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Author: Rev. Stephen 't Hart
Congregation: Free Reformed Church of Southern River
  West Kelmscott
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Stephen 't Hart is currently minister at the Free Reformed Church of Southern River, Australia. He was previously the minister at Melville, Baldivis and before that he served as missionary in Papua New Guinea, where he was involved in church planting and theological training.
Live to the honour of God's holy nameLD 36 2014 3rd Commandment (God's name)
The OathLD 37 2011-09-04 3rd Commandment (God's name)
Murder begins in the heart but life comes from GodLD 40 2011-10-02 6th Commandment (Murder)
Live pure lives in the covenant of grace.LD 41 2009-07-19 7th Commandment (Adultery)
God's gifts are for freedomLD 42 2019-01-20 8th Commandment (Stealing)
Everything I need is in Christ JesusLD 44 2013-02-1010th Commandment (Jealousy)
Grafted by baptism into the covenant of GodLD 27 2024-12-08Baptism
God will not permit his elect to sin against the Holy SpiritCD 5 art. 62022--1-23Blaspheming The Holy Spirit
The risen Christ breathes His Spirit on those He sendsJohn 20:21-232015-04-05Christ's Kingship
My God: Why?Matt 27:462014-04-18Christ's Suffering
Christ crowned on the crossJohn 19:19-202015-04-03Christ's Suffering
Christ suffered in my placeLD 15 2012-05-27Christ's Suffering
Greet one another with a holy kissRom 16:16a2014-11-16Communion of Saints
Conversion only comes by being born of GodCD 3/4 Article 112021-09-19Conversion
We need to know the depth of our depravity to comprehend the height of God's graceCD 3/4 art 1-32021-01-03Depravity
Our God is the God who seesGen 16:13-142016-08-21Desolation/Despair
Election is the fountain of every saving goodCD 1 art 9-112020-06-28Election
The assurance of your election is to be found in Jesus ChristCD 1 Article 12-132020-07-05Election
Because God preserves his elect, we will persevereCD 5 art. 9-112022-02-07Election
Immeasurable PleasurePsa 16:82011-07-03Enjoying Life
Behold the beauty of the LORD!Psa 27:42014-08-09Enjoying Life
Believe God's promises and this will be counted to you as righteousnessGen 15:1-62016-07-24Faith
knock-out blows in the boxing ring of life1 Sam 30:6b2011-09-11Faith
The Holy Spirit grafts us into Christ by a true faith.LD 7 2012-03-11Faith
The hope of faith shall not deceive us!Gen 11:27-322016-02-07Faith Tested
When Abram's faith faltered, God's promises did not!Gen 12:10-13:42016-06-05Faith Tested
God's providences never run counter to His promises1 Sam 22:21-232011-05-29Faith Tested
Principles versus Pragmatism1 Sam 24:202011-07-10Faith Tested
Faith like yo-yos1 Sam 27:12011-07-24Faith Tested
Confess Christ CrucifiedLuke 22:54-622012-04-06Faith Tested
The LORD calls Abram to live by faith.Gen 12:1-32016-05-29Faithfulness rewarded
Gospel sowing bears a gospel harvestGal 6:7,82014-06-29Faithfulness rewarded
The joy of forgiveness is for those who follow God’s pathway to pardon.LD 51 2013-04-14Forgiveness
Believe that Christ is the resurrection and the lifeJohn 11:25-272018-09-30Forgiveness of Sins
Behold the Lamb of God!CD 2 Art 3-42020-10-18Forgiveness of Sins
Abram chooses the blessings of Salem over the trinkets of SodomGen 14:17-242016-07-03Giving your heart to God
Who may ascend the hill of the LORD?Psa 24:32014-05-29God The Son
God's grace is the difference between Sarah and SodomGen 18:1-212016-10-23God's Amazing Grace
Receive God's greatest gift of love to the worldJohn 3:162015-03-08God's Amazing Grace
To be a Christian is to be freeGal 4:8-5:12014-05-18God's Amazing Grace
He who made you has redeemed youCol 1:15-182012-12-16God's Amazing Grace
