He who made you has redeemed you | Col 1:15-18 | 2012-12-16 | Rev. Stephen 't Hart |
A Right Vision for this Life | Col 2:8-10 | 2015 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Excel in Thanksgiving! | Col 2:6-7 | 2016 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Always put first things first! | Col 1:3-8 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Believers united to Christ are to be focussed on heavenly things | Col 3:1-4 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Christ in the centre | Col 1:1-2 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Christ is supreme in everything! | Col 1:15-20 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Christ offers everything, so why get taken in by what’s deceitful and empty? | Col 2:8-15 | 2020 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Follow God's design for the interdependence of the body of Christ | Col 4:10-18 | 2021 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
How should we be reaching out to unbelievers? | Col 4:5-6 | 2015 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
If you’re united to Christ, put to death and put away the earthly things | Col 3:5-11 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
In the face of false teaching, fix your eyes on Christ | Col 2:1-5 | 2020 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Jesus Christ is your Lord, also when it comes to life in the home | Col 3:18-4:1 | 2015 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Live in union with Jesus Christ, consistent with your confession of him as Lord | Col 2:6-7 | 2020 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
O God, let this church be filled with the knowledge of your will! | Col 1:9-14 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Persist in prayer! | Col 4:2-4 | 2015 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The advance of the gospel takes a team | Col 4:7-9 | 2015 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The Holy Spirit teaches us what union with Christ looks like | Col 3:12-17 | 2015 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
What does faithful ministry look like? | Col 1:24-29 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
You are united to Christ, so why be enslaved to any man-made religion? | Col 2:16-23 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Your broken relationship with God is gloriously repaired through the gospel | Col 1:21-23 | 2014 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
A Spiritual Parent's Pride and Joy | Col 1:1-8 | 2021 | Rev. Mark Chen |
Bad Vines Can Be Salvaged | Col 1:21-23 | 2021 | Rev. Mark Chen |
Biblical Cauterization | Col 3.5-11 | 2021-04-11 | Rev. Mark Chen |
Biblical Infusion | Col 3.12-17 | 2021-04-18 | Rev. Mark Chen |
Christ Is All We Need | Col 2:1-8 | 2021 | Rev. Mark Chen |
Cultivating Heavenly Affections | Col 3.1-4 | 2021-03-28 | Rev. Mark Chen |
Frustrated Parents and Their Angry Children | Col 3.20-21 | 2021-05-09 | Rev. Mark Chen |
Infusing New Life into the Old Spouse | Col 3.18-19 | 2021-04-25 | Rev. Mark Chen |
Pray for and Live the Gospel | Col 4.2-6 | 2021-06-13 | Rev. Mark Chen |
Slaving Away for Christ | Col 3.22-4.1 | 2021-06-06 | Rev. Mark Chen |
The Dependable and the Restored | Col 4.7-18 | 2021-07-04 | Rev. Mark Chen |
The Inconspicuous and the Embattled | Col 4.7-18 | 2021-07-11 | Rev. Mark Chen |
The Necessary Concern We Must Have for Christian Maturity | Col 1:9-14 | 2021 | Rev. Mark Chen |
The Preacher’s Priorities | Col 1:24-29 | 2021 | Rev. Mark Chen |
The Son Doesn’t Set | Col 1:15-20 | 2021 | Rev. Mark Chen |
What Spoils Good Fruit? | Col 2:8-23 | 2021 | Rev. Mark Chen |
An Appearance of Wisdom | Col 2:16-23 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Christ, Who Is Your Life | Col 3:1-11 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Don't Be Taken Captive! | Col 2:8-15 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Enemies of God Reconciled by Christ | Col 1:21-23 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Epaphras: An Example of Faithfulness in Ministry | Col 4:12-13 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Glorious Riches: Christ in You | Col 1:24-29 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
God's Design for the Family | Col 3:18-21 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Grace and Peace | Col 1:1-2 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Patient Endurance with Joy | Col 1:11-14 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Paul's Prayer of Thanksgiving | Col 1:3-8 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Peace With God Through Saving Faith in the Preeminent Christ | Col 1:15-20 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Prayer and the True Treasure of Christ | Col 2:1-5 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Prayer: The Evangelistic Key | Col 4:2-6 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Praying for Spiritual Wisdom and Understanding | Col 1:9-10 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Professing Christ as Lord and Savior | Col 2:6-7 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Singing Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs | Col 3:16 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Christian's Wardrobe | Col 3:12-14 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Sweet Fellowship of Believers | Col 4:7-18 | 2015 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Fourth One Another Commandment: Forgive One Another | Col 3:1-15 | | Rev. Jeremy Segstro |
Peace in Diversity | Col 3:12-15 | | Rev. David Stares |