A clear understanding of the Trinity is essential for our salvation | LD 8 + Athanasian Creed articles 1- | 2018 | Trinity |
A confession of confidence and yet more confidence | Psa 27:1-3; 13-14 | 2010 | Fear |
A Display of Justice and Grace | Jonah 1:1-16 | 2005 | God's Amazing Grace |
A Foster Father for the Lord Jesus | Matt 1:18-21 | 2005 | The Incarnation |
A Merciful Stay | Jonah 3:5-10 | 2005 | God's Amazing Grace |
A pair of parables to picture the kingdom of God | Mark 4:26-34 | 2008 | Kingdom of God |
A Powerful Message for God's People | Isa 57:19b-21 | 2006 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
A Song of Conquest | Psa 47 | 2006 | Christ's Kingship |
After the bitter victory over his rebellious son, David is summoned back to his royal office | 2 Sam 18:33-19:8 | 2010 | Living in a sinful world |
Agur Teaches Us to Pray Like Christ | LD 50 | 2011 | Prayer |
All About True Conversion | CD 3/4 Article 11 | 2018 | Our Salvation |
All your idols are utterly empty and foolish | Jer 2:12-13 | 2014 | Living in a sinful world |
Always put first things first! | Col 1:3-8 | 2014 | Revelation of the Gospel |
An encounter with Jesus leads in an unexpected direction | John 4:46-54 | 2017 | Our Salvation |
Are you a true disciple or a fake disciple? | John 8:31-38 | 2019 | Life in Christ |
As we're in the world, Christ's High Priestly Prayer encourages us | John 17 | 2024 | Living in a sinful world |
As you face a new year in Christ, resolve to walk wisely and not foolishly | Eph 5:15-17 | 2014 | Life in Christ |
At the Lord's Supper a focussed faith is a strengthened faith | LD 28 | 2010 | Lord's Supper |
Baptism is about what God promises us | LD 26 | 2020 | Baptism |
Baptism signs and seals God’s promises for us and our children | LD 27 | 2009 | Baptism |
Be a whole person by hearing the Bible and doing it (Mission Sermon) | James 1:22-25 | | Life in Christ |
Be encouraged because the Holy Spirit helps our prayers | Rom 8:26-27 | 2022 | Prayer |
Before leaving the battlefield, our Commander gave his final orders | Acts 1:6-8 | 2021 | Our Calling |
Behold the fatherly heart of God! | Luke 15:11-32 | 2021 | God's Amazing Grace |
Behold the Lord who shows mercy | Mark 5:1-20 | 2024 | God's Mercy |
Behold the Man! | John 19:1-11 | 2024 | Christ's Suffering |
Being a king calls for whole-hearted allegiance to God | 2 Kgs 10:28-31 | 2024 | Giving your heart to God |
Being in Christ, put off falsehood and put on honesty | LD 43 and Ephesians 4:25 | 2024 | 9th Commandment (Lying) |
Believe in I AM and never see death | John 8:48-59 | 2020 | God The Son |
Believe in Jesus' power to lavish you with more than enough | John 6:1-15 | 2017 | God's Amazing Grace |
Believe in the compassionate and merciful Jesus | John 7:53-8:11 | 2019 | God's Amazing Grace |
Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved | LD 7 | 2020 | Faith |
Believe in the Saviour whose humiliation deepened in Jerusalem | John 7:10-13 | 2018 | Christ's Suffering |
Believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life | John 11:17-27 | 2020 | Death Defeated |
Believer: be confident of your vindication! | Job 19:25-27 | 2021 | Death Defeated |
Believers are led to a thankful and loving life of chastity in Christ | LD 41 | 2011 | 7th Commandment (Adultery) |
Believers pray about two cities | Psa 137 | 2018 | Christ's return |
Believers should have joyful confidence in God facing both life and death | Psa 16 | 2017 | Death Defeated |
Believers united to Christ are to be focussed on heavenly things | Col 3:1-4 | 2014 | Life in Christ |
Believers, take heart because Jesus has overcome the world | John 16:25-33 | 2024 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
Blasphemy: no sin is greater | LD 36 and 37 & Leviticus 24:10-16 | 2023 | 3rd Commandment (God's name) |
By sovereign grace the last will be first | Matt 20:1-16 | 2013 | God's Amazing Grace |
Celebrating the Lord's Supper | LD 28 | | God's Covenant faithfulness |
Chastity is God's good will for our lives | LD 41 | 2015 | 7th Commandment (Adultery) |
Check and guard your heart against evil desires | LD 44 + Luke 12:13-21 | 2017 | 10th Commandment (Jealousy) |
Christ brings the gospel to disciples in Ephesus | Acts 19:1-7 | 2021 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
Christ calls believers to persevere | Rev 3:11 | 2016 | Persecution |
Christ calls the religious person to saving faith in him | John 3:9-15 | 2016 | Our Salvation |
Christ causes division -- even amongst Gods covenant people | John 7:40-44 | 2019 | Our Salvation |
Christ commissions his apostles with their missionary calling | Mark 16:15-18 | 2013 | Mission Work |
Christ confronts the clever of Athens | Acts 17:22-31 | 2013 | Neighbours |
Christ confronts the idolatry of this world through his servants | Acts 14:8-19 | 2023 | Living in a sinful world |
Christ enters his earthly ministry | Mark 1:9-13 | 2006 | God The Son |
Christ exposes the teachers of the law | Mark 12:35-40 | 2011 | Living in a sinful world |
Christ freed us to serve one another | Gal 5:13-15 | 2019 | Communion of Saints |
Christ gathers his church in surprising ways | John 4:39-42 | 2017 | Christ's gathering work |
Christ Gives A Solemn Warning | Mark 3:28-30 | 2005 | Blaspheming The Holy Spirit |
Christ gives the keys of the kingdom of heaven to his church | LD 31 | 2022 | Administering God's Blessing |
Christ in the centre | Col 1:1-2 | 2014 | Revelation of the Gospel |
Christ is our Chief Prophet and we share in his anointing | LD 12 | 2023 | Our Calling |
Christ is our eternal King and we share in his anointing | LD 12 | 2023 | Christ's Kingship |
Christ is our High Priest and we share in his anointing | LD 12 | 2023 | Life in Christ |
Christ is returning to judge the living and the dead | LD 19 | 2023 | End Times |
Christ is supreme in everything! | Col 1:15-20 | 2014 | Christ's Kingship |
Christ Jesus is the only Mediator to whom we must look | LD 6 and 1 Timothy 2:5-6 | 2024 | Our Salvation |
Christ offers everything, so why get taken in by what’s deceitful and empty? | Col 2:8-15 | 2020 | Life in Christ |
Christ our prophet warns of the coming covenant judgment | Mark 13:1-23 | 2012 | End Times |
Christ overcomes the unbelief which first meets his resurrection | Mark 16:9-14 | 2013 | Miracles |
Christ prophesies his imminent lonely suffering and death | Mark 14:27-31 | 2012 | Christ's Suffering |
Christ rebukes and teaches the unbelieving generation | Mark 9:14-32 | 2010 | Living in a sinful world |
Christ teaches the vital necessity of new birth for one and all | John 3:1-8 | 2016 | Our Salvation |
Christ teaches us how to end our prayers | LD 52 | 2012 | Prayer |
Christ teaches us to begin our prayers with our eyes on God | LD 46 | 2011 | Prayer |
Christ teaches us to pray for obedience to God's will | LD 49 | 2014 | Prayer |
Christ tested on a thorny political question | Mark 12:13-17 | 2011 | Our Calling |
