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2540 sermons as of January 13, 2025.
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A Child is GivenRuth 4 Rev. Todd Bordow
A Last Message, A Last Miracle2 Kgs 13:14-212020Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
A Powerful Message for God's PeopleIsa 57:19b-212006Dr. Wes Bredenhof
At Mt. Sinai, the LORD brings His people into His presence to establish the covenant with themExo 192008-11-09Rev. Joe Poppe
Celebrating the Lord's SupperLD 28  Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Christ is the fulfilment of the covenant promiseJohn 1:14-18 Rev. Mendel Retief
Claiming Your Inheritance by FaithJosh 17:3-42017Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
Ezekiel shows the Exiles that their God is JealousEzek 4,52011-04-03Rev. C. Bouwman
From Emptiness to FulnessRuth 1 Rev. Todd Bordow
God faithfully gives Daniel and his friends what they need for life in exileDan 12010Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God returns to His peopleZech 1:32010-11-07Rev. Stephen 't Hart
God's covenant is foreverGen 17:72016--9-11Rev. Stephen 't Hart
God's covenant is not just with Abram but also with his descendantsGen 17:72016-09-04Rev. Stephen 't Hart
God's covenant promises include possession of the landGen 17:82016-10-02Rev. Stephen 't Hart
God's Covenant with Abraham extended to his householdGen 17:10-132016-09-18Rev. Stephen 't Hart
God's covenant with nature is a great encouragement in an uncertain worldGen 9:8-172023Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God's extravagant goodness is shown in BoazRuth 2:4-162013Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God's foundation stands fast2 Tim 2:19 Dr. Wes Bredenhof
God's Gracious Provision for Debt2 Kgs 4:1-7 Rev. Ted Gray
God's Promise for Covenant ChildrenLD 27 2017Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
God’s Thoughts toward UsJer 29:112021Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
Happy are those who fear the LORDPsa 34:15-22 Rev. Mendel Retief
Here's proof that God's promises are trustworthy - Ancient prophecies are fulfilled1 Pet 1:10-12 Rev. Arthur Van Delden
I Am Your HusbandHosea 2:14-202016Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
In Life's Tough Questions God sends His People back to ScriptureIsa 8:20a2011-01-16Rev. C. Bouwman
In wrath God remembers mercyGen 6:9-222023Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Inscribed in God's BookMal 3:16-182016Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
Naomi's SchemeRuth 3 Rev. Todd Bordow
On The Mount Of The Lord It Will Be Provided1 Chr 21:1-22:12019Rev. Sjirk Bajema
Optimism in Life's ValleysLD 1 2009-09-20Rev. C. Bouwman
Our God's rich covenant promises2 Sam 7:8-172024Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Our Heavenly Father's Great LoveLD 46 1 John 3.1 -32024-02-18Rev. Mark Chen
Our help is from the LORDPsa 121 Rev. Mendel Retief
Pulled Back from the Brink!BC 17 2008-02-24Rev. Sjirk Bajema
Ruth and Her RedeemerRuth 2 Rev. Todd Bordow
The Celebration Esther Was In, We Are, Too!Est 9:20-10:32003-03-16Rev. Sjirk Bajema
The Certainty of God's Promises Fulfilled in ChristJer 33:14-26 Rev. Ted Gray
The Covenant of WorksGen 2:14-17 Rev. Todd Bordow
The Eternal Guarantee of Our Faithful God2 Cor 1:18-24 Rev. Ted Gray
The Fall of Man and His Expulsion from ParadiseBC 14 Genesis 3.1-242024-07-21Rev. Mark Chen
The kingdom is for childrenMark 10:13-162004-02-29Rev. Klaas Jonker
The LORD confirms His oath to Abram by way of a covenantGen 15:7-212016-08-07Rev. Stephen 't Hart
The Lord gives the Immanuel sign to confront unbelief and hypocrisyIsa 7:142019Dr. Wes Bredenhof
The LORD remains faithfulExo 3:14, 15 Rev. Mendel Retief
The Lord upholds His covenant in His judgment of Solomon1 Kgs 11:11-132010-10Rev. Jack Moesker
The Plan Esther Was In, We Are, Too!Est 2:1-232002-09-15Rev. Sjirk Bajema
The Promises of the New CovenantHeb 7:26-8:13 Rev. Ted Gray
The Sadducees challenge Christ on the resurrection of the deadMark 12:18-272011Dr. Wes Bredenhof
The Traveller's SongPsa 1212010-07-04Rev. George van Popta
The Veil Removed in Christ2 Cor 3:6-182018Rev. Ted Gray
The Victory Esther Was In, We Are, Too!Est 9:1-192003-03-09Rev. Sjirk Bajema
Three Kings and God's Prophet2 Kgs 3:1-27 Rev. Ted Gray
Yahweh grants redemption, restoration, and nourishmentRuth 42014Dr. Wes Bredenhof
You Are His -- His Deliverance Proves It!Num 28:16-252006-07-16Rev. Sjirk Bajema
You can always trust God to remember and keep his promisesGen 8:1-192023Dr. Wes Bredenhof

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