Live to the honour of God's holy name | LD 36 | 2014 | 3rd Commandment (God's name) |
The Oath | LD 37 | 2011-09-04 | 3rd Commandment (God's name) |
Murder begins in the heart but life comes from God | LD 40 | 2011-10-02 | 6th Commandment (Murder) |
Live pure lives in the covenant of grace. | LD 41 | 2009-07-19 | 7th Commandment (Adultery) |
God's gifts are for freedom | LD 42 | 2019-01-20 | 8th Commandment (Stealing) |
Everything I need is in Christ Jesus | LD 44 | 2013-02-10 | 10th Commandment (Jealousy) |
Grafted by baptism into the covenant of God | LD 27 | 2024-12-08 | Baptism |
God will not permit his elect to sin against the Holy Spirit | CD 5 art. 6 | 2022--1-23 | Blaspheming The Holy Spirit |
The risen Christ breathes His Spirit on those He sends | John 20:21-23 | 2015-04-05 | Christ's Kingship |
My God: Why? | Matt 27:46 | 2014-04-18 | Christ's Suffering |
Christ crowned on the cross | John 19:19-20 | 2015-04-03 | Christ's Suffering |
Christ suffered in my place | LD 15 | 2012-05-27 | Christ's Suffering |
Greet one another with a holy kiss | Rom 16:16a | 2014-11-16 | Communion of Saints |
Conversion only comes by being born of God | CD 3/4 Article 11 | 2021-09-19 | Conversion |
We need to know the depth of our depravity to comprehend the height of God's grace | CD 3/4 art 1-3 | 2021-01-03 | Depravity |
Our God is the God who sees | Gen 16:13-14 | 2016-08-21 | Desolation/Despair |
Election is the fountain of every saving good | CD 1 art 9-11 | 2020-06-28 | Election |
The assurance of your election is to be found in Jesus Christ | CD 1 Article 12-13 | 2020-07-05 | Election |
Because God preserves his elect, we will persevere | CD 5 art. 9-11 | 2022-02-07 | Election |
Immeasurable Pleasure | Psa 16:8 | 2011-07-03 | Enjoying Life |
Behold the beauty of the LORD! | Psa 27:4 | 2014-08-09 | Enjoying Life |
Believe God's promises and this will be counted to you as righteousness | Gen 15:1-6 | 2016-07-24 | Faith |
knock-out blows in the boxing ring of life | 1 Sam 30:6b | 2011-09-11 | Faith |
The Holy Spirit grafts us into Christ by a true faith. | LD 7 | 2012-03-11 | Faith |
The hope of faith shall not deceive us! | Gen 11:27-32 | 2016-02-07 | Faith Tested |
When Abram's faith faltered, God's promises did not! | Gen 12:10-13:4 | 2016-06-05 | Faith Tested |
God's providences never run counter to His promises | 1 Sam 22:21-23 | 2011-05-29 | Faith Tested |
Principles versus Pragmatism | 1 Sam 24:20 | 2011-07-10 | Faith Tested |
Faith like yo-yos | 1 Sam 27:1 | 2011-07-24 | Faith Tested |
Confess Christ Crucified | Luke 22:54-62 | 2012-04-06 | Faith Tested |
The LORD calls Abram to live by faith. | Gen 12:1-3 | 2016-05-29 | Faithfulness rewarded |
Gospel sowing bears a gospel harvest | Gal 6:7,8 | 2014-06-29 | Faithfulness rewarded |
The joy of forgiveness is for those who follow God’s pathway to pardon. | LD 51 | 2013-04-14 | Forgiveness |
Believe that Christ is the resurrection and the life | John 11:25-27 | 2018-09-30 | Forgiveness of Sins |
Behold the Lamb of God! | CD 2 Art 3-4 | 2020-10-18 | Forgiveness of Sins |
Abram chooses the blessings of Salem over the trinkets of Sodom | Gen 14:17-24 | 2016-07-03 | Giving your heart to God |
Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? | Psa 24:3 | 2014-05-29 | God The Son |
God's grace is the difference between Sarah and Sodom | Gen 18:1-21 | 2016-10-23 | God's Amazing Grace |
Receive God's greatest gift of love to the world | John 3:16 | 2015-03-08 | God's Amazing Grace |
To be a Christian is to be free | Gal 4:8-5:1 | 2014-05-18 | God's Amazing Grace |
He who made you has redeemed you | Col 1:15-18 | 2012-12-16 | God's Amazing Grace |
Live to the praise of God's glorious grace | CD 5 art. 15 | 2022-02-06 | God's Amazing Grace |
Though they are sinners, God preserves his saints | CD 5 art. 1-3 | 2021-12-05 | God's Amazing Grace |
Those who rest in God's grace will live in it | CD 5 art. 12-14 | 2022-02-20 | God's Amazing Grace |