Christ the Mediator-Warrior-King | LD 12 | 2007 | Christ's Kingship |
Christ uses Peter's passionate Pentecost preaching | Acts 2:40-41 | 2007 | Preaching |
Christ's body has both unity and diversity | 1 Cor 12:12-27 | 2019 | Church Building |
Christ's death brings comfort as we think of our own death. | LD 16 QA 42 | 2007 | Death Defeated |
Christ's enemies confront him on his authority as a prophet of God | Mark 11:27-32 | 2011 | God The Son |
Christ's resurrection necessitates and guarantees ours | 1 Cor 15:20-23 | 2024 | Life in Christ |
Christ's resurrection promises comfort to believers | LD 17 | 2020 | Death Defeated |
Christ: Two natures united in one single person | BC 19 | 2022 | God The Son |
Christian comfort contrasted with counterfeits | LD 1 | 2018 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
Christian: don't be surprised when the world hates you | John 15:18-25 | 2023 | Persecution |
Christians are in good hands with God their Father | LD 10 | 2017 | God's Providence |
Christians may swear oaths in a godly manner | LD 37 | 2024 | 3rd Commandment (God's name) |
Christians Must Not Have Friendship With the World (Mission Sermon) | James 4:1-6 | | Life in Christ |
Christmas cheer: God sent forth his Son with gospel gifts | Gal 4:4-5 | 2023 | The Incarnation |
Church of Christ: Live together in a way that matches your calling | Eph 4:1-3 | 2019 | Church Building |
Come and see the zeal of God's Servant! | 2 Kgs 10:1-17 | 2024 | Our Calling |
Communication is God's good gift | LD 43 | 2016 | 9th Commandment (Lying) |
Confess and celebrate the Lord's Supper following Christ and the apostles | LD 30 | 2020 | Lord's Supper |
Confessing the Triune God leads us to worship | BC 8 | 2022 | Trinity |
Contend Earnestly for the Faith | Jude 3 | 2008 | Church Building |
Cultivate a Christian attitude to the future | James 4:13-17 | 2020 | Our Calling |
Daily repentance is our battle to live free | LD 33 | 2013 | Repentance |
David expresses his confidence that God will respond to his crisis | Psa 7:9b-13 | 2007 | All of scripture points to Jesus Christ |
Despite your circumstances, always remember the victorious Jesus Christ | 2 Tim 2:8-9 | 2021 | Persecution |
Disciples need the Lord, not the other way around | John 13:36-38 | 2023 | Life in Christ |
Disciples of Jesus, love one another! | John 13:31-35 | 2023 | Love |
Distinguishing Law and Gospel | LD 2 | 2008 | Revelation of the Gospel |
Divine testimony about the Messiah is revealed through Simeon | Luke 2:25-35 | 2013 | The Incarnation |
Do Everything Without Complaining or Arguing | Phil 2:14-16 | 2011 | Running the race |
Do good whenever you can | Gal 6:9-10 | 2019 | Communion of Saints |
Do you see the irrationality of sin? | John 7:45-52 | 2019 | Pride |
Do you want to go away as well? | John 6:60-71 | 2018 | Our Calling |
Don't be amongst the idolaters when the Warrior King appears | 2 Kgs 10:18-27 | 2024 | The Second Coming |
Don't be sad that Jesus is gone; instead, rejoice because he sent his Spirit! | John 15:26-16:15 | 2023 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
Don't misunderstand who Jesus is and why he came | John 12:44-50 | 2022 | God The Son |
Early Infant Loss: Godly Parents Ought Not to Doubt | CD 1 Article 17 | 2017 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
Election: are you sure? | CD 1 Articles 12-13 | 2017 | Struggling with doubts |
Election: to teach or not to teach, that is the question! | CD 1 Article 14 | 2017 | Our Salvation |
Encourage and edify each other! | 1 The 5:11 | 2019 | End Times |
End-times encouragement for the elect | BC 37 | 2022 | End Times |
Entrust yourself to the One who can really care for all your needs | Mark 8:1-21 | 2010 | God The Son |
Even though it's so bad, God will defeat sin | Gen 6:5-8 | 2023 | Living in a sinful world |
Faith is a mark of Christians and a gift of God | CD 3/4 Article 14 & BC 29 | 2018 | Faith |
Faith or unbelief? | John 1:9-13 | 2016 | Maintaining the Antithesis |
Fix your eyes on Christ and not on your deeds | LD 24 | 2019 | Obedience |
Fix your thoughts on Jesus | Heb 3:1-2 | 2009 | Revelation of the Gospel |
Follow God's design for the interdependence of the body of Christ | Col 4:10-18 | 2021 | Communion of Saints |
For a blessed new year, trust in the LORD and acknowledge him | Prov 3:5-6 | 2012 | Living in a sinful world |
For a right perspective on the Fifth Commandment, focus on Christ! | LD 39 | 2016 | 5th Commandment (Obedience) |
For a united church, focus on Christ crucified | 1 Cor 2:1-5 | 2021 | Communion of Saints |
For eternal life, believe in the Spirit-filled Son of God who speaks God’s words | John 3:31-36 | 2016 | Our Salvation |
For God's deliverance from troubles we create for ourselves, thank him for his steadfast love | Psa 107:10-16 | 2022 | Living in a sinful world |
For how he delivers foolish sinners, thank God for his steadfast love | Psa 107:17-22 | 2022 | Thankfulness |
For how he delivers from dangerous storms, thank God for his steadfast love | Psa 107:23-32 | 2022 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
For how he delivers hungry and thirsty wanderers, thank God for his steadfast love | Psa 107:4-9 | 2022 | Living in a sinful world |
For kingdom servants the way up is the way down | Mark 10:32-45 | 2018 | Humility |
For whom and what does the church exist? | LD 21 QA 54 | 2014 | Church Building |
Free! (but not yet entirely) | CD 5 Articles 1 and 2 | 2018 | Life in Christ |
Getting a Grip on Prayer | LD 45 | 2012 | Prayer |
Giving thanks is God's will for us | 1 The 5:18 | 2009 | Thankfulness |
God alone satisfies and saves | Psa 63 | 2013 | God's Mercy |
God brings light and life into the deadly darkness we made | Ruth 2:17-23 | 2023 | Living in a sinful world |
God brings the shepherds to an encounter with his glory | Luke 2:8-20 | 2010 | The Incarnation |
God calls us to cheer one another with the joyous reality of his presence | Isa 40:9-11 | 2020 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
God calls us to relentless repentance | LD 33 | 2015 | Repentance |
God calls us to serve him exclusively | LD 34 QA 94 | 2022 | 1st Commandment (God alone) |
God calls us to the right use of our tongues. (Mission Sermon) | James 3:3-12 | | Life in Christ |
God can and will restore his people | Isa 40:3-5 | 2020 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
God created us | Gen 1:26-27 | 2017 | God and our Creation |
God elects sinners by his pure goodness | BC 16 | 2022 | Election |
God Establishes His Anointed as King Over All Israel | 2 Sam 5 | 2009 | Christ's Kingship |
God faithfully gives Daniel and his friends what they need for life in exile | Dan 1 | 2010 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
God gives gospel promises in the Lord's Supper too | LD 28 Lord's Days 28-30 | 2022 | Lord's Supper |
God gives the richest blessing for his people | Num 6:22-27 | 2009 | Administering God's Blessing |
