A Continual Sacrifice of Praise | Heb 13:8-16 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
A Great Leader | Zech 10:4 | 2008-01-06 | Rev. George van Popta |
A Life of Gratitude | LD 1 ; 2 Cor. 1:1-11 | 2020 | Rev. Ted Gray |
A new birth unto salvation | 1 Pet 1:3-5 | 2007-02-04 | Rev. George van Popta |
A New Creation | 2 Cor 5:11-6:2 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
A Right Vision for this Life | Col 2:8-10 | 2015 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Abide in Me | John 15:9-17 | 2019-09-16 | Pastor Keith Davis |
An Appearance of Wisdom | Col 2:16-23 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Anointing Equips us for our Task in God's World | LD 12 | 2010-01-17 | Rev. C. Bouwman |
Are you a true disciple or a fake disciple? | John 8:31-38 | 2019 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
As you face a new year in Christ, resolve to walk wisely and not foolishly | Eph 5:15-17 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Baptism is about identity: Who am I in Christ? | LD 26 | 2018-10-7 | Rick VanderHorst |
Be a whole person by hearing the Bible and doing it (Mission Sermon) | James 1:22-25 | | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Be What You Are | Mark 9:50b | 2022-02-13 | Rev. Sjirk Bajema |
Believers united to Christ are to be focussed on heavenly things | Col 3:1-4 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Belong, to whom? | LD 1 | 2002-12-01 | Rev. George van Popta |
Blessed are the Peacemakers | Matt 5:9 | 2020 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness | Matt 5:6 | 2020 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Building a Strong Christian Family | Deut 6:1-25 | 2020 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Can You Lose Your Salvation? | Heb 6:1-12 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Caring for God's Family | 1 Tim 5:1-16 | 2017 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Christ and Christians Share an Extraordinary Triple Calling | LD 12 | 2020 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Christ is our High Priest and we share in his anointing | LD 12 | 2023 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Christ offers everything, so why get taken in by what’s deceitful and empty? | Col 2:8-15 | 2020 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Christ Removes Our Fear of Death | Heb 2:14-18 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Christ's instruction about entering the kingdom of heaven | Matt 7:13-14 | 2001-02-11 | Rev. A Veldman |
Christ's resurrection necessitates and guarantees ours | 1 Cor 15:20-23 | 2024 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Christ's word about fasting points us to our personal relation with God | Matt 6:16-18 | 2001-02-04 | Rev. A Veldman |
Christ's word about the church as the salt of the earth. | Matt 5:13 | 2001-01-28 | Rev. A Veldman |
Christ, Who Is Your Life | Col 3:1-11 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Christ: The Focus of Saving Faith | Heb 11:32-12:3 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Christian Contentment | Psa 16 | 2003 | Rev. Todd Bordow |
Christian in Confession and Life | LD 12 | 2018 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Christians Must Not Have Friendship With the World (Mission Sermon) | James 4:1-6 | | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Clean Hands and a Cleansed Heart | Matt 15:1-20 | 2013 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Cleansed to Serve | Heb 8:13-9:14 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Clothed in the Rich Robes of Christ's Righteousness | Zech 3:1-10 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
Coming Down from the Mountain | Matt 17:9-23 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
Counting our own righteousness as loss in order to gain Christ | Phil 3:4-11 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
Cut and Comforted by the Word of God | Heb 4:1-13 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
David's Song of Praise | 2 Sam 22:1-51 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
Disciples need the Lord, not the other way around | John 13:36-38 | 2023 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Enemies of God Reconciled by Christ | Col 1:21-23 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Feeding on the Bread of Life | Matt 15:29-39 | 2013 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Fix Your Thoughts on Jesus | Heb 3:1-6 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Free! (but not yet entirely) | CD 5 Articles 1 and 2 | 2018 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Getting Stretched by Christ | Mark 2:18-22 | 2016 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Glorify the King of Heaven! | Dan 4:1-37 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Glorious Riches: Christ in You | Col 1:24-29 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
God calls us to the right use of our tongues. (Mission Sermon) | James 3:3-12 | | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
God's Revelation and Our Response | Heb 1:1-2a | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Godly Compassion and Saving Faith | Matt 15:21-28 | 2013 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Grace and Peace | Col 1:1-2 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Grace and Peace to you! | Eph 1:1-2 | 2018 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Have a Christian attitude to the future! (Mission Sermon) | James 4:13-17 | | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