The LORD confirms His oath to Abram by way of a covenant | Gen 15:7-21 | 2016-08-07 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
God's covenant is not just with Abram but also with his descendants | Gen 17:7 | 2016-09-04 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
God's covenant is forever | Gen 17:7 | 2016--9-11 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
God's covenant promises include possession of the land | Gen 17:8 | 2016-10-02 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
God's Covenant with Abraham extended to his household | Gen 17:10-13 | 2016-09-18 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
God returns to His people | Zech 1:3 | 2010-11-07 | God's Covenant faithfulness |
The LORD confirms His rejection of Saul in the house of a witch | 1 Sam 28:15-19 | 2011-08-07 | God's Justice |
The God who controls the present had the future in His hand | LD 10 | 2011-02-06 | God's Providence |
God's grace leads to godly lives | Titus 2:11-14 | 2011-11-20 | Good Works |
Act in line with the truth of the Gospel. | Gal 2:20,21 | 2014-03-30 | Gospel |
The gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ is good news for the whole world | CD 2 art 5 | 2020-11-01 | Gospel |
Why do you seek the living among the dead? | Luke 24:5,6 | 2012-04-08 | Life in Christ |
Lift up your eyes to behold the promises of God | Gen 13:12 | 2016-06-19 | Living in a sinful world |
You can't face two cities at the same time | Gen 19:26 | 2016-10-30 | Living in a sinful world |
The believer's assurance through the eating and drinking of Christ | LD 29 | 2024-12-21 | Lord's Supper |
Christ assures us of His presence in the Lord's Supper | LD 29 | 2010-05-23 | Lord's Supper |
The Truth in Love | Eph 4:15 | 2010-06-13 | Love |
No fence to sit on | Luke 11:23 | 2011-03-13 | Maintaining the Antithesis |
May we join all creation in the hallowing of God's holy Name! | LD 47 | 2013-03-10 | Our Calling |
Christ the King endured the curse of sin | Matt 27:27-31 | 2010-04-02 | Our Salvation |
Behold the Lamb of God! | John 1:29 | 2015-01-18 | Our Salvation |
God's blueprint for the Great Exchange | LD 6 | 2012-03-04 | Our Salvation |
Christ carried my curse to the cross | LD 15 | 2010-02-07 | Our Salvation |
You can't claim credit for what you didn't do | CD 3/4 art 14-15 | 2021-10-24 | Our Salvation |
The Lord provides the clothing needed to cover our shame | Gen 3:21 | 2013-10-13 | Parenting |
Know that the LORD is your faithful covenant God | Judg 2:10 | 2013-08-18 | Parenting |
Duty becomes a delight when God's Word is hidden in your heart | Psa 119:9-16 | 2013-10-06 | Parenting |
Beware of the sloth! | Prov 4:23 | 2013-09-08 | Parenting |
Children, obey your parents in the Lord! | Eph 6:1-3 | 2013-09-15 | Parenting |
May we live to hallow God's Name | LD 47 | 2009-08-30 | Prayer |
The Lord reveals to us His will - and He calls us to pray that we might do it. | LD 49 | 2014-06-01 | Prayer |
Repentance comes by the grace of God | CD 5 art 7-8 | 2022-01-22 | Repentance |
The LORD confirms David's anointing in his battle with Goliath | 1 Sam 17:45-47 | 2011-05-15 | Spiritual Warfare |
The Armour of God | Eph 6:13 | 2011-03-06 | Spiritual Warfare |
A brand plucked from the fire | Zech 3:2 | 2010-11-14 | Struggling with doubts |
Nothing is impossible for the God of the Virgin Birth | Luke 1:37 | 2010-12-19 | Struggling with doubts |
Restore unto me the joy of your salvation! | CD 5 art. 4-5 | 2021-12-12 | Struggling with doubts |
Christ the King is worthy of our worship | Matt 2:2 | 2024-12-25 | The Incarnation |
The God of glory has come to dwell among us! | John 1:14 | 2014-12-21 | The Incarnation |
Who can stand before the wrath of the Lamb? | Rev 6:17 | 2013-03-03 | The Second Coming |
To live in the Spirit is to walk in the Spirit | Gal 5:25 | 2014-06-08 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
The Father and the Son give us all things through the Holy Spirit | LD 20 | 2011-05-01 | The work of The Holy Spirit |
