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2540 sermons as of January 13, 2025.
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Author: Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Congregation: Free Reformed Church of Launceston, Tasmania
  Tasmania, Australia
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Wes Bredenhof is currently pastor at the Free Reformed Church of Launceston, Tasmania. He has previously served at Providence Canadian Reformed Church in Hamilton, Ontario, Co-pastor at the Langley Canadian Reformed Church and has also been a missionary working in the Fort Babine area of British Columbia.

A clear understanding of the Trinity is essential for our salvationLD 8 + Athanasian Creed articles 1-2018Trinity
A confession of confidence and yet more confidencePsa 27:1-3; 13-142010Fear
A Display of Justice and GraceJonah 1:1-162005God's Amazing Grace
A Foster Father for the Lord JesusMatt 1:18-212005The Incarnation
A Merciful StayJonah 3:5-102005God's Amazing Grace
A pair of parables to picture the kingdom of GodMark 4:26-342008Kingdom of God
A Powerful Message for God's PeopleIsa 57:19b-212006God's Covenant faithfulness
A Song of ConquestPsa 472006Christ's Kingship
After the bitter victory over his rebellious son, David is summoned back to his royal office2 Sam 18:33-19:82010Living in a sinful world
Agur Teaches Us to Pray Like ChristLD 50 2011Prayer
All About True ConversionCD 3/4 Article 112018Our Salvation
All your idols are utterly empty and foolishJer 2:12-132014Living in a sinful world
Always put first things first!Col 1:3-82014Revelation of the Gospel
An encounter with Jesus leads in an unexpected directionJohn 4:46-542017Our Salvation
Are you a true disciple or a fake disciple?John 8:31-382019Life in Christ
As we're in the world, Christ's High Priestly Prayer encourages usJohn 172024Living in a sinful world
As you face a new year in Christ, resolve to walk wisely and not foolishlyEph 5:15-172014Life in Christ
At the Lord's Supper a focussed faith is a strengthened faithLD 28 2010Lord's Supper
Baptism is about what God promises usLD 26 2020Baptism
Baptism signs and seals God’s promises for us and our childrenLD 27 2009Baptism
Be a whole person by hearing the Bible and doing it (Mission Sermon)James 1:22-25 Life in Christ
Be encouraged because the Holy Spirit helps our prayersRom 8:26-272022Prayer
Before leaving the battlefield, our Commander gave his final ordersActs 1:6-82021Our Calling
Behold the fatherly heart of God!Luke 15:11-322021God's Amazing Grace
Behold the Lord who shows mercyMark 5:1-202024God's Mercy
Behold the Man!John 19:1-112024Christ's Suffering
Being a king calls for whole-hearted allegiance to God2 Kgs 10:28-312024Giving your heart to God
Being in Christ, put off falsehood and put on honestyLD 43 and Ephesians 4:252024 9th Commandment (Lying)
Believe in I AM and never see deathJohn 8:48-592020God The Son
Believe in Jesus' power to lavish you with more than enoughJohn 6:1-152017God's Amazing Grace
Believe in the compassionate and merciful JesusJohn 7:53-8:112019God's Amazing Grace
Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be savedLD 7 2020Faith
Believe in the Saviour whose humiliation deepened in JerusalemJohn 7:10-132018Christ's Suffering
Believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the lifeJohn 11:17-272020Death Defeated
Believer: be confident of your vindication!Job 19:25-272021Death Defeated
Believers are led to a thankful and loving life of chastity in ChristLD 41 2011 7th Commandment (Adultery)
Believers pray about two citiesPsa 1372018Christ's return
Believers should have joyful confidence in God facing both life and deathPsa 162017Death Defeated
Believers united to Christ are to be focussed on heavenly thingsCol 3:1-42014Life in Christ
Believers, take heart because Jesus has overcome the worldJohn 16:25-332024Comfort in a World of Pain
Blasphemy: no sin is greaterLD 36 and 37 & Leviticus 24:10-162023 3rd Commandment (God's name)
By sovereign grace the last will be firstMatt 20:1-162013God's Amazing Grace
Celebrating the Lord's SupperLD 28  God's Covenant faithfulness
Chastity is God's good will for our livesLD 41 2015 7th Commandment (Adultery)
Check and guard your heart against evil desiresLD 44 + Luke 12:13-21201710th Commandment (Jealousy)
Christ brings the gospel to disciples in EphesusActs 19:1-72021The work of The Holy Spirit
Christ calls believers to persevereRev 3:112016Persecution
Christ calls the religious person to saving faith in himJohn 3:9-152016Our Salvation
Christ causes division -- even amongst Gods covenant peopleJohn 7:40-442019Our Salvation
Christ commissions his apostles with their missionary callingMark 16:15-182013Mission Work
Christ confronts the clever of AthensActs 17:22-312013Neighbours
Christ confronts the idolatry of this world through his servantsActs 14:8-192023Living in a sinful world
Christ enters his earthly ministryMark 1:9-132006God The Son
Christ exposes the teachers of the lawMark 12:35-402011Living in a sinful world
Christ freed us to serve one anotherGal 5:13-152019Communion of Saints
Christ gathers his church in surprising waysJohn 4:39-422017Christ's gathering work
Christ Gives A Solemn WarningMark 3:28-302005Blaspheming The Holy Spirit
Christ gives the keys of the kingdom of heaven to his churchLD 31 2022Administering God's Blessing
Christ in the centreCol 1:1-22014Revelation of the Gospel
Christ is our Chief Prophet and we share in his anointingLD 12 2023Our Calling
Christ is our eternal King and we share in his anointingLD 12 2023Christ's Kingship
Christ is our High Priest and we share in his anointingLD 12 2023Life in Christ
Christ is returning to judge the living and the deadLD 19 2023End Times
Christ is supreme in everything!Col 1:15-202014Christ's Kingship
Christ Jesus is the only Mediator to whom we must lookLD 6 and 1 Timothy 2:5-62024Our Salvation
Christ offers everything, so why get taken in by what’s deceitful and empty?Col 2:8-152020Life in Christ
Christ our prophet warns of the coming covenant judgmentMark 13:1-232012End Times
Christ overcomes the unbelief which first meets his resurrectionMark 16:9-142013Miracles
