A Costly Salvation Purchased with Precious Blood | LD 15 | 2020 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
A Glimpse of Our Beautiful Future | Deut 34:1-5 | 2019 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
A Saviour Finally Found | LD 6 | | Rev. Jeremy Segstro |
A Trustworthy Saying | 1 Tim 4:9-16 | 2017 | Rev. Ted Gray |
A Warning of War, A Proclamation of Peace | Nahum 1:15-2:1 | 2016 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Alive in the Power of Christ's Death! | LD 16 | 2016 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
All About True Conversion | CD 3/4 Article 11 | 2018 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
An encounter with Jesus leads in an unexpected direction | John 4:46-54 | 2017 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
An Eternal House in Heaven | 2 Cor 5:1-10 | 2018 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Behold the Lamb of God! | John 1:29 | 2015-01-18 | Rev. Stephen 't Hart |
Being Made Whole through the One who was Pierced | Zech 12:10-13:1 | 2016 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Christ calls the religious person to saving faith in him | John 3:9-15 | 2016 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Christ carried my curse to the cross | LD 15 | 2010-02-07 | Rev. Stephen 't Hart |
Christ causes division -- even amongst Gods covenant people | John 7:40-44 | 2019 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Christ is Everything | LD 6 | 2018 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Christ is our righteousness | LD 23 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
Christ Jesus is the only Mediator to whom we must look | LD 6 and 1 Timothy 2:5-6 | 2024 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Christ Our Passover Is Sacrificed for Us | LD 28 1 Corinthians 5.7-8, Exo | 2023-08-20 | Rev. Mark Chen |
Christ our Righteousness | LD 6 | 2011-02 | Rev. Steven Swets |
Christ teaches the vital necessity of new birth for one and all | John 3:1-8 | 2016 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Christ the King endured the curse of sin | Matt 27:27-31 | 2010-04-02 | Rev. Stephen 't Hart |
Christ was raised on our behalf | LD 17 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
Election: to teach or not to teach, that is the question! | CD 1 Article 14 | 2017 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
For eternal life, believe in the Spirit-filled Son of God who speaks God’s words | John 3:31-36 | 2016 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
God Grants us the Great Escape | LD 5 | 2020 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
God is Our Almighty and Exclusive Saviour | LD 11 | 2016 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
God Points us from Death to Life | LD 2 | 2005 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
God Raised Him from the Dead | Acts 13:26-43 | 2023 | Rev. Ted Gray |
God redeemed us according to the just prescriptions of His law | LD 5 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
God's blueprint for the Great Exchange | LD 6 | 2012-03-04 | Rev. Stephen 't Hart |
God's choosing can't be cancelled | CD 1 Article 11 | 2017 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
God's justice and mercy revealed at the cross | CD 2 1-4 | 2018 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Heirs of Everlasting Life | LD 23 Romans 4:18-5:11; Q&A 59 | 2014 | Rev. Ted Gray |
How Did We Get This Way? | LD 3 | 2012-07-01 | Pastor Keith Davis |
How True and False Salvation Are Revealed | LD 32 Hebrews 6.4-12, Luke 8.0 | 2021 | Rev. Mark Chen |
How you honour Jesus shows the true difference between the church and the world | John 4:43-45 | 2017 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
I believe in Jesus the only Saviour | LD 11 | 2011 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
In Christ we have an Anchor for the Soul | Heb 6:19 | 2019 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
In our death and what follows, Jesus is a complete Saviour | LD 22 | 2020 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
In seeking to kill Moses, the Lord teaches Moses his need for God's redemption | Exo 4:24b | 2000-10-08 | Rev. C. Bouwman |
Introducing the world-changing Servant of the LORD | Isa 49:1-13 | 2022 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Jesus Christ is our Resurrection and our Life | LD 22 | 2023 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Jesus Christ is the Prophet you must take seriously | John 7:14-24 | 2018 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Jesus engages objections to his claim to be the heavenly bread | John 6:41-51 | 2018 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Jesus has Prepared a Place for us in the House of His Father | John 14:2b | 2010-05-16 | Rev. C. Bouwman |
Jesus is our Exodus | Matt 2:15 | 2003 | Rev. Todd Bordow |
Jesus says, I am the light of the world | John 8:12-20 | 2019 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Jesus teaches you to pursue the imperishable food he gives | John 6:22-29 | 2018 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Justification offers up a wealth of gospel benefits | LD 23 | 2017 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Knowing the Father and the Son is eternal life | John 17:3 | 2009 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Like Abraham, those who believe are counted righteous before God | Rom 4:23-25 | 2016 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Miriam's Victory Song | Exo 15:20-21 | 2016 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
No Condemnation | Rom 8:1 | 2001-11-01 | Pastor Dale VanDyke |
Once dead, now alive | Eph 2:1-10 | 2000-10-08 | Rev. George van Popta |
Only One Escape from Hell | Matt 13:47-58 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
Our God is Not a Good Salesman (But He is a Great Saviour) | LD 24 | | Rev. Jeremy Segstro |
Our Invisible God | Est 4:1-17 | 2003 | Rev. Todd Bordow |
Our Only Comfort | LD 1 | 2005-04-24 | Pastor Keith Davis |
Our redemption reveals a great and praiseworthy God | LD 5 | 2024 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Our sovereign God graciously gives the elect salvation in the death of Christ | CD 2 Articles 8-9 | 2018 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Redeeming a Dead and Dark World | Matt 5:13-16 | 2004-04-04 | Pastor Keith Davis |
Regeneration is a miraculous and mysterious work of the Sovereign God | CD 3/4 Articles 12-13 | 2018 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Right with God | LD 23 Q&A 60, 61; Eph. 2:1-10 | 2014 | Rev. Ted Gray |
Salvation Comes from Yahweh | Jonah 1:16-2:10 | 2005 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Since self-deception is so easy, listen to the One who knows reality | John 7:25-31 | 2019 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
So great a fall -- so great a salvation! | CD 3/4 Articles 1-3 | 2018 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Still having one Son, his Beloved, He sent Him... | Mark 12:1-12 | 2017 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Strive to Enter in at the Strait Gate | Luke 13:22-30 | | Phil Hodson |
Take the ultimate paternity test | John 8:39-47 | 2019 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The Author of Our Salvation | Heb 2:10-13 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Author of Salvation Perfected Through Suffering | Heb 2:10-18 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Beginning and End of your Misery | LD 3 | 2005 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
The biblical gospel of justification | LD 23 | 2019 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The Day that Everything Changed | LD 16 | 2018 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
The Glorious News of Salvation | Isa 53 | | Rev. Kent Compton |
The glory of God's grace in Christ | Eph 1:3 - 6 | | Rev. Mendel Retief |
The good news is so good because the bad news is so bad | Rom 1:16-20 | 2019 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The gospel promises that Jesus is my only and complete Saviour | LD 11 | 2021 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The gospel promises that speak of a blessed ever after through Christ | LD 22 | 2019 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The gospel promises victory in the resurrection of Christ | LD 17 | 2023 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The Greatest News | John 20:1-31 | 2023 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Holy Spirit works through the means of grace | LD 25 | 2019 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
The Indispensable Christ | Eph 1:3-14 | 2018 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
The Mighty Saving Works of God's Gentle Servant | Isa 42:1-12 | 2022 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
The most honoured of men, if he has not Christ, shall perish. | Psa 49:20 | 1997-09-07 | Rev. C. Bouwman |
The Most Important Equation | LD 33 Q& A 88-90; Eph. 4:17-32 | 2014 | Rev. Ted Gray |
The Old, Old Story | 2 Kgs 6:24 - 7:20 | 2020 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
The Only Possible Deliverer | LD 5 | 2012 | Rev. Steven Swets |
The Power of Righteousness | Rom 8:1-2 | 2001-11-01 | Pastor Dale VanDyke |
The Saving Confession: Jesus is Lord! | LD 13 | 2016 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
The Stone the Builders Rejected | Matt 21:33-46 | 2005-06-12 | Pastor Keith Davis |
The Unclean are Made Clean through God’s Mercy | Lev 14:1-20 | 2017 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
The Unlikely Saviour | Judg 3:7-11 | 2019 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
The Way of Escape | LD 5 | 2011 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Through Samson’s Death, God Delivers His people | Judg 16:23-31 | 2021 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
To be saved, get in the Ark! | Gen 7:11-16 | 2023 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Total Depravity | LD 3 | 2006-10-08 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Tremble before the greatness of God | LD 4 | 2005 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Trust in Immanuel, 'God with Us' | Isa 7:10-17 | 2022 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
Unless you believe in Jesus, you will die in your sins | John 8:21-30 | 2019 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
We confess our great need for propitiation (Australian version) | LD 5 | 2020 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
We confess our great need for propitiation (Canadian version) | LD 5 | 2013 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
What is the basis of God's election? | CD 1 Articles 9-10 | 2017 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
What the Bible teaches about freedom and personal responsibility | CD 3/4 Article 16 | 2018 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
What the gospel promises us in the title Christ | LD 12 | 2021 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
What to do to inherit eternal life | Mark 10:17-22 | 2010 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
Who Can Stand in the Presence of This Holy God? | 2 Sam 6:1-23 | | Rev. Ted Gray |
Why the Good News is So Good | Eph 3:1-13 | 2018 | Dr. Reuben Bredenhof |
With faith behold your Saviour at his preliminary hearing | John 18:12-14 | 2024 | Dr. Wes Bredenhof |
You can't claim credit for what you didn't do | CD 3/4 art 14-15 | 2021-10-24 | Rev. Stephen 't Hart |
Your Salvation is Completely in God's Hands | Deut 9:1-6 | | Rev. Jeremy Segstro |