Give out of the grace that has been given to you | 2 Cor 8:9 | 2015-02-15 | Tithing |
The LORD reveals Himself as the Triune God of our salvation. | LD 8 | 2012-03-18 | Trinity |
Jesus Christ is the Bread that endures to eternal life | John 6:35 | 2018-06-17 | Unclassified |
The Light of the world promises life to those who follow Him | John 8:12 | 2018-09-16 | Unclassified |
There’s only one door to eternal life | John 10:7-9 | 2018-03-04 | Unclassified |
The Good Shepherd is He who lays down His life for the sheep | John 10:11 | 2018-03-11 | Unclassified |
I am the Way, the truth, and the life | John 14:6 | 2018-10-07 | Unclassified |
Grapes only come from branches that are joined to the vine | John 15:5 | 2018-04-29 | Unclassified |
There is only one gospel - so make sure you know what it is! | Gal 1:1-10 | 2014-03-09 | Unclassified |
There is only one gospel - and you can be sure that it is true! | Gal 1:11,12 | 2014-03-16 | Unclassified |
Never leave the gospel behind! | Gal 3:3 | 2014-04-6 | Unclassified |
The gospel is a gift, not a paycheck | Gal 3:26 | 2014-05-18 | Unclassified |
The Unity of the Spirit | Eph 4:3 | 2010-05-09 | Unclassified |
God has given all we need for a godly life | 2 Pet 1:1-4 | 2019-01-20 | Unclassified |
Make every effort to add to your faith! | 2 Pet 1:5,8-11 | 2019-01-27 | Unclassified |
Supplement your faith with knowledge and self-control! | 2 Pet 1:5-6,8 | 2019-02-03 | Unclassified |
You can be sure of your salvation! | 2 Pet 1:10-11 | 2019-02-10 | Unclassified |
It's not for you to decide what God's Word is! | 2 Pet 1:19-21 | 2019-03-03 | Unclassified |
Destruction awaits those who deny the Master who bought them | 2 Pet 2:1-10a | 2019-03-10 | Unclassified |
False teachers keep you from the way of righteousness | 2 Pet 2:10b-22 | 2019-03-17 | Unclassified |
Don't be fooled: the Lord is coming! | 2 Pet 3:1-9 | 2019-03-24 | Unclassified |
Looking forward to the Day of the Lord, be diligent! | 2 Pet 3:10-18 | 2019-03-31 | Unclassified |
Fit to live in the presence of God | LD 18 | 2009-01-00 | Unclassified |
The Grave may be our destination but it's not our destiny | LD 22 Lord's Day 22 | 2024-11-03 | Unclassified |
Though sin runs deep, God's love runs deeper | CD 1 art 1-2 | 2020-05-31 | Unclassified |
Unbelief comes from us, but faith comes from God | CD 1 art 5-6 | 2020-06-14 | Unclassified |
The blessed comfort in the unchangeable purpose of God concerning our election | CD 1 art 7-8 | 2020-06-21 | Unclassified |
God's grace shines forth when election is taught correctly | CD 1 art 14 | 2020-08-16 | Unclassified |
Reprobation: When God leaves sinners in their sin | CD 1 art 15-16 | 2020-09-06 | Unclassified |
Covenant hope: the believer's comfort at the loss of a little one | CD 1 art 17 | 2020-09-13 | Unclassified |
God reveals his gracious sovereignty in election for our comfort and his glory | CD 1 art 18 | 2020-09-20 | Unclassified |
It's only by God's mercy that you get to hear the gospel preached | CD 1 art. 3-4 | 2020-007-07 | Unclassified |
God's justice meets his mercy at the Cross | CD 2 art 1-2 | 2020-10-04 | Unclassified |
God's grace goes all the way | CD 2 art 6-7 | 2020-11-15 | Unclassified |
God will most certainly bring his elect to salvation | CD 2 art 8-9 | 2020-11-29 | Unclassified |
How does one come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ? | CD 3/4 art 4-6 | 2021-08-01 | Unclassified |
It's God's grace that's the reason for his gospel call | CD 3/4 art 7-8 | 2021-08-15 | Unclassified |
It's to those whom God gives ears that will hear | CD 3/4 art 9-10 | 2021-09-05 | Unclassified |
Dry bones made alive | CD 3/4 art 12-13 | 2021-10-17 | Unclassified |
Divine sovereignty doesn't cancel human responsibility | CD 3/4 art 16 | 2021-11-07 | Unclassified |
Since God's grace comes through the gospel, you know what to do | CD 3/4 art 17 | | Unclassified |
God's Deliverance is free for anyone who submits to His Word | 2 Kgs 5 | 2001-07-00 | Well Meant Gospel Offer |