Christ prophesies his imminent lonely suffering and deathMark 14:27-312012Christ's Suffering
Christ rebukes and teaches the unbelieving generationMark 9:14-322010Living in a sinful world
Christ teaches the vital necessity of new birth for one and allJohn 3:1-82016Our Salvation
Christ teaches us how to end our prayersLD 52 2012Prayer
Christ teaches us to begin our prayers with our eyes on GodLD 46 2011Prayer
Christ teaches us to pray for obedience to God's willLD 49 2014Prayer
Christ tested on a thorny political questionMark 12:13-172011Our Calling
Christ the Mediator-Warrior-KingLD 12 2007Christ's Kingship
Christ uses Peter's passionate Pentecost preachingActs 2:40-412007Preaching
Christ's body has both unity and diversity1 Cor 12:12-272019Church Building
Christ's death brings comfort as we think of our own death.LD 16 QA 422007Death Defeated
Christ's enemies confront him on his authority as a prophet of GodMark 11:27-322011God The Son
Christ's resurrection necessitates and guarantees ours1 Cor 15:20-232024Life in Christ
Christ's resurrection promises comfort to believersLD 17 2020Death Defeated
Christ: Two natures united in one single personBC 19 2022God The Son
Christian comfort contrasted with counterfeitsLD 1 2018Comfort in a World of Pain
Christian: don't be surprised when the world hates youJohn 15:18-252023Persecution
Christians are in good hands with God their FatherLD 10 2017God's Providence
Christians may swear oaths in a godly mannerLD 37 2024 3rd Commandment (God's name)
Christians Must Not Have Friendship With the World (Mission Sermon)James 4:1-6 Life in Christ
Christmas cheer: God sent forth his Son with gospel giftsGal 4:4-52023The Incarnation
Church of Christ: Live together in a way that matches your callingEph 4:1-32019Church Building
Come and see the zeal of God's Servant!2 Kgs 10:1-172024Our Calling
Communication is God's good giftLD 43 2016 9th Commandment (Lying)
Confess and celebrate the Lord's Supper following Christ and the apostlesLD 30 2020Lord's Supper
Confessing the Triune God leads us to worshipBC 8 2022Trinity
Contend Earnestly for the FaithJude 32008Church Building
Cultivate a Christian attitude to the futureJames 4:13-172020Our Calling
Daily repentance is our battle to live freeLD 33 2013Repentance
David expresses his confidence that God will respond to his crisisPsa 7:9b-132007All of scripture points to Jesus Christ
Despite your circumstances, always remember the victorious Jesus Christ2 Tim 2:8-92021Persecution
Disciples need the Lord, not the other way aroundJohn 13:36-382023Life in Christ
Disciples of Jesus, love one another!John 13:31-352023Love
Distinguishing Law and GospelLD 2 2008Revelation of the Gospel
Divine testimony about the Messiah is revealed through SimeonLuke 2:25-352013The Incarnation
Do Everything Without Complaining or ArguingPhil 2:14-162011Running the race
Do good whenever you canGal 6:9-102019Communion of Saints
Do you see the irrationality of sin?John 7:45-522019Pride
Do you want to go away as well?John 6:60-712018Our Calling
Don't be amongst the idolaters when the Warrior King appears2 Kgs 10:18-272024The Second Coming
Don't be sad that Jesus is gone; instead, rejoice because he sent his Spirit!John 15:26-16:152023The work of The Holy Spirit
Don't misunderstand who Jesus is and why he cameJohn 12:44-502022God The Son
Early Infant Loss: Godly Parents Ought Not to DoubtCD 1 Article 172017Comfort in a World of Pain
Election: are you sure?CD 1 Articles 12-132017Struggling with doubts
Election: to teach or not to teach, that is the question!CD 1 Article 142017Our Salvation
Encourage and edify each other!1 The 5:112019End Times
End-times encouragement for the electBC 37 2022End Times
Entrust yourself to the One who can really care for all your needsMark 8:1-212010God The Son
Even though it's so bad, God will defeat sinGen 6:5-82023Living in a sinful world
Faith is a mark of Christians and a gift of GodCD 3/4 Article 14 & BC 292018Faith
Faith or unbelief?John 1:9-132016Maintaining the Antithesis
Fix your eyes on Christ and not on your deedsLD 24 2019Obedience
Fix your thoughts on JesusHeb 3:1-22009Revelation of the Gospel
Follow God's design for the interdependence of the body of ChristCol 4:10-182021Communion of Saints
For a blessed new year, trust in the LORD and acknowledge himProv 3:5-62012Living in a sinful world
For a right perspective on the Fifth Commandment, focus on Christ!LD 39 2016 5th Commandment (Obedience)
For a united church, focus on Christ crucified1 Cor 2:1-52021Communion of Saints
For eternal life, believe in the Spirit-filled Son of God who speaks God’s wordsJohn 3:31-362016Our Salvation
For God's deliverance from troubles we create for ourselves, thank him for his steadfast lovePsa 107:10-162022Living in a sinful world
For how he delivers foolish sinners, thank God for his steadfast lovePsa 107:17-222022Thankfulness
For how he delivers from dangerous storms, thank God for his steadfast lovePsa 107:23-322022Comfort in a World of Pain
For how he delivers hungry and thirsty wanderers, thank God for his steadfast lovePsa 107:4-92022Living in a sinful world
For kingdom servants the way up is the way downMark 10:32-452018Humility
For whom and what does the church exist?LD 21 QA 542014Church Building
Free! (but not yet entirely)CD 5 Articles 1 and 22018Life in Christ
Getting a Grip on PrayerLD 45 2012Prayer
Giving thanks is God's will for us1 The 5:182009Thankfulness
God alone satisfies and savesPsa 632013God's Mercy
God brings light and life into the deadly darkness we madeRuth 2:17-232023Living in a sinful world
God brings the shepherds to an encounter with his gloryLuke 2:8-202010The Incarnation
God calls us to cheer one another with the joyous reality of his presenceIsa 40:9-112020Comfort in a World of Pain
God calls us to relentless repentanceLD 33 2015Repentance
God calls us to serve him exclusivelyLD 34 QA 942022 1st Commandment (God alone)
God calls us to the right use of our tongues. (Mission Sermon)James 3:3-12 Life in Christ
God can and will restore his peopleIsa 40:3-52020Comfort in a World of Pain