Live to the praise of God's glorious graceCD 5 art. 152022-02-06God's Amazing Grace
Though they are sinners, God preserves his saintsCD 5 art. 1-32021-12-05God's Amazing Grace
Those who rest in God's grace will live in itCD 5 art. 12-142022-02-20God's Amazing Grace
The LORD confirms His oath to Abram by way of a covenantGen 15:7-212016-08-07God's Covenant faithfulness
God's covenant is not just with Abram but also with his descendantsGen 17:72016-09-04God's Covenant faithfulness
God's covenant is foreverGen 17:72016--9-11God's Covenant faithfulness
God's covenant promises include possession of the landGen 17:82016-10-02God's Covenant faithfulness
God's Covenant with Abraham extended to his householdGen 17:10-132016-09-18God's Covenant faithfulness
God returns to His peopleZech 1:32010-11-07God's Covenant faithfulness
The LORD confirms His rejection of Saul in the house of a witch1 Sam 28:15-192011-08-07God's Justice
The God who controls the present had the future in His handLD 10 2011-02-06God's Providence
God's grace leads to godly livesTitus 2:11-142011-11-20Good Works
Act in line with the truth of the Gospel.Gal 2:20,212014-03-30Gospel
The gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ is good news for the whole worldCD 2 art 52020-11-01Gospel
Why do you seek the living among the dead?Luke 24:5,62012-04-08Life in Christ
Lift up your eyes to behold the promises of GodGen 13:122016-06-19Living in a sinful world
You can't face two cities at the same timeGen 19:262016-10-30Living in a sinful world
The believer's assurance through the eating and drinking of ChristLD 29 2024-12-21Lord's Supper
Christ assures us of His presence in the Lord's SupperLD 29 2010-05-23Lord's Supper
The Truth in LoveEph 4:152010-06-13Love
No fence to sit onLuke 11:232011-03-13Maintaining the Antithesis
May we join all creation in the hallowing of God's holy Name!LD 47 2013-03-10Our Calling
Christ the King endured the curse of sinMatt 27:27-312010-04-02Our Salvation
Behold the Lamb of God!John 1:292015-01-18Our Salvation
God's blueprint for the Great ExchangeLD 6 2012-03-04Our Salvation
Christ carried my curse to the crossLD 15 2010-02-07Our Salvation
You can't claim credit for what you didn't doCD 3/4 art 14-152021-10-24Our Salvation
The Lord provides the clothing needed to cover our shameGen 3:212013-10-13Parenting
Know that the LORD is your faithful covenant GodJudg 2:102013-08-18Parenting
Duty becomes a delight when God's Word is hidden in your heartPsa 119:9-162013-10-06Parenting
Beware of the sloth!Prov 4:232013-09-08Parenting
Children, obey your parents in the Lord!Eph 6:1-32013-09-15Parenting
May we live to hallow God's NameLD 47 2009-08-30Prayer
The Lord reveals to us His will - and He calls us to pray that we might do it.LD 49 2014-06-01Prayer
Repentance comes by the grace of GodCD 5 art 7-82022-01-22Repentance
The LORD confirms David's anointing in his battle with Goliath1 Sam 17:45-472011-05-15Spiritual Warfare
The Armour of GodEph 6:132011-03-06Spiritual Warfare
A brand plucked from the fireZech 3:22010-11-14Struggling with doubts
Nothing is impossible for the God of the Virgin BirthLuke 1:372010-12-19Struggling with doubts
Restore unto me the joy of your salvation!CD 5 art. 4-52021-12-12Struggling with doubts
Christ the King is worthy of our worshipMatt 2:22024-12-25The Incarnation
The God of glory has come to dwell among us!John 1:142014-12-21The Incarnation
Who can stand before the wrath of the Lamb?Rev 6:172013-03-03The Second Coming
To live in the Spirit is to walk in the SpiritGal 5:252014-06-08The work of The Holy Spirit
