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2540 sermons as of January 13, 2025.
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Behold the beauty of the LORD!Psa 27:42014-08-09Rev. Stephen 't Hart
Duty becomes a delight when God's Word is hidden in your heartPsa 119:9-162013-10-06Rev. Stephen 't Hart
Immeasurable PleasurePsa 16:82011-07-03Rev. Stephen 't Hart
Who may ascend the hill of the LORD?Psa 24:32014-05-29Rev. Stephen 't Hart
Do You Know The Time?Psa 902021-12-31Rev. Sjirk Bajema
The Fact, The Feeling, & The FaithPsa 912020-12-31Rev. Sjirk Bajema
True Praise Comes From All He MadePsa 1482007-05-06Rev. Sjirk Bajema
True Praise Is All Heart!Psa 1462007-04-15Rev. Sjirk Bajema
True Praise Is Looking To Him AbovePsa 1472007-04-22Rev. Sjirk Bajema
True Praise Is Pulling Out All The Stops!Psa 1502007-05-20Rev. Sjirk Bajema
True Praise Is Rejoicing Victoriously!Psa 1492007-05-13Rev. Sjirk Bajema
Christian ContentmentPsa 162003Rev. Todd Bordow
God's heavy hand drives David to confession of his sin.Psa 32:51997-09-14Rev. C. Bouwman
The Lord's lovingkindness and tender mercy are revealed in the fact that David has life and health.Psa 103:4b1997-10-05Rev. C. Bouwman
The most honoured of men, if he has not Christ, shall perish.Psa 49:201997-09-07Rev. C. Bouwman
A Prayer for Vindication in a Wicked WorldPsa 1092006Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
Being a Humble Child of GodPsa 1312004Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
Finally Finding a Reason to HopePsa 772015Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
I Love the LORDPsa 116:12017Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
My soul thirsts for you, O God!Psa 632020Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
No Place Like HomePsa 137:4-62022Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
Our Lord Shows his Excellence in all the EarthPsa 8:1-92021Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
Remember DeathPsa 90:122018Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
The Long, Hard Road to God's PresencePsa 1212020Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
The Mighty One, God the LORD, Seeks a Thankful PeoplePsa 50:13-152018Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
Where can I go from your Spirit?Psa 139:72019Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
A confession of confidence and yet more confidencePsa 27:1-3; 13-142010Dr. Wes Bredenhof
A Song of ConquestPsa 472006Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Believers pray about two citiesPsa 1372018Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Believers should have joyful confidence in God facing both life and deathPsa 162017Dr. Wes Bredenhof
David expresses his confidence that God will respond to his crisisPsa 7:9b-132007Dr. Wes Bredenhof
For God's deliverance from troubles we create for ourselves, thank him for his steadfast lovePsa 107:10-162022Dr. Wes Bredenhof
For how he delivers foolish sinners, thank God for his steadfast lovePsa 107:17-222022Dr. Wes Bredenhof
For how he delivers from dangerous storms, thank God for his steadfast lovePsa 107:23-322022Dr. Wes Bredenhof
For how he delivers hungry and thirsty wanderers, thank God for his steadfast lovePsa 107:4-92022Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God alone satisfies and savesPsa 632013Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God Revealed as the Mighty and Majestic King of GloryPsa 242008Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God reveals the folly of attempting to overthrow his rulePsa 22007Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God's majestic splendour is revealed in all creationPsa 82007Dr. Wes Bredenhof
I will proclaim God's perfections!Psa 40:9-102022Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Make much of God!Psa 96:22021Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Persevere in prayer, even in the dark placesPsa 882014Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Pilgrim saints, trust Yahweh your God on the way!Psa 1212015Dr. Wes Bredenhof
The Anguish of ChastisementPsa 392006Dr. Wes Bredenhof
The Way of PeacePsa 1312006Dr. Wes Bredenhof
The wise know the difference between the righteous and the wickedPsa 12022Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Who can come and live in the presence of a holy God?Psa 152022Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Who is God and what is he doing in this messed up world?Psa 732018Dr. Wes Bredenhof
With faith you'll always find satisfaction at God's housePsa 65:42024Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Your atheism and what to do about itPsa 142022Dr. Wes Bredenhof
A Good God Teaches Sinners His Way of SalvationPsa 25.8-152024-02-25Rev. Mark Chen
Anticipating a Trillion HallelujahsPsa 150:1-62022Rev. Mark Chen
Building and Protecting Our HouseholdPsa 127:1-52022Rev. Mark Chen