God created usGen 1:26-272017God and our Creation
God elects sinners by his pure goodnessBC 16 2022Election
God Establishes His Anointed as King Over All Israel2 Sam 52009Christ's Kingship
God faithfully gives Daniel and his friends what they need for life in exileDan 12010God's Covenant faithfulness
God gives gospel promises in the Lord's Supper tooLD 28 Lord's Days 28-302022Lord's Supper
God gives the richest blessing for his peopleNum 6:22-272009Administering God's Blessing
God gives wise teaching on the right attitude in all circumstancesProv 15:152023Thankfulness
God graciously returns Naomi and Ruth to BethlehemRuth 1:19-222013Adversity
God has given Christ Jesus as our MediatorLD 6 2021All of scripture points to Jesus Christ
God hates hatred and loves love and so should weLD 40 and 1 John 3:11-152024 6th Commandment (Murder)
God highly values human life and therefore we should tooGen 9:1-72023Anger
God is sovereign even over those who hate JesusJohn 11:45-572020God's Amazing Purpose
God prepares a resting placeRuth 32013Ruth
God preserves us so that we persevere – and you can be sure of itCD 5 Articles 9-132018Struggling with doubts
God provides the greatest gift everIsa 9:62020The Incarnation
God provides the offering which brings propitiationGen 8:20-222023Forgiveness of Sins
God Revealed as the Mighty and Majestic King of GloryPsa 242008Unclassified
God reveals his goodness and love in the Fifth CommandmentLD 39 2019 5th Commandment (Obedience)
God reveals more about the Day of the Lord2 The 2:1-122013End Times
God reveals the folly of attempting to overthrow his rulePsa 22007Christ's Kingship
God reveals the sneaky strategy Satan employed at the beginningGen 3:12017Spiritual Warfare
God reveals the unbelievable outcome of the Servant's sufferingIsa 53:112011Death Defeated
God says, Serve me onlyLD 34 2012 1st Commandment (God alone)
God sends a witness about the LightJohn 1:6-82016God The Son
God shows his grace in Christ's resurrectionMark 16:1-82013God's Amazing Grace
God speaks abounding comfort to his broken peopleIsa 40:1-22020Comfort in a World of Pain
God surprises with his calling of the nobodies in this world1 Cor 1:26-312012Christ's gathering work
God teaches us the right perspective on earthly goodsLD 42 2021 8th Commandment (Stealing)
God unveils Jesus to John and through JohnJohn 1:29-342016The work of The Holy Spirit
God uses his law to make mature ChristiansLD 44 202110th Commandment (Jealousy)
God uses means to carry out his work of grace in our livesCD 3/4 Article 172018Administering God's Blessing
God uses the marriage relationships of pilgrim believers for his glory1 Pet 3:1-72023Marriage
God uses the sight of the empty tomb to create faith in the resurrection of Christ.John 20:1-92009Unclassified
God warns his covenant people against turning away from himDeut 29:18-192018Living in a sinful world
God's amazing sovereign grace produces fruit in our livesLD 24 2023Good Works
God's answer to the riddle of the one-more leechProv 30:15-162002-01-14Self Control
God's choosing can't be cancelledCD 1 Article 112017Our Salvation
God's covenant with nature is a great encouragement in an uncertain worldGen 9:8-172023God's Covenant faithfulness
God's extravagant goodness is shown in BoazRuth 2:4-162013God's Covenant faithfulness
God's fatherly hand leads his child to the exact place she needs to beRuth 2:1-32013Unclassified
God's foundation stands fast2 Tim 2:19 God's Covenant faithfulness
God's good law shows my need for the gospelLD 2 2020God's Law is Good
God's grace calls us to a proper attitudeCD 3/4 Article 152018God's Amazing Grace
God's grace generates Moses' passionate Pentecost prayerNum 11:292010The work of The Holy Spirit
God's great forgiveness leads to the sinner's great loveLuke 7:36-502015Forgiveness
God's great love and humanity's great callJohn 3:16-212016God's Mercy
God's justice and mercy revealed at the crossCD 2 1-42018Our Salvation
God's majestic splendour is revealed in all creationPsa 82007God and our Creation
God's Recipe for ReformationMicah 6:82023Mercy
God's revelation in the visit of the Magi.Matt 2:1-122007The Incarnation
God's solution for a condemning conscience.1 Joh 3:18-202002Struggling with doubts
God's will is that we abstain from all sexual immoralityLD 41 and 1 Thessalonians 4:1-02024 7th Commandment (Adultery)
God's Word portrays a true picture of usLD 3 and Belgic Conf. art. 142024Depravity
Good News! The Death of Death in the Death of ChristLD 16 2013Death Defeated
Have a Christian attitude to the future! (Mission Sermon)James 4:13-17 Life in Christ
Having been redeemed and restored, put God and his house first [COVID-related]Hag 2020Church Building
Herod's massacre reveals the ongoing epic battle of historyMatt 2:16-182016Spiritual Warfare
Holy baptism is a sacrament of God's covenant of graceLD 26 2017Baptism
Holy baptism is all about the promises of our GodLD 26 and LD 272023Baptism
Holy baptism signs and seals the benefits of ChristLD 26 2015Baptism
Honour your father and motherLD 39 and Ephesians 6:1-42024 5th Commandment (Obedience)
How disciples of Jesus are madeJohn 1:35-422016Our Calling
How do we live in a strange land?1 Pet 2:11-122005Living in a sinful world
How do YOU react to the teaching of perseverance?CD 5 Article 152018God's Amazing Grace
How do you speak comfort to a suffering friend?Job 11:1-62021Comfort in a World of Pain
How much more we can go to God in prayer!LD 45 and Luke 11:5-132024Prayer
How not to respond when the Owner of the vineyard sends his SonMark 12:1-122011God The Son
How our love and gratitude leads to prayer to hallow God's NameLD 47 2024Prayer
How should we be reaching out to unbelievers?Col 4:5-62015Mission Work
How to be a friend to the sufferingJob 2:11-132021Comfort in a World of Pain
How to begin our prayersLD 46 2024Prayer
How to end your prayerLD 52 2021Prayer
How to pray so God is pleased and hears usLD 45 2021Prayer
How you honour Jesus shows the true difference between the church and the worldJohn 4:43-452017Our Salvation
Humanity's awful plight and God's gracious solutionCD 1 Articles 1-22017God's Amazing Grace