He who knows God keeps His commandments | 1 Joh 2:3-11 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
How Deep the Father's Love For Us! | LD 13 | 2018 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
I am the Door | John 10:9 | 2021 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
I am the Vine, You are the Branches | John 15:5 | 2021 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
I Want to Know Christ | Phil 3:10-11 | 2006 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
If you’re united to Christ, put to death and put away the earthly things | Col 3:5-11 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
If Your Brother Sins Against You | Matt 18:15-20 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
In the Father's Family, This Is Who You Are | 1 Joh 2:12-14 | 2016 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Jesus Christ continues to sanctify those who repent of their sins | 1 Joh 1:8-2:2 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
Jesus Christ is coming to save us from hard times (Mission Sermon) | James 5:7,8 | | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Jesus Opens Our Eyes to See Him | Mark 8:22-26 | 2017 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Jonathan: Meet Him As A Christ | 1 Sam 20:17-42 | 2001-08-26 | Rev. Sjirk Bajema |
Kingdom Conflict and Our Allegiance | 2 Sam 2:1-11 | 2013 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Kingdom Life for Humble Christians | Matt 17:24-18:9 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
Kingdom Treasure | Matt 13:44-46 | 2013 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Learn to Live | 2 Joh 2 John 12-13 | 2019-07-21 | Rev. Sjirk Bajema |
Led in triumphal procession in Christ | 2 Cor 2:12-17 | 2023-02-10 | Rick VanderHorst |
Let not your heart be troubled | John 14:27 | 2021 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Live in union with Jesus Christ, consistent with your confession of him as Lord | Col 2:6-7 | 2020 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Living a new life through Jesus Christ | 1 Cor 6:9-11 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
Living as Wise Children of God | Heb 10:19-25 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Living Sacrifices | Rom 12:1-2 | 2009 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Living the Good Life (Part 2) | LD 33 Romans 6:15-23 | 2023-03-05 | Pastor Keith Davis |
Living Under God's Watchful Eye | Ezra 5:1-17 | 2018 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Losing All and Gaining Everything | 1 Sam 20:1-42 | 2012 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Milk? Or Solid Food? | Heb 5:7-6:12 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Ministry in the Meekness and Gentleness of Christ | 2 Cor 10:1-11 | 2018 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Miraculous Multiplication | Matt 14:13-21 | 2013 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Modesty | LD 41 | 2009-03-29 | Rev. George van Popta |
My soul thirsts for you, O God! | Psa 63 | 2020 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Noah: Preserved Among Wickedness | Gen 6:5-12 | 2015 | Rev. Steven Swets |
Our Future is in God's Hand | James 4 | | Rev. Klaas Jonker |
Our Lord Jesus teaches how hard it is to enter the kingdom and follow him | Mark 10:23-31 | 2010 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Our new life in Christ has to be devoted to God | Rom 12:1,2 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
Our Perfect, Sympathetic High Priest | Heb 5:1-10 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Paul's Prayer of Thanksgiving | Col 1:3-8 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Paul's vision for life: to live is christ and to die is gain | Phil 1:21 | 2002-12-01 | Rev. C. Bouwman |
Peace With God Through Saving Faith in the Preeminent Christ | Col 1:15-20 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Perfect and Eternal Blessedness | LD 22 2 Cor. 5:1-10 | 2021 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Persevering believers find joy in going to the house of the LORD | CD 5 Article 14 & Psalm 122 | 2018 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Prayer and the True Treasure of Christ | Col 2:1-5 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Prayer offered in true faith has a great power (Mission Sermon) | James 5:13-18 | | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Principles for Christian Living | Jude 17-23 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Put on the Fragrance of Christ | LD 12 | 2010-07-18 | Rev. W.B. Slomp |
Remember Your Leaders | Heb 13:7-19 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Responding to God's Benediction | 2 Cor 13:14 | 2018 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Responding to the Greatest Invitation | Matt 22:1-14 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
See yourself as God sees you! (Mission Sermon) | James 1:9-11 | | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Self Examination in the Mirror of God's Word | 2 Cor 13:5 | 2018 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Sight for the Blind | Matt 20:29-34 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