God gives wise teaching on the right attitude in all circumstances | Prov 15:15 | 2023 | Thankfulness |
God graciously returns Naomi and Ruth to Bethlehem | Ruth 1:19-22 | 2013 | Adversity |
God has given Christ Jesus as our Mediator | LD 6 | 2021 | All of scripture points to Jesus Christ |
God hates hatred and loves love and so should we | LD 40 and 1 John 3:11-15 | 2024 | 6th Commandment (Murder) |
God highly values human life and therefore we should too | Gen 9:1-7 | 2023 | Anger |
God is sovereign even over those who hate Jesus | John 11:45-57 | 2020 | God's Amazing Purpose |
God prepares a resting place | Ruth 3 | 2013 | Ruth |
God preserves us so that we persevere – and you can be sure of it | CD 5 Articles 9-13 | 2018 | Struggling with doubts |
God provides the greatest gift ever | Isa 9:6 | 2020 | The Incarnation |
God provides the offering which brings propitiation | Gen 8:20-22 | 2023 | Forgiveness of Sins |
God Revealed as the Mighty and Majestic King of Glory | Psa 24 | 2008 | Unclassified |
God reveals his goodness and love in the Fifth Commandment | LD 39 | 2019 | 5th Commandment (Obedience) |
God reveals more about the Day of the Lord | 2 The 2:1-12 | 2013 | End Times |
God reveals the folly of attempting to overthrow his rule | Psa 2 | 2007 | Christ's Kingship |
God reveals the sneaky strategy Satan employed at the beginning | Gen 3:1 | 2017 | Spiritual Warfare |
God reveals the unbelievable outcome of the Servant's suffering | Isa 53:11 | 2011 | Death Defeated |
God says, Serve me only | LD 34 | 2012 | 1st Commandment (God alone) |
God sends a witness about the Light | John 1:6-8 | 2016 | God The Son |
God shows his grace in Christ's resurrection | Mark 16:1-8 | 2013 | God's Amazing Grace |
God speaks abounding comfort to his broken people | Isa 40:1-2 | 2020 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
God surprises with his calling of the nobodies in this world | 1 Cor 1:26-31 | 2012 | Christ's gathering work |
God teaches us the right perspective on earthly goods | LD 42 | 2021 | 8th Commandment (Stealing) |
God unveils Jesus to John and through John | John 1:29-34 | 2016 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
God uses his law to make mature Christians | LD 44 | 2021 | 10th Commandment (Jealousy) |
God uses means to carry out his work of grace in our lives | CD 3/4 Article 17 | 2018 | Administering God's Blessing |
God uses the marriage relationships of pilgrim believers for his glory | 1 Pet 3:1-7 | 2023 | Marriage |
God uses the sight of the empty tomb to create faith in the resurrection of Christ. | John 20:1-9 | 2009 | Unclassified |
God warns his covenant people against turning away from him | Deut 29:18-19 | 2018 | Living in a sinful world |
God's amazing sovereign grace produces fruit in our lives | LD 24 | 2023 | Good Works |
God's answer to the riddle of the one-more leech | Prov 30:15-16 | 2002-01-14 | Self Control |
God's choosing can't be cancelled | CD 1 Article 11 | 2017 | Our Salvation |
God's covenant with nature is a great encouragement in an uncertain world | Gen 9:8-17 | 2023 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
God's extravagant goodness is shown in Boaz | Ruth 2:4-16 | 2013 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
God's fatherly hand leads his child to the exact place she needs to be | Ruth 2:1-3 | 2013 | Unclassified |
God's foundation stands fast | 2 Tim 2:19 | | God's Covenant faithfulness |
God's good law shows my need for the gospel | LD 2 | 2020 | God's Law is Good |
God's grace calls us to a proper attitude | CD 3/4 Article 15 | 2018 | God's Amazing Grace |
God's grace generates Moses' passionate Pentecost prayer | Num 11:29 | 2010 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
God's great forgiveness leads to the sinner's great love | Luke 7:36-50 | 2015 | Forgiveness |
God's great love and humanity's great call | John 3:16-21 | 2016 | God's Mercy |
God's justice and mercy revealed at the cross | CD 2 1-4 | 2018 | Our Salvation |
God's majestic splendour is revealed in all creation | Psa 8 | 2007 | God and our Creation |
God's Recipe for Reformation | Micah 6:8 | 2023 | Mercy |
God's revelation in the visit of the Magi. | Matt 2:1-12 | 2007 | The Incarnation |
God's solution for a condemning conscience. | 1 Joh 3:18-20 | 2002 | Struggling with doubts |
God's will is that we abstain from all sexual immorality | LD 41 and 1 Thessalonians 4:1-0 | 2024 | 7th Commandment (Adultery) |
God's Word portrays a true picture of us | LD 3 and Belgic Conf. art. 14 | 2024 | Depravity |
Good News! The Death of Death in the Death of Christ | LD 16 | 2013 | Death Defeated |
Have a Christian attitude to the future! (Mission Sermon) | James 4:13-17 | | Life in Christ |
Having been redeemed and restored, put God and his house first [COVID-related] | Hag | 2020 | Church Building |
Herod's massacre reveals the ongoing epic battle of history | Matt 2:16-18 | 2016 | Spiritual Warfare |
Holy baptism is a sacrament of God's covenant of grace | LD 26 | 2017 | Baptism |
Holy baptism is all about the promises of our God | LD 26 and LD 27 | 2023 | Baptism |
Holy baptism signs and seals the benefits of Christ | LD 26 | 2015 | Baptism |
Honour your father and mother | LD 39 and Ephesians 6:1-4 | 2024 | 5th Commandment (Obedience) |
How disciples of Jesus are made | John 1:35-42 | 2016 | Our Calling |
How do we live in a strange land? | 1 Pet 2:11-12 | 2005 | Living in a sinful world |
How do YOU react to the teaching of perseverance? | CD 5 Article 15 | 2018 | God's Amazing Grace |
How do you speak comfort to a suffering friend? | Job 11:1-6 | 2021 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
How much more we can go to God in prayer! | LD 45 and Luke 11:5-13 | 2024 | Prayer |
How not to respond when the Owner of the vineyard sends his Son | Mark 12:1-12 | 2011 | God The Son |
How our love and gratitude leads to prayer to hallow God's Name | LD 47 | 2024 | Prayer |
How should we be reaching out to unbelievers? | Col 4:5-6 | 2015 | Mission Work |
How to be a friend to the suffering | Job 2:11-13 | 2021 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
How to begin our prayers | LD 46 | 2024 | Prayer |
How to end your prayer | LD 52 | 2021 | Prayer |
How to pray so God is pleased and hears us | LD 45 | 2021 | Prayer |
How you honour Jesus shows the true difference between the church and the world | John 4:43-45 | 2017 | Our Salvation |
Humanity's awful plight and God's gracious solution | CD 1 Articles 1-2 | 2017 | God's Amazing Grace |
Humble yourself in the sight of the LORD | Dan 4:28-37 | 2020 | Humility |
I believe in Jesus the only Saviour | LD 11 | 2011 | Our Salvation |
I must love the truth | LD 43 | 2013 | 9th Commandment (Lying) |
I will proclaim God's perfections! | Psa 40:9-10 | 2022 | Praise |
Idolatry = Adultery (it's personal) | LD 34 | 2017 | 1st Commandment (God alone) |
If you’re united to Christ, put to death and put away the earthly things | Col 3:5-11 | 2014 | Life in Christ |