Humble yourself in the sight of the LORDDan 4:28-372020Humility
I believe in Jesus the only SaviourLD 11 2011Our Salvation
I must love the truthLD 43 2013 9th Commandment (Lying)
I will proclaim God's perfections!Psa 40:9-102022Praise
Idolatry = Adultery (it's personal)LD 34 2017 1st Commandment (God alone)
If you’re united to Christ, put to death and put away the earthly thingsCol 3:5-112014Life in Christ
In Gethsemane Christ entered into prayerful agony for our salvationMark 14:32-422012Christ's Suffering
In his sovereign grace, God works the return from death to lifeRuth 1:6-182013Maintaining the Antithesis
In our death and what follows, Jesus is a complete SaviourLD 22 2020Our Salvation
In the face of false teaching, fix your eyes on ChristCol 2:1-52020Our Calling
In wrath God remembers mercyGen 6:9-222023God's Covenant faithfulness
Is there injustice on God's part?LD 4 2019God's Justice
Isaiah reveals a message no one will believeIsa 53:1-32011Christ's Suffering
It all belongs to God and should be used for the good of our neighboursLD 42 2022 8th Commandment (Stealing)
It's a comfort knowing Christ is in controlJohn 13:21-302022Comfort in a World of Pain
It's All About Jesus!John 3:22-302016God The Son
It's all been leading up to JesusMatt 1:1-172021The Incarnation
It's good to belong to Jesus ChristLD 1 and 1 Cor. 6:19b-202024Comfort in a World of Pain
Jesus begins to reveal himself to his disciples as the MessiahJohn 1:43-512016All of scripture points to Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is and will be number one!LD 19 2007God The Son
Jesus Christ is coming to save us from hard times (Mission Sermon)James 5:7,8 Life in Christ
Jesus Christ is our Resurrection and our LifeLD 22 2023Our Salvation
Jesus Christ is the Prophet you must take seriouslyJohn 7:14-242018Our Salvation
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and foreverHeb 13:82010God The Son
Jesus Christ is truly present at the Lord's SupperLD 29 2021Lord's Supper
Jesus Christ is your Lord, also when it comes to life in the homeCol 3:18-4:12015Marriage
Jesus Christ restores life and communion.Mark 1:40-452006Revelation of the Gospel
Jesus defends the disciple showing true loving devotionMark 14:1-112012God The Son
Jesus descends further into sufferingMark 14:53-652012Christ's Suffering
Jesus engages objections to his claim to be the heavenly breadJohn 6:41-512018Our Salvation
Jesus further reveals himself by calming a great stormMark 4:35-412008Revelation of the Gospel
Jesus Gives Bread to the Children *and* the DogsMark 7:24-302009God's Amazing Grace
Jesus is the only and complete SaviourLD 11 2013God The Son
Jesus is the true bread from heavenJohn 6:30-402018Comfort in a World of Pain
Jesus knew the right momentJohn 7:1-92018Christ's Suffering
Jesus proclaims a Pentecost promiseJohn 7:37-392012The work of The Holy Spirit
Jesus raises disciples to challenge unbeliefJohn 12:9-112021Christ's gathering work
Jesus revealed as the Know-them-allJohn 2:23-252016Faith
Jesus reveals Himself as the only way to the FatherJohn 14:5-72005Christ's gathering work
Jesus reveals his glory at a weddingJohn 2:1-122016Marriage
Jesus says, I am the light of the worldJohn 8:12-202019Our Salvation
Jesus shows the right thing to doActs 2:37-392021Baptism
Jesus teaches his disciples about gospel-harvestingJohn 4:31-382017Christ's gathering work
Jesus teaches you to pursue the imperishable food he givesJohn 6:22-292018Our Salvation
Jesus wants you to understand who he is in relation to the FatherJohn 5:19-242017God The Son
Jesus: Expert Evangelist and Saviour for All SortsJohn 4:1-302017Neighbours
Jesus: the Name above every nameLD 11 2010God The Son
Justification offers up a wealth of gospel benefitsLD 23 2017Our Salvation
Justified by works of the law?LD 2 and Romans 3:202024The Law Exposes our Sinful Nature
Knowing the Father and the Son is eternal lifeJohn 17:32009Our Salvation
Learn to discern the churchBC 29 2022Preaching
Leaving God is leaving life!Ruth 1:1-52013Maintaining the Antithesis
Let us keep the Lord's Day holyLD 38 2017 4th Commandment (Resting)
Let us praise the God who has graced us with every spiritual blessing in Christ!Eph 1:3-62010Unclassified
Let your hearts be encouraged with Jesus' last will and testamentJohn 142023Comfort in a World of Pain
Like Abraham, those who believe are counted righteous before GodRom 4:23-252016Our Salvation
Live in union with Jesus Christ, consistent with your confession of him as LordCol 2:6-72020Life in Christ
Look up to the victory provided by Yahweh and liveNum 21:4-92015Revelation of the Gospel
Love compels us to tell the truth about God's justiceLD 4 2009God's Justice
Love for God drives out idolsLD 34 2010 1st Commandment (God alone)
Make much of God!Psa 96:22021Our Calling
Make straight the Lord's way!John 1:19-282016Mission Work
Making the Way ReadyMark 1:1-82006God The Son
Marriage: God's BlueprintLD 41 2005 7th Commandment (Adultery)
Meet the One John calls the WordJohn 1:1-52016God The Son
My former friend is now a traitor!Mark 14:66-722012Christ's Suffering
My only comfort is in belonging to ChristLD 1 2014Comfort in a World of Pain
My only comfort is in the biblical gospelLD 1 2022Comfort in a World of Pain
O God, let this church be filled with the knowledge of your will!Col 1:9-142014God's Amazing Grace
Our ascended High Priest continually blesses his churchLuke 24:50-532008God The Son
Our Chief Prophet and Teacher Takes Up His OfficeMark 1:14-202007God The Son
Our comfort is in God's gospel forgivenessLD 21 QA 562019Forgiveness of Sins
Our Confession of God's JusticeLD 4 2008God's Justice
Our Creed and Our Triune GodLD 8 2020Trinity
Our Father upholds and governs all thingsLD 10 2019God's Providence
Our God is the good Creator of allBC 12 2022God and our Creation
Our God wants to have a conversation with his covenant peopleLD 45 2016Prayer
Our God's rich covenant promises2 Sam 7:8-172024God's Covenant faithfulness
Our good God gives the gift of governmentBC 36 2022Our Calling
Our Identity is with the Triune God1 Pet 1:1-22005Trinity
Our Lord celebrates the last Passover with his disciplesMark 14:12-262012Christ's Suffering