Sinner, and Saved, and Servant | LD 1 | 2021 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Sinners Reconciled by Him Who Had No Sin | 2 Cor 5:11-6:2 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
Sorrow for Sin and Comfort from Christ | Psa 119:25-32 | 2018 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Sowing the Seed of the Gospel | Matt 13:1-23 | 2013 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Battle Is the LORD'S | 1 Sam 17:1-54 | 2012 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Biblical Work Ethic and the Ant | Prov 6:6-11 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Blessing of Working in God's Kingdom | Matt 20:1-16 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Blessings of Belonging to Christ | LD 1 Romans 14:7-8 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Bronze Serpent and the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ | Num 21:4-9; John 3:14-15 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Call to a New Life | Phil 4:8-9 | 2008 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The Christian's Wardrobe | Col 3:12-14 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Essential Nature of Saving Faith | Heb 11:1-7 | 2021 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Friend Who Sticks Closer Than a Brother | 1 Sam 17:55-18:30; Prov. 18:24 | 2012 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The God Who Raises our Hopes (Part 2) | 2 Kgs 4.8-37 | 2024-02-04 | Pastor Keith Davis |
The gospel of true communion with God through Jesus Christ | 1 Joh 1:1-7 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
The Grace of Giving | 2 Cor 8:1-15 | 2018 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Holy Anointing of Christ and His Believers | LD 12 | 2021 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
The Holy Spirit teaches us what union with Christ looks like | Col 3:12-17 | 2015 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The Holy Spirit uses the law of God to help Christians grow in Christ | LD 44 QAs 114 & 115 | 2022 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The Leaves and Fruit of a Professing Christian | Matt 21:18-27 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Lord Looks at the Heart | 1 Sam 16:7 | 2012 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Man of God and His Lifestyle Choice | Psa 1:1-6 | 2022 | Rev. Mark Chen |
The path to the throne isn't what you might think | 1 Sam 24 | 2023 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The peace that starts the war: Christ's work for us and in us. | LD 16 QA 43 | 2007 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The Promise of His Rest | Heb 3:15-4:11 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Sacrament's Picture | Matt 26:14-30 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Things of God and the Mind of Christ | Matt 16:21-28 | 2013 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The true priests of God give everything they have | Mark 12:41-44 | 2012 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The True Vine | John 15:1-8 | 2018-09-09 | Pastor Keith Davis |
The wise know the difference between the righteous and the wicked | Psa 1 | 2022 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
To be saved by Jesus Christ, we need a living faith. (Mission Sermon) | James 2:14-17 | | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
To bear maximum fruit, abide in the Vine | John 15:1-11 | 2023 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
To God Be the Glory | Heb 13:20-21 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
To live is Christ | Phil 1:21 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
Trained by God's Discipline | Heb 12:4-13 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Triple Knowledge | LD 1 Q & A 2; Mark 2:1-17 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
True Riches | Matt 19:16-30 | 2023 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Turning Over a New Leaf | Matt 21:28-32 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
Walk in the fear of the Lord | Exo 20:20 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
Wash and Be Clean! | 2 Kgs 5:1-19a | 2020 | Rev. Ted Gray |
We are living in a marriage covenant with Christ | Rom 7:1-6 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
We are raised with Christ to a new life of obedience | LD 32 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
We Have a Great High Priest! | Heb 4:12-16 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
What a rich salvation we have in Jesus Christ! | LD 32 | 2020 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
When You Fast... | Matt 6:16-18 | 2012 | Rev. Ted Gray |
When you're united to Christ, you're united to both his death and his resurrection life | Rom 6:5 | 2023 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Where is the fruit? | Mark 11:12-18 | 2011 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Who Do You Say I Am? | Matt 16:13-20 | 2013 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Why do you seek the living among the dead? | Luke 24:5,6 | 2012-04-08 | Rev. Stephen 't Hart |
Without Holiness, No One Will See the Lord | Heb 12:14-17 | 2016 | Rev. Ted Gray |
You Are His -- Every Day & Every Way! | Num 28:1-8 | 2006-06-18 | Rev. Sjirk Bajema |
You are united to Christ, so why be enslaved to any man-made religion? | Col 2:16-23 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |