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2540 sermons as of January 13, 2025.
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Abram chooses the blessings of Salem over the trinkets of SodomGen 14:17-242016-07-03Rev. Stephen 't Hart
Believe God's promises and this will be counted to you as righteousnessGen 15:1-62016-07-24Rev. Stephen 't Hart
God's covenant is foreverGen 17:72016--9-11Rev. Stephen 't Hart
God's covenant is not just with Abram but also with his descendantsGen 17:72016-09-04Rev. Stephen 't Hart
God's covenant promises include possession of the landGen 17:82016-10-02Rev. Stephen 't Hart
God's Covenant with Abraham extended to his householdGen 17:10-132016-09-18Rev. Stephen 't Hart
God's grace is the difference between Sarah and SodomGen 18:1-212016-10-23Rev. Stephen 't Hart
Lift up your eyes to behold the promises of GodGen 13:122016-06-19Rev. Stephen 't Hart
Our God is the God who seesGen 16:13-142016-08-21Rev. Stephen 't Hart
The hope of faith shall not deceive us!Gen 11:27-322016-02-07Rev. Stephen 't Hart
The LORD calls Abram to live by faith.Gen 12:1-32016-05-29Rev. Stephen 't Hart
The LORD confirms His oath to Abram by way of a covenantGen 15:7-212016-08-07Rev. Stephen 't Hart
The Lord provides the clothing needed to cover our shameGen 3:212013-10-13Rev. Stephen 't Hart
When Abram's faith faltered, God's promises did not!Gen 12:10-13:42016-06-05Rev. Stephen 't Hart
You can't face two cities at the same timeGen 19:262016-10-30Rev. Stephen 't Hart
The Covenant of WorksGen 2:14-17 Rev. Todd Bordow
In marriage and out, no one can survive independently of GodGen 6:2b2003-05-18Rev. C. Bouwman
Noah showed his faith in God by blindly doing what God commanded.Gen 6:222003-06-01Rev. C. Bouwman
Even though it's so bad, God will defeat sinGen 6:5-82023Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God created usGen 1:26-272017Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God highly values human life and therefore we should tooGen 9:1-72023Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God provides the offering which brings propitiationGen 8:20-222023Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God reveals the sneaky strategy Satan employed at the beginningGen 3:12017Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God's covenant with nature is a great encouragement in an uncertain worldGen 9:8-172023Dr. Wes Bredenhof
In wrath God remembers mercyGen 6:9-222023Dr. Wes Bredenhof
The tragic fall of our first parents reveals the nature of human sinGen 3:6-72017Dr. Wes Bredenhof
To be saved, get in the Ark!Gen 7:11-162023Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Trust God to deliver on everything he's promisedGen 9:18-292023Dr. Wes Bredenhof
When God's wrath is provoked, there are consequencesGen 6:1-42023Dr. Wes Bredenhof
You can always trust God to remember and keep his promisesGen 8:1-192023Dr. Wes Bredenhof
A Compassionate Man and a Merciful GodGen 18.16-332023-07-23Rev. Mark Chen
Renewed In-Law RelationsGen 2.18-252021-05-16Rev. Mark Chen
Sinful Choices of Sinful MenGen 4.1-162023-04-23Rev. Mark Chen
In the BeginningGen 1:1-2May 6, 2007Pastor Keith Davis
In the Beginning (Part II)Gen 1:3-25May 13, 2007Pastor Keith Davis
A Christmas Promise FulfilledGen 3:1-24; Luke 1:26-33 Rev. Ted Gray
Christ and the Ark of SalvationGen 6:9-7:242017Rev. Ted Gray
God Knows You by NameGen 5:1-322017Rev. Ted Gray
Noah's Fall and God's GraceGen 9:18-282017Rev. Ted Gray
The Denigration of Marriage and the Great FloodGen 6:1-8 Rev. Ted Gray
The Tower of BabelGen 11:1-92017Rev. Ted Gray
An excellent wife, who can find, says the writer of proverbsGen 24  Phil Hodson
God puts us between a rock and a hard place, to teach us to rely on HimGen 39  Phil Hodson
The book of Genesis is given us as a forward looking book.Gen 49:1-28  Phil Hodson
Light Into the Darkness 1: Let There Be LightGen 1:1-5 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
Light Into the Darkness 1: Let There Be LightGen 1:1-5 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
Noah: Building the ArkGen 6:13-222015Rev. Steven Swets
Noah: Filling the ArkGen 7:1-102015Rev. Steven Swets
Noah: Preserved Among WickednessGen 6:5-122015Rev. Steven Swets
Noah: The Great FloodGen 7:11-242015Rev. Steven Swets
Wickedness Before the FloodGen 6:1-42015Rev. Steven Swets
The First WeddingGen 2:18-252000-01-09Rev. George van Popta
Where are you?Gen 3:92000-01-30Rev. George van Popta
Following in Abraham's Footsteps 1 A New Light of Hope for a Fallen WorldGen 11:27-322017-04Rev. John van Popta
Walking in Abraham's Footsteps #2 God calls Abram and renews his promise of blessing all nationsGen 12:1-92023-06Rev. John van Popta

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