Our Lord Jesus brings sight to BartimaeusMark 10:46-522011God's Mercy
Our Lord Jesus teaches how hard it is to enter the kingdom and follow himMark 10:23-312010Life in Christ
Our Lord Jesus teaches us to end our prayers in hopeLD 52 2011Prayer
Our Lord Jesus teaches us to pray for forgivenessLD 51 2017Forgiveness
Our Lord Jesus warns his disciples about stumbling blocksMark 9:42-502010Living in a sinful world
Our Lord teaches us to pray for God to bring his kingdomLD 48 2012Prayer
Our Lord teaches us to pray for the holiness of God's NameLD 47 2022Prayer
Our Master Jesus teaches us to pray for help in our office and callingLD 49 2024Prayer
Our Master Jesus teaches us to pray to our Father for forgivenessLD 51 2024Forgiveness
Our Master Jesus teaches us to pray to our Father for forgivenessLD 51 2016Forgiveness
Our Master teaches Christian soldiers to prayLD 52 2016Prayer
Our Master teaches us how to begin our prayersLD 46 2014Prayer
Our Master teaches us to pray for God's kingdom to comeLD 48 2022Prayer
Our Master teaches us to pray that God's Name would be honoured as holyLD 47 2014Prayer
Our only comfort in life and death comes from the Triune GodLD 1 2021Comfort in a World of Pain
Our redemption reveals a great and praiseworthy GodLD 5 2024Our Salvation
Our Saviour descends yet deeper into suffering before PilateMark 15:1-152012Christ's Suffering
Our Saviour Jesus died an extraordinary deathMark 15:33-412013Christ's Suffering
Our Saviour Jesus goes to the cross for our salvationMark 15:21-322013Christ's Suffering
Our Saviour Jesus received an honourable burialMark 15:42-472013Christ's Suffering
Our Saviour teaches Christian soldiers to prayLD 52 2014Prayer
Our sovereign God graciously gives the elect salvation in the death of ChristCD 2 Articles 8-92018Our Salvation
Our sovereign God saves by opening and closing eyes2 Kgs 6:15-232013Revelation of the Gospel
Our unspeakable comfort in the Reformed doctrine of electionCD 1 article 72012God's Amazing Grace
Pay attention to the witnesses calling you to believe in ChristJohn 5:30-472017All of scripture points to Jesus Christ
Persevere in prayer, even in the dark placesPsa 882014Desolation/Despair
Persevering believers find joy in going to the house of the LORDCD 5 Article 14 & Psalm 1222018Life in Christ
Persist in prayer!Col 4:2-42015Mission Work
Petitioning the Father for Our Daily BreadLD 50 2005-12Thankfulness
Pilgrim saints, trust Yahweh your God on the way!Psa 1212015Living in a sinful world
Praise God for the victorious Lamb has sent out his Spirit!Rev 5:62024The work of The Holy Spirit
Pray about all your bodily needsLD 50 2021Prayer
Pray about that battle between two willsLD 49 2021Prayer
Pray for Christ's churchLD 48 2011Prayer
Pray for God to bring his kingdomLD 48 2021Prayer
Prayer offered in true faith has a great power (Mission Sermon)James 5:13-18 Life in Christ
Prayer requires a forgiving spiritMark 11:25-262011Forgiveness
Preaching: God's way of bringing people to faith in ChristCD 1 Articles 3-42017Preaching
Preservation is the gracious work of the Triune GodCD 5 Article 32018God's Amazing Grace
Preserved saints *MUST* take sin seriouslyCD 5 Articles 4-52018Living in a sinful world
Purity and holiness are God's will for usLD 41 2021 7th Commandment (Adultery)
Regeneration is a miraculous and mysterious work of the Sovereign GodCD 3/4 Articles 12-132018Our Salvation
Remember the Lord's Day to keep it holyLD 38 2022 4th Commandment (Resting)
Repent while there's still a time of graceLuke 13:6-92022Repentance
Repenting means fighting every day to live free from our historyLD 33 2022Repentance
Salvation Comes from YahwehJonah 1:16-2:102005Our Salvation
Scripture tells us the truth about our human natureLD 3 2014Unclassified
See and value the diversity of gifts bestowed by the ascended Jesus ChristEph 4:7-102022Communion of Saints
See how Jesus feels!John 11:28-372020Comfort in a World of Pain
See the glory of God revealed in Jesus raising the dead!John 11:38-442020Death Defeated
See yourself as God sees you! (Mission Sermon)James 1:9-11 Life in Christ
Sent Out Again!Jonah 3:1-42005Our Calling
Should we question the almighty God's wise purposes?Job 42:1-62021Comfort in a World of Pain
Since God rightfully cares about his creation, so should weJonah 42021Christ's gathering work
Since he cures blindness, trust and worship JesusJohn 92020God's Amazing Grace
Since Jesus is the Good Shepherd, follow him!John 10:1-212020Revelation of the Gospel
Since self-deception is so easy, listen to the One who knows realityJohn 7:25-312019Our Salvation
Since we're Jesus' beloved friends, we're to love one anotherJohn 15:12-172023Love
Sinner, you have a problemLD 2 2023Depravity
So great a fall -- so great a salvation!CD 3/4 Articles 1-32018Our Salvation
Speech and IdentityLD 43 2005 9th Commandment (Lying)
Take courage because God will bring justice through his Anointed2 Kgs 9:1-132024God's Justice
Take seriously our Saviour's words of comfort and warningJohn 7:32-362019Comfort in a World of Pain
Take the ultimate paternity testJohn 8:39-472019Our Salvation
Thankful believers ought to be prayerful believersLD 45 2022Prayer
Thankfulness shouldn't be surprising amongst God's covenant people!Luke 17:11-192013Thankfulness
The 7th Word: God Commands Purity in His PeopleLD 41 2009 7th Commandment (Adultery)
The advance of the gospel takes a teamCol 4:7-92015Communion of Saints
The almighty God is my faithful Father and he gives everything its meaningLD 9 2023God and our Creation
The Amazing Benefits of ChristJohn 10:22-302020Revelation of the Gospel
The Anguish of ChastisementPsa 392006Church Discipline
The anointed Avenger asks, Who is on my side? Who?2 Kgs 9:30-372024Maintaining the Antithesis
The Anointed One supplies what is lackingLD 12 2020God The Son
The ascended Jesus stands ready to welcome believers into heavenActs 7:55-562024Ascension
The Authoritative Christ Comes to God's People with FreedomMark 1:21-282006God The Son
The biblical gospel of justificationLD 23 2019Our Salvation
The Call of the GospelCD 3/4 Articles 7-102018Well Meant Gospel Offer