God Counts All Our TearsPsa 56:1-132022Rev. Mark Chen
God’s Intimate and Loving Knowledge of His PeoplePsa 139:1-242022Rev. Mark Chen
Holiness and Help in Times of TrialsPsa 141:1-102020Rev. Mark Chen
Listen, O Church of Christ!Psa 81:1-162022Rev. Mark Chen
Our King Is a Great Conqueror and Glorious DelivererPsa 68:1-352022Rev. Mark Chen
Psalm 91 Part 1 - God’s Tender CarePsa 91:1-42021Rev. Mark Chen
Psalm 91 Part 2 - Our Knowing ConfidencePsa 91:5-82021Rev. Mark Chen
Psalm 91 Part 3 - Actively Resting in GodPsa 91:9-132021Rev. Mark Chen
Psalm 91 Part 4 - Actively Loving a Loving GodPsa 91:14-162021Rev. Mark Chen
Teach Us to Number our DaysPsa 90:1-172021Rev. Mark Chen
The Anatomy of RepentancePsa 51:1-192022Rev. Mark Chen
The Christian’s Love for Christ and ChurchPsa 122:1-92022Rev. Mark Chen
The Despairing Saint Hopes in His Devoted SaviorPsa 42:1-112022Rev. Mark Chen
The Exalted God-Man Makes Man ExaltedPsa 8:1-9, Hebrews 1:3-52022Rev. Mark Chen
The Good ShepherdPsa 23:1-62022Rev. Mark Chen
The Man of God and His Lifestyle ChoicePsa 1:1-62022Rev. Mark Chen
The Mighty Voice of the Lord Comforts UsPsa 29:1-112022Rev. Mark Chen
The Surprising Unity of God’s PeoplePsa 133:1-32022Rev. Mark Chen
A Lamp and A LightPsa 119:105-1122020-11-08Pastor Keith Davis
Divine InspectionPsa 1392012-07-08Pastor Keith Davis
God is Incomprehensible (Attributes of God Series)Psa Psalm 139; Belgic Confession Art2024-02-25Pastor Keith Davis
Taste and SeePsa 342019-05-26Pastor Keith Davis
The Attributes of God:Psa 139:1-17; Belgic Confession A2024-04-21Pastor Keith Davis
The Attributes of God:Psa 102; Belgic Confession Article 02024-03-17Pastor Keith Davis
The Blessed LifePsa 12025-01-05Pastor Keith Davis
The King of GloryPsa 242019-05-30Pastor Keith Davis
A Wineskin in the SmokePsa 119:81-88 Rev. Ted Gray
Appealing to the Years of the Most High GodPsa 77:1-20 Rev. Ted Gray
Our Help Is in the Name of the LORD!Psa 124:1-8 Rev. Ted Gray
Overwhelmed?Psa 88:1-18 Rev. Ted Gray
Redeemed from the Pit; Crowned with Love and CompassionPsa 103:1-22 Rev. Ted Gray
Selah: Remembering the Deeds of the LordPsa 77:1-20 Rev. Ted Gray
Sorrow for Sin and Comfort from ChristPsa 119:25-32 Rev. Ted Gray
Under His WingsPsa 91:1-16 Rev. Ted Gray
Wonderful Words of Life!Psa 119:129-136 Rev. Ted Gray
The Lord is My ShepherdPsa 23 Rev. Klaas Jonker
Covenant blessings in the familyPsa 128 Rev. Mendel Retief
Glorious things are spoken of ZionPsa 87:1-7 Rev. Mendel Retief
Happy are those who fear the LORDPsa 34:15-22 Rev. Mendel Retief
Our help is from the LORDPsa 121 Rev. Mendel Retief
Praise the LORD for He is goodPsa 146:1-10 Rev. Mendel Retief
Thank God for daily blessings through our Lord Jesus ChristPsa 136:1,25 Rev. Mendel Retief
Those who trust in the LORD will not be ashamedPsa 25:1-5 Rev. Mendel Retief
Bless the LORDPsa 103:1-5 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
Even When We Can't See It, Our God is a God Who Acts!Psa 103:6-14 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
I Will Wait Upon the LORD (Part 1): In the Day of My TroublePsa 37 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
I Will Wait Upon the LORD (Part 2): In the Day of My SinPsa 38 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
I Will Wait Upon the LORD (Part 3): In the Day of My Fleeting LifePsa 39 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
I Will Wait Upon the LORD (Part 4): In the Day of My SalvationPsa 40 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
Learning to Lament 1: Keep PrayingPsa 77 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
Learning to Lament 2: God Hears YouPsa 10 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
Learning to Lament 3: Yahweh Will ActPsa 130 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
Light Into the Darkness 3: The Divine LightPsa 27 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
One Proclamation, Four PraisesPsa 103:19-22 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
The Real Facts of LifePsa 103:14-18 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
The Supreme Architect's Self-PortraitPsa 19 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
Why Do We Praise the LORD?Psa 118 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
Blessed Is the Man Who Fears the LordPsa 112: 1a2011-01-02Rev. W.B. Slomp
God is our refuge at all timesPsa Psalm 462020-06-07Rev. W.B. Slomp
Sin against the Holy SpiritPsa 51:112008Rev. W.B. Slomp
The Lord Will Help Us and Protect Us from All HarmPsa 1212010-12-31Rev. W.B. Slomp
Desolation...ConsolationPsa 102:23-282003-12-31Rev. George van Popta
Living like a kingPsa 1011999-05-02Rev. George van Popta
Step up, young man!Psa 119:9-162003-06-22Rev. George van Popta
ThanksgivingPsa 652010-10-10Rev. George van Popta
The OutsiderPsa 1202010-06-27Rev. George van Popta
The Traveller's SongPsa 1212010-07-04Rev. George van Popta

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