ChristLD 12 2010-07-18Life in Christ
The Function of the ChurchLD 21 2009-03-15Church Discipline
Eating and Drinking Makes You One with Christ and with Each OtherLD 28 & 292011-02-06Lord's Supper
The Process of Integration into God's KingdomLD 32 2009-07-05Thankfulness
Worship the Lord Only In the Manner He Has Shown in His Word.LD 35 2007-12-07Worship
We have to magnify God's nameLD 36 & 372007 3rd Commandment (God's name)
The Lord God Gives us Time to Celebrate His RestLD 38 2009-08-16 4th Commandment (Resting)
The Many Uses of the TongueLD 43 2009-10-18 9th Commandment (Lying)
Open Your Eyes When Dealing with Your Own Sin and the Sin of Others.LD 51 2010-01-17Forgiveness of Sins
The Lord teaches us to trust in Him in the midst of a world full of temptationsLD 52 2008-08-24Living in a sinful world

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