The Call to a New LifePhil 4:8-92008Life in Christ
The Christian's comfort in what the Triune God does in electionCD 1 Articles 7-82017God's Amazing Grace
The church has received keys from her KingLD 31 2019Preaching
The cross was God's plan all alongJohn 18:28-322024Christ's Suffering
The Darkness SpeaksMark 15:332006Christ's Suffering
The Dawn of DeliveranceLD 5 2008Unclassified
The Day of Judgment is coming, so get behind the King2 Kgs 9:14-282024The Second Coming
The Devil Hates You and Has a Terrible Plan for Your Life1 Pet 5:8-112005Spiritual Warfare
The Difficult Doctrine of ReprobationCD 1 Articles 15-162017God's Justice
The Divine King of Israel Chooses His War CouncilMark 3:13-192007Christ's Kingship
The doctrines of grace motivate us to carry out our missionary callingCD 2 5-72018Mission Work
The elect are secure in their salvationCD 5 Articles 6-82018God's Amazing Grace
The fear of the LORD is the sure way to a blessed new yearProv 14:26-272013Unclassified
The Fifth Commandment calls us to submit to all God-given authorityLD 39 2012 5th Commandment (Obedience)
The Fifth Commandment is essential to our life of thankfulnessLD 39 2011 5th Commandment (Obedience)
The financial giving of believers2 Cor 9:6-152021Tithing
The first humiliation of our Lord Jesus on Mount ZionLuke 2:22-242012The Incarnation
The glory and suffering of the MessiahMark 9:2-132010God The Son
The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have done unto youLD 42 and Matthew 7:122024 8th Commandment (Stealing)
The good news is so good because the bad news is so badRom 1:16-202019Our Salvation
The gospel announces our Mediator and DelivererLD 6 2011Revelation of the Gospel
The Gospel guides us to be the righteous richLD 42 2007 8th Commandment (Stealing)
The gospel leads Christians to honour and protect lifeLD 40 2019 6th Commandment (Murder)
The gospel promises -- You're adopted! --LD 13 QA 332020Revelation of the Gospel
The gospel promises a comforter in the Holy SpiritLD 20 2020The work of The Holy Spirit
The gospel promises encompass the body of Jesus ChristLD 21 2010Christ's gathering work
The gospel promises found in the suffering of our SaviourLD 15 2013Christ's Suffering
The gospel promises that Christ is a risen and victorious SaviourLD 17 2019Death Defeated
The gospel promises that Christ Jesus bore my curseLD 15 2014Christ's Suffering
The gospel promises that Jesus is my only and complete SaviourLD 11 2021Our Salvation
The gospel promises that speak of a blessed ever after through ChristLD 22 2019Our Salvation
The gospel promises that the powerful Creator is my loving FatherLD 9 2021Revelation of the Gospel
The gospel promises the presence of the ascended Christ in heaven and on earthLD 18 2020Comfort in a World of Pain
The gospel promises to turn mourning into dancingJohn 16:16-242023Comfort in a World of Pain
The gospel promises us comfort in Christ's ascensionLD 18 2021Revelation of the Gospel
The gospel promises victory in the resurrection of ChristLD 17 2023Our Salvation
The gospel promises we're in good hands with our Father GodLD 10 2021God's Providence
The great God reveals his sovereign power to NebuchadnezzarDan 2:24-452010Unclassified
The Great Physician brings healing to the weak and helplessJohn 5:1-182017Comfort in a World of Pain
The Holy Spirit alone gives spiritual lifeCD 3/4 Articles 4-62018The work of The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is involved with our faith from beginning to endLD 25 2020The work of The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit proves the world guiltyJohn 16:8-112015The work of The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit reveals the roles of men and women in the church1 Tim 2:8-152017Obedience
The Holy Spirit teaches us what union with Christ looks likeCol 3:12-172015Life in Christ
The Holy Spirit uses the law of God to help Christians grow in ChristLD 44 QAs 114 & 1152022Life in Christ
The Holy Spirit works through the means of graceLD 25 2019Our Salvation
The Hope of the hopelessMark 5:21-432008Revelation of the Gospel
The journey from blindness to sightMark 8:22-302010God The Son
The Justification of the Ungodly: A Real-life Courtroom DramaLD 23 2023Justification
The justified find all their confidence in Christ aloneRom 8:342017Revelation of the Gospel
The Keys of the KingdomLD 31 2010Keys of the Kingdom
The King of kings humiliated on his way to the crossMark 15:16-202012Christ's Suffering
The Kingdom Comes With Lasting Wholeness for God's PeopleMark 1:29-342006God The Son
The Lamb is worthy to receive all our honourJohn 12:1-82021Worship
The Lamb turns Lion when his Father's house is defiledJohn 2:13-222016Anger
The law of God and the ChristianLD 34 QA 922022God's Law is Good
The law of God teaches us the bad news we need to knowLD 2 2021God's Law is Good
The Lord gives the Immanuel sign to confront unbelief and hypocrisyIsa 7:142019God's Covenant faithfulness
The Lord graciously disciplines those whom he lovesLD 31 QA 852023Church Discipline
The Lord Jesus actively and willingly gave himself for us John 19:28-302009Christ's Suffering
The Lord Jesus addresses the prideful cliquishness of his disciplesMark 9:38-412010Humility
The Lord Jesus answers a question about fastingMark 2:18-222006Fasting
The Lord Jesus Clears a Way for the WordMark 7:31-372009God The Son
The Lord Jesus misunderstood by family and foe alikeMark 3:20-272007God The Son
The Lord Jesus reorients people to God’s design for marriageMark 10:1-122010Marriage
The Lord Jesus Reveals His True FamilyMark 3:31-352008God The Son
The Lord Jesus sends his messengers with an urgent prophetic taskMark 6:7-132008Preaching
The Lord of life shows the way of life in the sixth commandmentLD 40 2011 6th Commandment (Murder)
The Lord of the SabbathLD 38 2005 4th Commandment (Resting)
The Lord of the Sabbath does good for us by bringing it back to God's designLD 38 and Mark 2:23-282024 4th Commandment (Resting)
The Lord of the Sabbath does good on the SabbathMark 3:1-62007God The Son
The Lord teaches us to pray to be like God's holy angelsLD 49 2012Prayer