In Gethsemane Christ entered into prayerful agony for our salvation | Mark 14:32-42 | 2012 | Christ's Suffering |
In his sovereign grace, God works the return from death to life | Ruth 1:6-18 | 2013 | Maintaining the Antithesis |
In our death and what follows, Jesus is a complete Saviour | LD 22 | 2020 | Our Salvation |
In the face of false teaching, fix your eyes on Christ | Col 2:1-5 | 2020 | Our Calling |
In wrath God remembers mercy | Gen 6:9-22 | 2023 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
Is there injustice on God's part? | LD 4 | 2019 | God's Justice |
Isaiah reveals a message no one will believe | Isa 53:1-3 | 2011 | Christ's Suffering |
It all belongs to God and should be used for the good of our neighbours | LD 42 | 2022 | 8th Commandment (Stealing) |
It's a comfort knowing Christ is in control | John 13:21-30 | 2022 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
It's All About Jesus! | John 3:22-30 | 2016 | God The Son |
It's all been leading up to Jesus | Matt 1:1-17 | 2021 | The Incarnation |
It's good to belong to Jesus Christ | LD 1 and 1 Cor. 6:19b-20 | 2024 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
Jesus begins to reveal himself to his disciples as the Messiah | John 1:43-51 | 2016 | All of scripture points to Jesus Christ |
Jesus Christ is and will be number one! | LD 19 | 2007 | God The Son |
Jesus Christ is coming to save us from hard times (Mission Sermon) | James 5:7,8 | | Life in Christ |
Jesus Christ is our Resurrection and our Life | LD 22 | 2023 | Our Salvation |
Jesus Christ is the Prophet you must take seriously | John 7:14-24 | 2018 | Our Salvation |
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever | Heb 13:8 | 2010 | God The Son |
Jesus Christ is truly present at the Lord's Supper | LD 29 | 2021 | Lord's Supper |
Jesus Christ is your Lord, also when it comes to life in the home | Col 3:18-4:1 | 2015 | Marriage |
Jesus Christ restores life and communion. | Mark 1:40-45 | 2006 | Revelation of the Gospel |
Jesus defends the disciple showing true loving devotion | Mark 14:1-11 | 2012 | God The Son |
Jesus descends further into suffering | Mark 14:53-65 | 2012 | Christ's Suffering |
Jesus engages objections to his claim to be the heavenly bread | John 6:41-51 | 2018 | Our Salvation |
Jesus further reveals himself by calming a great storm | Mark 4:35-41 | 2008 | Revelation of the Gospel |
Jesus Gives Bread to the Children *and* the Dogs | Mark 7:24-30 | 2009 | God's Amazing Grace |
Jesus is the only and complete Saviour | LD 11 | 2013 | God The Son |
Jesus is the true bread from heaven | John 6:30-40 | 2018 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
Jesus knew the right moment | John 7:1-9 | 2018 | Christ's Suffering |
Jesus proclaims a Pentecost promise | John 7:37-39 | 2012 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
Jesus raises disciples to challenge unbelief | John 12:9-11 | 2021 | Christ's gathering work |
Jesus revealed as the Know-them-all | John 2:23-25 | 2016 | Faith |
Jesus reveals Himself as the only way to the Father | John 14:5-7 | 2005 | Christ's gathering work |
Jesus reveals his glory at a wedding | John 2:1-12 | 2016 | Marriage |
Jesus says, I am the light of the world | John 8:12-20 | 2019 | Our Salvation |
Jesus shows the right thing to do | Acts 2:37-39 | 2021 | Baptism |
Jesus teaches his disciples about gospel-harvesting | John 4:31-38 | 2017 | Christ's gathering work |
Jesus teaches you to pursue the imperishable food he gives | John 6:22-29 | 2018 | Our Salvation |
Jesus wants you to understand who he is in relation to the Father | John 5:19-24 | 2017 | God The Son |
Jesus: Expert Evangelist and Saviour for All Sorts | John 4:1-30 | 2017 | Neighbours |
Jesus: the Name above every name | LD 11 | 2010 | God The Son |
Justification offers up a wealth of gospel benefits | LD 23 | 2017 | Our Salvation |
Justified by works of the law? | LD 2 and Romans 3:20 | 2024 | The Law Exposes our Sinful Nature |
Knowing the Father and the Son is eternal life | John 17:3 | 2009 | Our Salvation |
Learn to discern the church | BC 29 | 2022 | Preaching |
Leaving God is leaving life! | Ruth 1:1-5 | 2013 | Maintaining the Antithesis |
Let us keep the Lord's Day holy | LD 38 | 2017 | 4th Commandment (Resting) |
Let us praise the God who has graced us with every spiritual blessing in Christ! | Eph 1:3-6 | 2010 | Unclassified |
Let your hearts be encouraged with Jesus' last will and testament | John 14 | 2023 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
Like Abraham, those who believe are counted righteous before God | Rom 4:23-25 | 2016 | Our Salvation |
Live in union with Jesus Christ, consistent with your confession of him as Lord | Col 2:6-7 | 2020 | Life in Christ |
Look up to the victory provided by Yahweh and live | Num 21:4-9 | 2015 | Revelation of the Gospel |
Love compels us to tell the truth about God's justice | LD 4 | 2009 | God's Justice |
Love for God drives out idols | LD 34 | 2010 | 1st Commandment (God alone) |
Make much of God! | Psa 96:2 | 2021 | Our Calling |
Make straight the Lord's way! | John 1:19-28 | 2016 | Mission Work |
Making the Way Ready | Mark 1:1-8 | 2006 | God The Son |
Marriage: God's Blueprint | LD 41 | 2005 | 7th Commandment (Adultery) |
Meet the One John calls the Word | John 1:1-5 | 2016 | God The Son |
My former friend is now a traitor! | Mark 14:66-72 | 2012 | Christ's Suffering |
My only comfort is in belonging to Christ | LD 1 | 2014 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
My only comfort is in the biblical gospel | LD 1 | 2022 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
O God, let this church be filled with the knowledge of your will! | Col 1:9-14 | 2014 | God's Amazing Grace |
Our ascended High Priest continually blesses his church | Luke 24:50-53 | 2008 | God The Son |
Our Chief Prophet and Teacher Takes Up His Office | Mark 1:14-20 | 2007 | God The Son |
Our comfort is in God's gospel forgiveness | LD 21 QA 56 | 2019 | Forgiveness of Sins |
Our Confession of God's Justice | LD 4 | 2008 | God's Justice |
Our Creed and Our Triune God | LD 8 | 2020 | Trinity |
Our Father upholds and governs all things | LD 10 | 2019 | God's Providence |
Our God is the good Creator of all | BC 12 | 2022 | God and our Creation |
Our God wants to have a conversation with his covenant people | LD 45 | 2016 | Prayer |
Our God's rich covenant promises | 2 Sam 7:8-17 | 2024 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
Our good God gives the gift of government | BC 36 | 2022 | Our Calling |
Our Identity is with the Triune God | 1 Pet 1:1-2 | 2005 | Trinity |
Our Lord celebrates the last Passover with his disciples | Mark 14:12-26 | 2012 | Christ's Suffering |
Our Lord Jesus brings sight to Bartimaeus | Mark 10:46-52 | 2011 | God's Mercy |
Our Lord Jesus teaches how hard it is to enter the kingdom and follow him | Mark 10:23-31 | 2010 | Life in Christ |
Our Lord Jesus teaches us to end our prayers in hope | LD 52 | 2011 | Prayer |
Our Lord Jesus teaches us to pray for forgiveness | LD 51 | 2017 | Forgiveness |
Our Lord Jesus warns his disciples about stumbling blocks | Mark 9:42-50 | 2010 | Living in a sinful world |
Our Lord teaches us to pray for God to bring his kingdom | LD 48 | 2012 | Prayer |
Our Lord teaches us to pray for the holiness of God's Name | LD 47 | 2022 | Prayer |
Our Master Jesus teaches us to pray for help in our office and calling | LD 49 | 2024 | Prayer |
Our Master Jesus teaches us to pray to our Father for forgiveness | LD 51 | 2024 | Forgiveness |
Our Master Jesus teaches us to pray to our Father for forgiveness | LD 51 | 2016 | Forgiveness |
Our Master teaches Christian soldiers to pray | LD 52 | 2016 | Prayer |
Our Master teaches us how to begin our prayers | LD 46 | 2014 | Prayer |
Our Master teaches us to pray for God's kingdom to come | LD 48 | 2022 | Prayer |
Our Master teaches us to pray that God's Name would be honoured as holy | LD 47 | 2014 | Prayer |
Our only comfort in life and death comes from the Triune God | LD 1 | 2021 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
Our redemption reveals a great and praiseworthy God | LD 5 | 2024 | Our Salvation |
Our Saviour descends yet deeper into suffering before Pilate | Mark 15:1-15 | 2012 | Christ's Suffering |
Our Saviour Jesus died an extraordinary death | Mark 15:33-41 | 2013 | Christ's Suffering |
Our Saviour Jesus goes to the cross for our salvation | Mark 15:21-32 | 2013 | Christ's Suffering |
Our Saviour Jesus received an honourable burial | Mark 15:42-47 | 2013 | Christ's Suffering |
Our Saviour teaches Christian soldiers to pray | LD 52 | 2014 | Prayer |
Our sovereign God graciously gives the elect salvation in the death of Christ | CD 2 Articles 8-9 | 2018 | Our Salvation |
Our sovereign God saves by opening and closing eyes | 2 Kgs 6:15-23 | 2013 | Revelation of the Gospel |
Our unspeakable comfort in the Reformed doctrine of election | CD 1 article 7 | 2012 | God's Amazing Grace |
Pay attention to the witnesses calling you to believe in Christ | John 5:30-47 | 2017 | All of scripture points to Jesus Christ |
Persevere in prayer, even in the dark places | Psa 88 | 2014 | Desolation/Despair |
Persevering believers find joy in going to the house of the LORD | CD 5 Article 14 & Psalm 122 | 2018 | Life in Christ |
Persist in prayer! | Col 4:2-4 | 2015 | Mission Work |
Petitioning the Father for Our Daily Bread | LD 50 | 2005-12 | Thankfulness |
Pilgrim saints, trust Yahweh your God on the way! | Psa 121 | 2015 | Living in a sinful world |
Praise God for the victorious Lamb has sent out his Spirit! | Rev 5:6 | 2024 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
Pray about all your bodily needs | LD 50 | 2021 | Prayer |
Pray about that battle between two wills | LD 49 | 2021 | Prayer |
Pray for Christ's church | LD 48 | 2011 | Prayer |
Pray for God to bring his kingdom | LD 48 | 2021 | Prayer |
Prayer offered in true faith has a great power (Mission Sermon) | James 5:13-18 | | Life in Christ |
Prayer requires a forgiving spirit | Mark 11:25-26 | 2011 | Forgiveness |
Preaching: God's way of bringing people to faith in Christ | CD 1 Articles 3-4 | 2017 | Preaching |
Preservation is the gracious work of the Triune God | CD 5 Article 3 | 2018 | God's Amazing Grace |
Preserved saints *MUST* take sin seriously | CD 5 Articles 4-5 | 2018 | Living in a sinful world |
Purity and holiness are God's will for us | LD 41 | 2021 | 7th Commandment (Adultery) |
Regeneration is a miraculous and mysterious work of the Sovereign God | CD 3/4 Articles 12-13 | 2018 | Our Salvation |
Remember the Lord's Day to keep it holy | LD 38 | 2022 | 4th Commandment (Resting) |
Repent while there's still a time of grace | Luke 13:6-9 | 2022 | Repentance |
Repenting means fighting every day to live free from our history | LD 33 | 2022 | Repentance |
Salvation Comes from Yahweh | Jonah 1:16-2:10 | 2005 | Our Salvation |
Scripture tells us the truth about our human nature | LD 3 | 2014 | Unclassified |
See and value the diversity of gifts bestowed by the ascended Jesus Christ | Eph 4:7-10 | 2022 | Communion of Saints |
See how Jesus feels! | John 11:28-37 | 2020 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
See the glory of God revealed in Jesus raising the dead! | John 11:38-44 | 2020 | Death Defeated |
See yourself as God sees you! (Mission Sermon) | James 1:9-11 | | Life in Christ |
Sent Out Again! | Jonah 3:1-4 | 2005 | Our Calling |
Should we question the almighty God's wise purposes? | Job 42:1-6 | 2021 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
Since God rightfully cares about his creation, so should we | Jonah 4 | 2021 | Christ's gathering work |
Since he cures blindness, trust and worship Jesus | John 9 | 2020 | God's Amazing Grace |
Since Jesus is the Good Shepherd, follow him! | John 10:1-21 | 2020 | Revelation of the Gospel |
Since self-deception is so easy, listen to the One who knows reality | John 7:25-31 | 2019 | Our Salvation |
Since we're Jesus' beloved friends, we're to love one another | John 15:12-17 | 2023 | Love |
Sinner, you have a problem | LD 2 | 2023 | Depravity |
So great a fall -- so great a salvation! | CD 3/4 Articles 1-3 | 2018 | Our Salvation |
Speech and Identity | LD 43 | 2005 | 9th Commandment (Lying) |
Take courage because God will bring justice through his Anointed | 2 Kgs 9:1-13 | 2024 | God's Justice |
Take seriously our Saviour's words of comfort and warning | John 7:32-36 | 2019 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
Take the ultimate paternity test | John 8:39-47 | 2019 | Our Salvation |
Thankful believers ought to be prayerful believers | LD 45 | 2022 | Prayer |
Thankfulness shouldn't be surprising amongst God's covenant people! | Luke 17:11-19 | 2013 | Thankfulness |
The 7th Word: God Commands Purity in His People | LD 41 | 2009 | 7th Commandment (Adultery) |
The advance of the gospel takes a team | Col 4:7-9 | 2015 | Communion of Saints |
The almighty God is my faithful Father and he gives everything its meaning | LD 9 | 2023 | God and our Creation |
The Amazing Benefits of Christ | John 10:22-30 | 2020 | Revelation of the Gospel |
The Anguish of Chastisement | Psa 39 | 2006 | Church Discipline |
The anointed Avenger asks, Who is on my side? Who? | 2 Kgs 9:30-37 | 2024 | Maintaining the Antithesis |
The Anointed One supplies what is lacking | LD 12 | 2020 | God The Son |
The ascended Jesus stands ready to welcome believers into heaven | Acts 7:55-56 | 2024 | Ascension |
The Authoritative Christ Comes to God's People with Freedom | Mark 1:21-28 | 2006 | God The Son |
The biblical gospel of justification | LD 23 | 2019 | Our Salvation |
The Call of the Gospel | CD 3/4 Articles 7-10 | 2018 | Well Meant Gospel Offer |
The Call to a New Life | Phil 4:8-9 | 2008 | Life in Christ |
The Christian's comfort in what the Triune God does in election | CD 1 Articles 7-8 | 2017 | God's Amazing Grace |
