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2540 sermons as of January 13, 2025.
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Author: Rev. George van Popta
Congregation: Jubilee Canadian Reformed Church
  Ottawa, Ontario
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George Van Popta is Minister Emeritus of Jubilee Canadian Reformed Church in Ottawa, Ontario, where he served for the second time. He has also served congregations in Taber, Alberta and Ancaster, Ontario.

Sermon podcast:

The First WeddingGen 2:18-252000-01-09Marriage
Where are you?Gen 3:92000-01-30Living in a sinful world
Shiphrah and PuahExo 12009-05-14 6th Commandment (Murder)
The BlessingNum 6:22-272002-12-31Administering God's Blessing
All of lifeDeut 6:4-92003-09-21Our Calling
ThanksgivingPsa 652010-10-10Thankfulness
Living like a kingPsa 1011999-05-02Purity
Desolation...ConsolationPsa 102:23-282003-12-31Desolation/Despair
Step up, young man!Psa 119:9-162003-06-22Purity
The OutsiderPsa 1202010-06-27Living in a sinful world
The Traveller's SongPsa 1212010-07-04God's Covenant faithfulness
Young People! Remember Your Creator!Ecc 11:7 - 12:82014-06-15Enjoying Life
The Messiah: Shoot, Branch, and RootIsa 11:12006-12-25The Incarnation
A Great LeaderZech 10:42008-01-06Life in Christ
Righteous TamarMatt 1:3a2002-11-24God's faithfulness
Believing RahabMatt 1:5a2002-12-01Rahab
Faithful RuthMatt 1:5b2002-12-08Ruth
Bathsheba: Mother Of KingsMatt 1:6b2002-12-22Bathsheba
Mary, The Mother Of Our LordMatt 1:162002-12-25Mary
The Greatness of ServanthoodMatt 20:25-282003-06-01Servanthood
The parable of the defiant tenants.Mark 12:1-122002-03-03Defiant Tenants
A PlaceLuke 2:7b2003-12-25Unclassified
A war of wordsLuke 22:31-32a2002-02-24Spiritual Warfare
The Lord's Last SermonLuke 23:27-312009-04-05Christ's Suffering
The Lord's Prayer on the CrossLuke 23:34a2003-04-18Unclassified
The Light of the WorldJohn 8:122003-10-19Unclassified
The Spirit's WorkJohn 16:5-152003-06-08The work of The Holy Spirit
Understanding faithJohn 20:6-92003-04-20Revelation of the Gospel
The Promised GiftActs 1:1-8 The work of The Holy Spirit
BaptismActs 2:37-392012-06-03Baptism
Look!Acts 7:562014-05-25Christ's gathering work
The Sovereign Holy SpiritActs 8;4-252012-06-24The work of The Holy Spirit
LydiaActs 16:14b2003-12-14Lydia
Thorns in the flesh2 Cor 12:7-102003-04-06Unclassified
Once dead, now aliveEph 2:1-102000-10-08Our Salvation
Knowing ChristPhil 3:7-112002-12-29Unclassified
Traditions2 The 2:151999-10-31Maintaining the Antithesis
D.V.James 4:13-172003-03-23God's Will
Grace and Peace for Pilgrims1 Pet 1:1,22007-01-07Lord's Supper
A new birth unto salvation1 Pet 1:3-52007-02-04Life in Christ
Suffering and Glory1 Pet 5:10,112003-05-04Adversity
Comfort for God's PeopleLD 1 2010-09-26Comfort in a World of Pain
Belong, to whom?LD 1 2002-12-01Life in Christ
The Problem of SinLD 2 2010-10-10Forgiveness of Sins
Cod Liver OilLD 3 2010-10-17The work of The Holy Spirit
The One and Only Safe PlaceLD 4 2000-02-20God's Justice
The only escapeLD 5 2013-10-20God The Son
What does the Bible say?LD 6 2003-01-05Unclassified
FaithLD 7 2003-01-12Faith
Three QuestionsLD 8 2003-01-19Unclassified
Galaxies and SandwichesLD 9 1998-11-29God and our Creation
The LORD Governs AllLD 10 2003-02-02Unclassified
The Name of JesusLD 11 2012God The Son
FoundlingsLD 13 2003-03-02God The Son
The IncarnationLD 14 2021-07-15God The Son
Corruption and InnocenceLD 14 2003-03-09Unclassified
AtonementLD 15 2003-03-23Forgiveness of Sins
The Death of ChristLD 16 2003-04-06Unclassified
Christ the KingLD 19 2003-05-18God The Son
The sin unto deathLD 20 2003-06-08Unclassified
Saints and SinnersLD 21 2003-06-15Unclassified
Life with Christ after deathLD 22 2003-06-22Unclassified
Right with GodLD 23 2003-06-29Unclassified
The law, grace, faith and good worksLD 24 2003-07-06Good Works
Word, water, bread and wineLD 25 2003-07-13Unclassified
The One SacrificeLD 28 2003-08-03Lord's Supper
CommunionLD 28 2002-04-14Lord's Supper
The KeysLD 31 2003-09-14God The Son
Delivered Unto ThankfulnessLD 32 2003-09-21God The Son
Transcendence and ImmanenceLD 35 2003-10-19 2nd Commandment (No images)
The NameLD 36 2003-11-09 3rd Commandment (God's name)
Fulfil your vowsLD 37 2003-11-23Keeping Vows
Gospel RestLD 38 2003-11-30 4th Commandment (Resting)
True FreedomLD 39 2018-02-25Obedience
Honour mom and dadLD 39 2003-12-07 5th Commandment (Obedience)
Pro-Life -- The Sixth CommandmentLD 40 2001-01-28 6th Commandment (Murder)
ModestyLD 41 2009-03-29Life in Christ
Firstborn Children of the FatherLD 46 2006-12-17Prayer
Prayer for the KingdomLD 48 2006-12-31Christ's Kingship
About love, power and credentialsBC 26 2003-05-29God The Son

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