The meaning of Christ's deathLD 16 2011God The Son
The Messianic King arrives at the royal cityMark 11:1-112011Christ's Kingship
The Most High God delivers his trusting servantsDan 3:26-302017Living in a sinful world
The newborn Jesus lived under the will of GodLuke 2:212011God The Son
The Ninth Commandment Forbids False WitnessLD 43 2009 9th Commandment (Lying)
The Ninth Commandment tells us to embrace our identity in the TruthLD 43 2022 9th Commandment (Lying)
The one true God and how we know himBC 1 and 22022General and Special Revelation
The One whose path led through the seaMark 6:45-522008God The Son
The Parable of the Sower: A Call to Hear RightlyMark 4:1-202022Our Calling
The path to the throne isn't what you might think1 Sam 242023Life in Christ
The peace that starts the war: Christ's work for us and in us.LD 16 QA 432007Life in Christ
The place of our good works in our relationship with GodLD 24 2007Good Works
The Preacher issues a call to action in uncertain timesEcc 11:1-62008Our Calling
The precious gifts received through Christ's sufferingLD 15 2010Christ's Suffering
The presence of Jesus calms the fears of his disciplesJohn 6:16-212018Desolation/Despair
The promise of the gospel concerning the Holy SpiritLD 20 2010Unclassified
The proper attitude towards God's sovereign graceCD 1 Article 18 & Matthew 20:1-12017God's Amazing Grace
The Prophet Came To PreachMark 1:35-392006God The Son
The real Law ExpertMark 6:53-7:232008Unclassified
The Redeemer of God's people finally appears to the elderly AnnaLuke 2:36-382024Grace
The Return of Christ and the 1000 Years of Revelation 20LD 19 2023The Second Coming
The risen Jesus meets the two Marys with good newsMatt 28:9-102012God's Amazing Grace
The Sadducees challenge Christ on the resurrection of the deadMark 12:18-272011God's Covenant faithfulness
The Saviour of the whole familyMark 10:13-162010Unclassified
The scandalous ProphetMark 6:1-62008Revelation of the Gospel
The Second Commandment Directs the Proper Worship of GodLD 35 2009 2nd Commandment (No images)
The sending Christ was taken up into heavenMark 16:19-202018Our Calling
The Sixth Commandment calls us to uphold the life God has givenLD 40 2012 6th Commandment (Murder)
The Son of God builds his churchLD 21 QA 542007Church Building
The Son of God came to earth as our MediatorLD 14 2023The Incarnation
The Son of God took on true human natureBC 18 2022The Incarnation
The Son of Man *has* power on earth to forgive sins!Mark 2:1-122006Forgiveness
The Son of Man will come with great power and gloryMark 13:24-372012The Second Coming
The Spirit of Truth is true and eternal GodLD 20 2007The person of The Holy Spirit
The Spirit of Yahweh empowers Samson to begin the deliverance of IsraelJudg 14:5-62014The work of The Holy Spirit
The Tenth Commandment teaches us to bring our desires in line with God'sLD 44 QA 113202210th Commandment (Jealousy)
The Third Commandment addresses our use of oathsLD 37 2013 3rd Commandment (God's name)
The tragic fall of our first parents reveals the nature of human sinGen 3:6-72017Living in a sinful world
The Trinity: A Doctrine of DelightLD 8 2023Trinity
The Triune God brings us the benefit of the holy conception and birth of ChristLD 14 2008The Incarnation
The true contours of Messiahship and discipleshipMark 8:31-9:12010God The Son
The true priests of God give everything they haveMark 12:41-442012Life in Christ
The True Shepherd of IsraelMark 6:30-442008Revelation of the Gospel
The Way of EscapeLD 5 2011Our Salvation
The Way of PeacePsa 1312006Humility
The wise know the difference between the righteous and the wickedPsa 12022Life in Christ
The woman shaped by wisdomProv 31:302008Living in a sinful world
The Word and the WordLD 6 2020God The Son
The Word became flesh to reveal God to us most fullyJohn 1:14-182016God The Son
The Word of God leads from death and slavery to life and freedom2 Kgs 4:1-72014Role of the Mother
The Word reveals what lives in your heartMark 4:21-252024Keys of the Kingdom
The world may seem out of control, but our Saviour God still rulesJohn 18:1-112024Adversity
There shouldn't be a stark contrast between Master and discipleJohn 18:15-272024Our Calling
There's a great war, but God gives us great confidence in ChristRev 12:1-62022Spiritual Warfare
There's no love like that of Jesus!John 13:1-202022Love
Those serving in God's army wage war in God's way2 Cor 10:1-62024Spiritual Warfare
Through Christ the gospel promises us the resurrection and life everlastingLD 22 2013Comfort in a World of Pain
To be saved by Jesus Christ, we need a living faith. (Mission Sermon)James 2:14-17 Life in Christ
To be saved, get in the Ark!Gen 7:11-162023Our Salvation
To be wise in the new year, plan, but always recognize that God is sovereignProv 19:212023Our Calling
To bear maximum fruit, abide in the VineJohn 15:1-112023Life in Christ
To encourage us, God reveals his coming feast of salvationIsa 25:6-82023Comfort in a World of Pain
To help us stay humble, God warns us against wanting to become teachers. (Mission Sermon)James 3:1-2 Leadership
To live forever, you must eat and drink ChristJohn 6:52-592018Our Calling
To really grasp who Jesus is, believe his worksJohn 10:31-422020God The Son
To really see Jesus, focus on his gloryJohn 12:20-262022Christ's Suffering
Total DepravityLD 3 2006-10-08Our Salvation
True faith is how we take hold of Christ for salvationLD 7 2013Faith
True faith is necessary to be saved by ChristLD 7 2024Faith
True GreatnessMark 9:33-372010Humility
True repentance includes obedience to the Third CommandmentLD 36 and LD 372022 3rd Commandment (God's name)
True repentance is a dying and a coming to lifeLD 33 2019Repentance
True repentance is essential for true ChristiansLD 33 2017Repentance
Trust God to deliver on everything he's promisedGen 9:18-292023God's faithfulness
Trust God's promises for a bright futureIsa 40:6-82020Comfort in a World of Pain
Trust God's victorious power to help you grieve in faithJob 1:20-222021Comfort in a World of Pain
Trust in Christ for your double-resurrectionJohn 5:25-292017God The Son
Trust in the God who has power over death2 Kgs 4:18-372018Death Defeated