The church has received keys from her King | LD 31 | 2019 | Preaching |
The cross was God's plan all along | John 18:28-32 | 2024 | Christ's Suffering |
The Darkness Speaks | Mark 15:33 | 2006 | Christ's Suffering |
The Dawn of Deliverance | LD 5 | 2008 | Unclassified |
The Day of Judgment is coming, so get behind the King | 2 Kgs 9:14-28 | 2024 | The Second Coming |
The Devil Hates You and Has a Terrible Plan for Your Life | 1 Pet 5:8-11 | 2005 | Spiritual Warfare |
The Difficult Doctrine of Reprobation | CD 1 Articles 15-16 | 2017 | God's Justice |
The Divine King of Israel Chooses His War Council | Mark 3:13-19 | 2007 | Christ's Kingship |
The doctrines of grace motivate us to carry out our missionary calling | CD 2 5-7 | 2018 | Mission Work |
The elect are secure in their salvation | CD 5 Articles 6-8 | 2018 | God's Amazing Grace |
The fear of the LORD is the sure way to a blessed new year | Prov 14:26-27 | 2013 | Unclassified |
The Fifth Commandment calls us to submit to all God-given authority | LD 39 | 2012 | 5th Commandment (Obedience) |
The Fifth Commandment is essential to our life of thankfulness | LD 39 | 2011 | 5th Commandment (Obedience) |
The financial giving of believers | 2 Cor 9:6-15 | 2021 | Tithing |
The first humiliation of our Lord Jesus on Mount Zion | Luke 2:22-24 | 2012 | The Incarnation |
The glory and suffering of the Messiah | Mark 9:2-13 | 2010 | God The Son |
The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have done unto you | LD 42 and Matthew 7:12 | 2024 | 8th Commandment (Stealing) |
The good news is so good because the bad news is so bad | Rom 1:16-20 | 2019 | Our Salvation |
The gospel announces our Mediator and Deliverer | LD 6 | 2011 | Revelation of the Gospel |
The Gospel guides us to be the righteous rich | LD 42 | 2007 | 8th Commandment (Stealing) |
The gospel leads Christians to honour and protect life | LD 40 | 2019 | 6th Commandment (Murder) |
The gospel promises -- You're adopted! -- | LD 13 QA 33 | 2020 | Revelation of the Gospel |
The gospel promises a comforter in the Holy Spirit | LD 20 | 2020 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
The gospel promises encompass the body of Jesus Christ | LD 21 | 2010 | Christ's gathering work |
The gospel promises found in the suffering of our Saviour | LD 15 | 2013 | Christ's Suffering |
The gospel promises that Christ is a risen and victorious Saviour | LD 17 | 2019 | Death Defeated |
The gospel promises that Christ Jesus bore my curse | LD 15 | 2014 | Christ's Suffering |
The gospel promises that Jesus is my only and complete Saviour | LD 11 | 2021 | Our Salvation |
The gospel promises that speak of a blessed ever after through Christ | LD 22 | 2019 | Our Salvation |
The gospel promises that the powerful Creator is my loving Father | LD 9 | 2021 | Revelation of the Gospel |
The gospel promises the presence of the ascended Christ in heaven and on earth | LD 18 | 2020 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
The gospel promises to turn mourning into dancing | John 16:16-24 | 2023 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
The gospel promises us comfort in Christ's ascension | LD 18 | 2021 | Revelation of the Gospel |
The gospel promises victory in the resurrection of Christ | LD 17 | 2023 | Our Salvation |
The gospel promises we're in good hands with our Father God | LD 10 | 2021 | God's Providence |
The great God reveals his sovereign power to Nebuchadnezzar | Dan 2:24-45 | 2010 | Unclassified |
The Great Physician brings healing to the weak and helpless | John 5:1-18 | 2017 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
The Holy Spirit alone gives spiritual life | CD 3/4 Articles 4-6 | 2018 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
The Holy Spirit is involved with our faith from beginning to end | LD 25 | 2020 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
The Holy Spirit proves the world guilty | John 16:8-11 | 2015 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
The Holy Spirit reveals the roles of men and women in the church | 1 Tim 2:8-15 | 2017 | Obedience |
The Holy Spirit teaches us what union with Christ looks like | Col 3:12-17 | 2015 | Life in Christ |
The Holy Spirit uses the law of God to help Christians grow in Christ | LD 44 QAs 114 & 115 | 2022 | Life in Christ |
The Holy Spirit works through the means of grace | LD 25 | 2019 | Our Salvation |
The Hope of the hopeless | Mark 5:21-43 | 2008 | Revelation of the Gospel |
The journey from blindness to sight | Mark 8:22-30 | 2010 | God The Son |
The Justification of the Ungodly: A Real-life Courtroom Drama | LD 23 | 2023 | Justification |
The justified find all their confidence in Christ alone | Rom 8:34 | 2017 | Revelation of the Gospel |
The Keys of the Kingdom | LD 31 | 2010 | Keys of the Kingdom |
The King of kings humiliated on his way to the cross | Mark 15:16-20 | 2012 | Christ's Suffering |
The Kingdom Comes With Lasting Wholeness for God's People | Mark 1:29-34 | 2006 | God The Son |
The Lamb is worthy to receive all our honour | John 12:1-8 | 2021 | Worship |
The Lamb turns Lion when his Father's house is defiled | John 2:13-22 | 2016 | Anger |
The law of God and the Christian | LD 34 QA 92 | 2022 | God's Law is Good |
The law of God teaches us the bad news we need to know | LD 2 | 2021 | God's Law is Good |
The Lord gives the Immanuel sign to confront unbelief and hypocrisy | Isa 7:14 | 2019 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
The Lord graciously disciplines those whom he loves | LD 31 QA 85 | 2023 | Church Discipline |
The Lord Jesus actively and willingly gave himself for us | John 19:28-30 | 2009 | Christ's Suffering |
The Lord Jesus addresses the prideful cliquishness of his disciples | Mark 9:38-41 | 2010 | Humility |
The Lord Jesus answers a question about fasting | Mark 2:18-22 | 2006 | Fasting |
The Lord Jesus Clears a Way for the Word | Mark 7:31-37 | 2009 | God The Son |
The Lord Jesus misunderstood by family and foe alike | Mark 3:20-27 | 2007 | God The Son |
The Lord Jesus reorients people to God’s design for marriage | Mark 10:1-12 | 2010 | Marriage |
The Lord Jesus Reveals His True Family | Mark 3:31-35 | 2008 | God The Son |
The Lord Jesus sends his messengers with an urgent prophetic task | Mark 6:7-13 | 2008 | Preaching |
The Lord of life shows the way of life in the sixth commandment | LD 40 | 2011 | 6th Commandment (Murder) |
The Lord of the Sabbath | LD 38 | 2005 | 4th Commandment (Resting) |
The Lord of the Sabbath does good for us by bringing it back to God's design | LD 38 and Mark 2:23-28 | 2024 | 4th Commandment (Resting) |
The Lord of the Sabbath does good on the Sabbath | Mark 3:1-6 | 2007 | God The Son |
The Lord teaches us to pray to be like God's holy angels | LD 49 | 2012 | Prayer |
The meaning of Christ's death | LD 16 | 2011 | God The Son |
The Messianic King arrives at the royal city | Mark 11:1-11 | 2011 | Christ's Kingship |