The Father and the Son give us all things through the Holy SpiritLD 20 2011-05-01The work of The Holy Spirit
Give out of the grace that has been given to you2 Cor 8:92015-02-15Tithing
The LORD reveals Himself as the Triune God of our salvation.LD 8 2012-03-18Trinity
Jesus Christ is the Bread that endures to eternal lifeJohn 6:352018-06-17Unclassified
The Light of the world promises life to those who follow HimJohn 8:122018-09-16Unclassified
There’s only one door to eternal lifeJohn 10:7-92018-03-04Unclassified
The Good Shepherd is He who lays down His life for the sheepJohn 10:112018-03-11Unclassified
I am the Way, the truth, and the lifeJohn 14:62018-10-07Unclassified
Grapes only come from branches that are joined to the vineJohn 15:52018-04-29Unclassified
There is only one gospel - so make sure you know what it is!Gal 1:1-102014-03-09Unclassified
There is only one gospel - and you can be sure that it is true!Gal 1:11,122014-03-16Unclassified
Never leave the gospel behind!Gal 3:32014-04-6Unclassified
The gospel is a gift, not a paycheckGal 3:262014-05-18Unclassified
The Unity of the SpiritEph 4:32010-05-09Unclassified
God has given all we need for a godly life2 Pet 1:1-42019-01-20Unclassified
Make every effort to add to your faith!2 Pet 1:5,8-112019-01-27Unclassified
Supplement your faith with knowledge and self-control!2 Pet 1:5-6,82019-02-03Unclassified
You can be sure of your salvation!2 Pet 1:10-112019-02-10Unclassified
It's not for you to decide what God's Word is!2 Pet 1:19-212019-03-03Unclassified
Destruction awaits those who deny the Master who bought them2 Pet 2:1-10a2019-03-10Unclassified
False teachers keep you from the way of righteousness2 Pet 2:10b-222019-03-17Unclassified
Don't be fooled: the Lord is coming!2 Pet 3:1-92019-03-24Unclassified
Looking forward to the Day of the Lord, be diligent!2 Pet 3:10-182019-03-31Unclassified
Fit to live in the presence of GodLD 18 2009-01-00Unclassified
The Grave may be our destination but it's not our destinyLD 22 Lord's Day 222024-11-03Unclassified
Though sin runs deep, God's love runs deeperCD 1 art 1-22020-05-31Unclassified
Unbelief comes from us, but faith comes from GodCD 1 art 5-62020-06-14Unclassified
The blessed comfort in the unchangeable purpose of God concerning our electionCD 1 art 7-82020-06-21Unclassified
God's grace shines forth when election is taught correctlyCD 1 art 142020-08-16Unclassified
Reprobation: When God leaves sinners in their sinCD 1 art 15-162020-09-06Unclassified
Covenant hope: the believer's comfort at the loss of a little oneCD 1 art 172020-09-13Unclassified
God reveals his gracious sovereignty in election for our comfort and his gloryCD 1 art 182020-09-20Unclassified
It's only by God's mercy that you get to hear the gospel preachedCD 1 art. 3-42020-007-07Unclassified
God's justice meets his mercy at the CrossCD 2 art 1-22020-10-04Unclassified
God's grace goes all the wayCD 2 art 6-72020-11-15Unclassified
God will most certainly bring his elect to salvationCD 2 art 8-92020-11-29Unclassified
How does one come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ?CD 3/4 art 4-62021-08-01Unclassified
It's God's grace that's the reason for his gospel callCD 3/4 art 7-82021-08-15Unclassified
It's to those whom God gives ears that will hearCD 3/4 art 9-102021-09-05Unclassified
Dry bones made aliveCD 3/4 art 12-132021-10-17Unclassified
Divine sovereignty doesn't cancel human responsibilityCD 3/4 art 162021-11-07Unclassified
Since God's grace comes through the gospel, you know what to doCD 3/4 art 17 Unclassified
God's Deliverance is free for anyone who submits to His Word2 Kgs 52001-07-00Well Meant Gospel Offer

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