Trust the Saviour who always has a purposeJohn 11:1-162020Struggling with doubts
Unless you believe in Jesus, you will die in your sinsJohn 8:21-302019Our Salvation
Wait on God and he will give you strengthIsa 40:27-312020Comfort in a World of Pain
Walk while you have the Light!John 12:27-362022Revelation of the Gospel
We are to please our neighbours and accept themRom 15:1-72013Communion of Saints
We are washed clean of sin by Christ's blood and by the Holy SpiritLD 27 2019Baptism
We begin our prayers by expressing a proper way of looking at GodLD 46 2009Prayer
We confess our great need for propitiation (Australian version)LD 5 2020Our Salvation
We confess our great need for propitiation (Canadian version)LD 5 2013Our Salvation
We confess the communion of saintsLD 21 QA 552007Communion of Saints
We confess the significance of the Name JesusLD 11 2005God The Son
We must conform our thoughts of God to his revelationLD 35 2012 2nd Commandment (No images)
What a rich and full salvation we have in Christ!LD 32 2015Thankfulness
What a rich salvation we have in Jesus Christ!LD 32 2020Life in Christ
What can Jesus do?Mark 3:7-122007Revelation of the Gospel
What does faith look like in the face of an uncertain future?Hab 3:17-192019Living in a sinful world
What does faithful ministry look like?Col 1:24-292014Preaching
What does it to mean to believe and experience the communion of saints?LD 21 QA 552020Communion of Saints
What happens to God's prophets?Mark 6:14-292008Unclassified
What is the basis of God's election?CD 1 Articles 9-102017Our Salvation
What is the greatest commandment in the law?LD 34 & Mark 12:28-342023 1st Commandment (God alone)
What it means to be a disciple of our Lord JesusMatt 10:24-252011Unclassified
What the Bible teaches about freedom and personal responsibilityCD 3/4 Article 162018Our Salvation
What the gospel promises about Christ, God's only begotten Son and our LordLD 13 2021God The Son
What the gospel promises in Christ's deepest humiliationLD 16 2020Christ's Suffering
What the gospel promises in our union with the crucified and buried ChristLD 16 2014Revelation of the Gospel
What the gospel promises us in the Lordship of ChristLD 13 QA 342020God The Son
What the gospel promises us in the title ChristLD 12 2021Our Salvation
What the gospel promises us in the virginal conception and birth of the Son of GodLD 14 2014The Incarnation
What Time is It?1 Pet 4:7-112005Christ's return
What to do to inherit eternal lifeMark 10:17-222010Our Salvation
When God's wrath is provoked, there are consequencesGen 6:1-42023Marriage
When it's God's work, cynicism is senselessJob 1:8-122021Struggling with doubts
When the gospel comes, don't harden your heart!John 12:36b-432022Our Calling
When you rightly know God, his Name will be hallowed in your prayers and in your lifeLD 47 2016Prayer
When you're united to Christ, you're united to both his death and his resurrection lifeRom 6:52023Life in Christ
Where does sin come from?LD 3 2013Unclassified
Where is the fruit?Mark 11:12-182011Life in Christ
Who can come and live in the presence of a holy God?Psa 152022All of scripture points to Jesus Christ
Who did Jesus come to call?Mark 2:13-172006Christ's gathering work
Who is God and what is he doing in this messed up world?Psa 732018Struggling with doubts
Who is God?LD 8 2024Trinity
Who is the Son of God to the people of God?LD 21 2023God The Son
Who is your King?John 18:33-402024Christ's Kingship
Whom can we blame and is it really so bad?LD 3 2009The Law Exposes our Sinful Nature
Why did your King come into Jerusalem?John 12:12-192022Revelation of the Gospel
Why do good works?LD 32 2017Obedience
Why do some get the gift of faith?CD 1 Article 62017Faith
Why do we baptize the children of believers?LD 27 2015Baptism
Why is the Son of David hanging from a tree?2 Sam 18:92023Christ's Suffering
Why should God forgive your sins?LD 21 QA 562014Forgiveness of Sins
Why the twofold outcome to preaching?CD 1 Article 52017Preaching
Why we value and believe in the BibleBC 3 -72022Written Word of God
Willing service to God means willing service to othersExo 35:20-212019Church Building
Wisdom means remembering your CreatorLD 9 and Ecclesiastes 12:12024God and our Creation
Wishing you'd never been born is never justifiedJob 3:11-122021Desolation/Despair
With earthly possessions, watch out for covetousnessLD 44 and Luke 12:13-21202410th Commandment (Jealousy)
With faith behold your Saviour at his preliminary hearingJohn 18:12-142024Our Salvation
With faith you'll always find satisfaction at God's housePsa 65:42024Revelation of the Gospel
With his violent arrest Jesus enters into his suffering entirely aloneMark 14:43-522012Christ's Suffering
Without God's blessing, everything is pointlessLD 50 and Psalm 127:1-22024Prayer
Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!LD 31 QA 842013Preaching
Worship the true God in his way aloneLD 35 & Exodus 32:1-62023 2nd Commandment (No images)
Yahweh commands you to love your neighbour as yourselfLev 19:17-182018Neighbours
Yahweh grants redemption, restoration, and nourishmentRuth 42014God's Covenant faithfulness
You are united to Christ, so why be enslaved to any man-made religion?Col 2:16-232014Life in Christ
You can always trust God to remember and keep his promisesGen 8:1-192023God's Covenant faithfulness
You can come back! God's grace abounds to humble and contrite sinners2 Chr 33:10-132016Repentance
You CAN have hope even with an uncertain futureJob 13:152021Comfort in a World of Pain
You can only be justified through faith in ChristBC 22 and 232022Justification
You can still acknowledge the wise God at rock bottomJob 2:7-102021Desolation/Despair
You can trust God because he is majestically incomparable [COVID-related]Isa 40:12-262020Living in a sinful world
You do not want to be on the wrong side of the Divine WarriorLD 4 and Nahum 1:2-32024God's Justice
Your atheism and what to do about itPsa 142022Living in a sinful world
Your broken relationship with God is gloriously repaired through the gospelCol 1:21-232014Revelation of the Gospel

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