The Most High God delivers his trusting servants | Dan 3:26-30 | 2017 | Living in a sinful world |
The newborn Jesus lived under the will of God | Luke 2:21 | 2011 | God The Son |
The Ninth Commandment Forbids False Witness | LD 43 | 2009 | 9th Commandment (Lying) |
The Ninth Commandment tells us to embrace our identity in the Truth | LD 43 | 2022 | 9th Commandment (Lying) |
The one true God and how we know him | BC 1 and 2 | 2022 | General and Special Revelation |
The One whose path led through the sea | Mark 6:45-52 | 2008 | God The Son |
The Parable of the Sower: A Call to Hear Rightly | Mark 4:1-20 | 2022 | Our Calling |
The path to the throne isn't what you might think | 1 Sam 24 | 2023 | Life in Christ |
The peace that starts the war: Christ's work for us and in us. | LD 16 QA 43 | 2007 | Life in Christ |
The place of our good works in our relationship with God | LD 24 | 2007 | Good Works |
The Preacher issues a call to action in uncertain times | Ecc 11:1-6 | 2008 | Our Calling |
The precious gifts received through Christ's suffering | LD 15 | 2010 | Christ's Suffering |
The presence of Jesus calms the fears of his disciples | John 6:16-21 | 2018 | Desolation/Despair |
The promise of the gospel concerning the Holy Spirit | LD 20 | 2010 | Unclassified |
The proper attitude towards God's sovereign grace | CD 1 Article 18 & Matthew 20:1-1 | 2017 | God's Amazing Grace |
The Prophet Came To Preach | Mark 1:35-39 | 2006 | God The Son |
The real Law Expert | Mark 6:53-7:23 | 2008 | Unclassified |
The Redeemer of God's people finally appears to the elderly Anna | Luke 2:36-38 | 2024 | Grace |
The Return of Christ and the 1000 Years of Revelation 20 | LD 19 | 2023 | The Second Coming |
The risen Jesus meets the two Marys with good news | Matt 28:9-10 | 2012 | God's Amazing Grace |
The Sadducees challenge Christ on the resurrection of the dead | Mark 12:18-27 | 2011 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
The Saviour of the whole family | Mark 10:13-16 | 2010 | Unclassified |
The scandalous Prophet | Mark 6:1-6 | 2008 | Revelation of the Gospel |
The Second Commandment Directs the Proper Worship of God | LD 35 | 2009 | 2nd Commandment (No images) |
The sending Christ was taken up into heaven | Mark 16:19-20 | 2018 | Our Calling |
The Sixth Commandment calls us to uphold the life God has given | LD 40 | 2012 | 6th Commandment (Murder) |
The Son of God builds his church | LD 21 QA 54 | 2007 | Church Building |
The Son of God came to earth as our Mediator | LD 14 | 2023 | The Incarnation |
The Son of God took on true human nature | BC 18 | 2022 | The Incarnation |
The Son of Man *has* power on earth to forgive sins! | Mark 2:1-12 | 2006 | Forgiveness |
The Son of Man will come with great power and glory | Mark 13:24-37 | 2012 | The Second Coming |
The Spirit of Truth is true and eternal God | LD 20 | 2007 | The person of The Holy Spirit |
The Spirit of Yahweh empowers Samson to begin the deliverance of Israel | Judg 14:5-6 | 2014 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
The Tenth Commandment teaches us to bring our desires in line with God's | LD 44 QA 113 | 2022 | 10th Commandment (Jealousy) |
The Third Commandment addresses our use of oaths | LD 37 | 2013 | 3rd Commandment (God's name) |
The tragic fall of our first parents reveals the nature of human sin | Gen 3:6-7 | 2017 | Living in a sinful world |
The Trinity: A Doctrine of Delight | LD 8 | 2023 | Trinity |
The Triune God brings us the benefit of the holy conception and birth of Christ | LD 14 | 2008 | The Incarnation |
The true contours of Messiahship and discipleship | Mark 8:31-9:1 | 2010 | God The Son |
The true priests of God give everything they have | Mark 12:41-44 | 2012 | Life in Christ |
The True Shepherd of Israel | Mark 6:30-44 | 2008 | Revelation of the Gospel |
The Way of Escape | LD 5 | 2011 | Our Salvation |
The Way of Peace | Psa 131 | 2006 | Humility |
The wise know the difference between the righteous and the wicked | Psa 1 | 2022 | Life in Christ |
The woman shaped by wisdom | Prov 31:30 | 2008 | Living in a sinful world |
The Word and the Word | LD 6 | 2020 | God The Son |
The Word became flesh to reveal God to us most fully | John 1:14-18 | 2016 | God The Son |
The Word of God leads from death and slavery to life and freedom | 2 Kgs 4:1-7 | 2014 | Role of the Mother |
The Word reveals what lives in your heart | Mark 4:21-25 | 2024 | Keys of the Kingdom |
The world may seem out of control, but our Saviour God still rules | John 18:1-11 | 2024 | Adversity |
There shouldn't be a stark contrast between Master and disciple | John 18:15-27 | 2024 | Our Calling |
There's a great war, but God gives us great confidence in Christ | Rev 12:1-6 | 2022 | Spiritual Warfare |
There's no love like that of Jesus! | John 13:1-20 | 2022 | Love |
Those serving in God's army wage war in God's way | 2 Cor 10:1-6 | 2024 | Spiritual Warfare |
Through Christ the gospel promises us the resurrection and life everlasting | LD 22 | 2013 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
To be saved by Jesus Christ, we need a living faith. (Mission Sermon) | James 2:14-17 | | Life in Christ |
To be saved, get in the Ark! | Gen 7:11-16 | 2023 | Our Salvation |
To be wise in the new year, plan, but always recognize that God is sovereign | Prov 19:21 | 2023 | Our Calling |
To bear maximum fruit, abide in the Vine | John 15:1-11 | 2023 | Life in Christ |
To encourage us, God reveals his coming feast of salvation | Isa 25:6-8 | 2023 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
To help us stay humble, God warns us against wanting to become teachers. (Mission Sermon) | James 3:1-2 | | Leadership |
To live forever, you must eat and drink Christ | John 6:52-59 | 2018 | Our Calling |
To really grasp who Jesus is, believe his works | John 10:31-42 | 2020 | God The Son |
To really see Jesus, focus on his glory | John 12:20-26 | 2022 | Christ's Suffering |
Total Depravity | LD 3 | 2006-10-08 | Our Salvation |
True faith is how we take hold of Christ for salvation | LD 7 | 2013 | Faith |
True faith is necessary to be saved by Christ | LD 7 | 2024 | Faith |
True Greatness | Mark 9:33-37 | 2010 | Humility |
True repentance includes obedience to the Third Commandment | LD 36 and LD 37 | 2022 | 3rd Commandment (God's name) |
True repentance is a dying and a coming to life | LD 33 | 2019 | Repentance |
True repentance is essential for true Christians | LD 33 | 2017 | Repentance |
Trust God to deliver on everything he's promised | Gen 9:18-29 | 2023 | God's faithfulness |
Trust God's promises for a bright future | Isa 40:6-8 | 2020 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
Trust God's victorious power to help you grieve in faith | Job 1:20-22 | 2021 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
Trust in Christ for your double-resurrection | John 5:25-29 | 2017 | God The Son |
Trust in the God who has power over death | 2 Kgs 4:18-37 | 2018 | Death Defeated |
