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2514 sermons as of October 27, 2024.
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Amalekites and Israelites: Judgment and GraceEst 9:1-17 Rev. Ted Gray
As a Sinner, I Am Miserable When God Is FairLD 4 Psalm 5:1-12, Romans 2:02021Rev. Mark Chen
Blessed Are They Who Mourn for They Shall Be ComfortedJoel 1.13-202023-04-23Rev. Mark Chen
God Upholds His Perfect Holiness at All CostsLev 10:1-202017Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
God's Perfect JusticeLD 4 2011-01Rev. Steven Swets
God's Spirit is Powerful to Revive God's PeopleJoel 2.28–322023-05-21Rev. Mark Chen
Habakkuk 3: Woe to Sinners!Hab 2:6-20 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
Hear and Give Ear for the Day of the Lord Is NearJoel 1.1-152023-04-02Rev. Mark Chen
Is there injustice on God's part?LD 4 2019Dr. Wes Bredenhof
King Jesus’ Destruction and Redemption Give Us HopeJoel 3.1-212023-06-25Rev. Mark Chen
Love compels us to tell the truth about God's justiceLD 4 2009Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Mercy and Truth have Met Together!LD 4 2020Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
Our Confession of God's JusticeLD 4 2008Dr. Wes Bredenhof
Our Day in CourtLD 23 2017Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
Praise for the Justice and Mercy of God1 Sam 21:1-9; 22:6-23; Psalm2012Rev. Ted Gray
Repent to Escape the Day of Dense Darkness and Heavy SmokeJoel 2.1-272023-05-07Rev. Mark Chen
Sinners tremble before the greatness of GodLD 4 2021Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
Take courage because God will bring justice through his Anointed2 Kgs 9:1-132024Dr. Wes Bredenhof
The Difficult Doctrine of ReprobationCD 1 Articles 15-162017Dr. Wes Bredenhof
The Greatest Sermon Ever Written: The JudgementRom 2:1-11 Rev. Jeremy Segstro
The Innocent One was Found GuiltyLD 15 2018Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
The LORD confirms His rejection of Saul in the house of a witch1 Sam 28:15-192011-08-07Rev. Stephen 't Hart
The LORD of All NationsJer 18:1-232015Rev. Ted Gray
The One and Only Safe PlaceLD 4 2000-02-20Rev. George van Popta
The One who Brought the Messianic Age is also its JudgeJohn 2:12-222010-01-17Rev. C. Bouwman
The Perfect Marriage of Justice and MercyLD 4 2016Dr. Reuben Bredenhof
The Word is Truth (Part 3) You Can't Fool God1 Kgs 22.29-402023-11-05Pastor Keith Davis
The Word of the Lord Fulfilled2 Kgs 9:1-37 Rev. Ted Gray
The Writing on the WallDan 5:1-312016Rev. Ted Gray
Waiting for the Perfect and Poetic Justice of GodEst 7:1-10 Rev. Ted Gray
Whitewashed TombsMatt 23:1-39 Rev. Ted Gray
Wickedness Before the FloodGen 6:1-42015Rev. Steven Swets

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