Trust the Saviour who always has a purpose | John 11:1-16 | 2020 | Struggling with doubts |
Unless you believe in Jesus, you will die in your sins | John 8:21-30 | 2019 | Our Salvation |
Wait on God and he will give you strength | Isa 40:27-31 | 2020 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
Walk while you have the Light! | John 12:27-36 | 2022 | Revelation of the Gospel |
We are to please our neighbours and accept them | Rom 15:1-7 | 2013 | Communion of Saints |
We are washed clean of sin by Christ's blood and by the Holy Spirit | LD 27 | 2019 | Baptism |
We begin our prayers by expressing a proper way of looking at God | LD 46 | 2009 | Prayer |
We confess our great need for propitiation (Australian version) | LD 5 | 2020 | Our Salvation |
We confess our great need for propitiation (Canadian version) | LD 5 | 2013 | Our Salvation |
We confess the communion of saints | LD 21 QA 55 | 2007 | Communion of Saints |
We confess the significance of the Name Jesus | LD 11 | 2005 | God The Son |
We must conform our thoughts of God to his revelation | LD 35 | 2012 | 2nd Commandment (No images) |
What a rich and full salvation we have in Christ! | LD 32 | 2015 | Thankfulness |
What a rich salvation we have in Jesus Christ! | LD 32 | 2020 | Life in Christ |
What can Jesus do? | Mark 3:7-12 | 2007 | Revelation of the Gospel |
What does faith look like in the face of an uncertain future? | Hab 3:17-19 | 2019 | Living in a sinful world |
What does faithful ministry look like? | Col 1:24-29 | 2014 | Preaching |
What does it to mean to believe and experience the communion of saints? | LD 21 QA 55 | 2020 | Communion of Saints |
What happens to God's prophets? | Mark 6:14-29 | 2008 | Unclassified |
What is the basis of God's election? | CD 1 Articles 9-10 | 2017 | Our Salvation |
What is the greatest commandment in the law? | LD 34 & Mark 12:28-34 | 2023 | 1st Commandment (God alone) |
What it means to be a disciple of our Lord Jesus | Matt 10:24-25 | 2011 | Unclassified |
What the Bible teaches about freedom and personal responsibility | CD 3/4 Article 16 | 2018 | Our Salvation |
What the gospel promises about Christ, God's only begotten Son and our Lord | LD 13 | 2021 | God The Son |
What the gospel promises in Christ's deepest humiliation | LD 16 | 2020 | Christ's Suffering |
What the gospel promises in our union with the crucified and buried Christ | LD 16 | 2014 | Revelation of the Gospel |
What the gospel promises us in the Lordship of Christ | LD 13 QA 34 | 2020 | God The Son |
What the gospel promises us in the title Christ | LD 12 | 2021 | Our Salvation |
What the gospel promises us in the virginal conception and birth of the Son of God | LD 14 | 2014 | The Incarnation |
What Time is It? | 1 Pet 4:7-11 | 2005 | Christ's return |
What to do to inherit eternal life | Mark 10:17-22 | 2010 | Our Salvation |
When God's wrath is provoked, there are consequences | Gen 6:1-4 | 2023 | Marriage |
When it's God's work, cynicism is senseless | Job 1:8-12 | 2021 | Struggling with doubts |
When the gospel comes, don't harden your heart! | John 12:36b-43 | 2022 | Our Calling |
When you rightly know God, his Name will be hallowed in your prayers and in your life | LD 47 | 2016 | Prayer |
When you're united to Christ, you're united to both his death and his resurrection life | Rom 6:5 | 2023 | Life in Christ |
Where does sin come from? | LD 3 | 2013 | Unclassified |
Where is the fruit? | Mark 11:12-18 | 2011 | Life in Christ |
Who can come and live in the presence of a holy God? | Psa 15 | 2022 | All of scripture points to Jesus Christ |
Who did Jesus come to call? | Mark 2:13-17 | 2006 | Christ's gathering work |
Who is God and what is he doing in this messed up world? | Psa 73 | 2018 | Struggling with doubts |
Who is God? | LD 8 | 2024 | Trinity |
Who is the Son of God to the people of God? | LD 21 | 2023 | God The Son |
Who is your King? | John 18:33-40 | 2024 | Christ's Kingship |
Whom can we blame and is it really so bad? | LD 3 | 2009 | The Law Exposes our Sinful Nature |
Why did your King come into Jerusalem? | John 12:12-19 | 2022 | Revelation of the Gospel |
Why do good works? | LD 32 | 2017 | Obedience |
Why do some get the gift of faith? | CD 1 Article 6 | 2017 | Faith |
Why do we baptize the children of believers? | LD 27 | 2015 | Baptism |
Why is the Son of David hanging from a tree? | 2 Sam 18:9 | 2023 | Christ's Suffering |
Why should God forgive your sins? | LD 21 QA 56 | 2014 | Forgiveness of Sins |
Why the twofold outcome to preaching? | CD 1 Article 5 | 2017 | Preaching |
Why we value and believe in the Bible | BC 3 -7 | 2022 | Written Word of God |
Willing service to God means willing service to others | Exo 35:20-21 | 2019 | Church Building |
Wisdom means remembering your Creator | LD 9 and Ecclesiastes 12:1 | 2024 | God and our Creation |
Wishing you'd never been born is never justified | Job 3:11-12 | 2021 | Desolation/Despair |
With earthly possessions, watch out for covetousness | LD 44 and Luke 12:13-21 | 2024 | 10th Commandment (Jealousy) |
With faith behold your Saviour at his preliminary hearing | John 18:12-14 | 2024 | Our Salvation |
With faith you'll always find satisfaction at God's house | Psa 65:4 | 2024 | Revelation of the Gospel |
With his violent arrest Jesus enters into his suffering entirely alone | Mark 14:43-52 | 2012 | Christ's Suffering |
Without God's blessing, everything is pointless | LD 50 and Psalm 127:1-2 | 2024 | Prayer |
Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! | LD 31 QA 84 | 2013 | Preaching |
Worship the true God in his way alone | LD 35 & Exodus 32:1-6 | 2023 | 2nd Commandment (No images) |
Yahweh commands you to love your neighbour as yourself | Lev 19:17-18 | 2018 | Neighbours |
Yahweh grants redemption, restoration, and nourishment | Ruth 4 | 2014 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
You are united to Christ, so why be enslaved to any man-made religion? | Col 2:16-23 | 2014 | Life in Christ |
You can always trust God to remember and keep his promises | Gen 8:1-19 | 2023 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
You can come back! God's grace abounds to humble and contrite sinners | 2 Chr 33:10-13 | 2016 | Repentance |
You CAN have hope even with an uncertain future | Job 13:15 | 2021 | Comfort in a World of Pain |
You can only be justified through faith in Christ | BC 22 and 23 | 2022 | Justification |
You can still acknowledge the wise God at rock bottom | Job 2:7-10 | 2021 | Desolation/Despair |
You can trust God because he is majestically incomparable [COVID-related] | Isa 40:12-26 | 2020 | Living in a sinful world |
You do not want to be on the wrong side of the Divine Warrior | LD 4 and Nahum 1:2-3 | 2024 | God's Justice |
Your atheism and what to do about it | Psa 14 | 2022 | Living in a sinful world |
Your broken relationship with God is gloriously repaired through the gospel | Col 1:21-23 | 2014 | Revelation of the Gospel |